As long as you still post quite a bit of updates here to let us know about the progress I'm good with this
Don't worry, the Vine updates are just for times when I can't immediately upload the files. For instance, at school, if I make a big development, I go to Vine, then remind myself to update on Omnimaga at the end of the day.
Oooh I love how it looks so far and the swinging axe parsers in the game came out pretty nicely. Good job and glad to see you coding again (I was getting worried 2048 was your final game since you only did Code Golf contest now )
I was getting worried, too. Maybe I might do Amazing Thief...MAYBE.
As you know Flappy Bird has died down. But the creator hasn't, as evident by Swing Copters' recent release. I want to make a port to the calculator, but don't know how to make the swinging hammer-like things. I'm going to try bitmaps of each swing frame and displaying them. Problem is, I have no idea how the swinging should look. Can anyone make some (at least) 16*16 sprites of the swinging hammers? (If you wanna know what they look like in-game, a simple Google search is enough.)
Indeed. I am really curious about how this language will look like. Just make sure it's not overly cryptic like Antidisassemblage on the 84+. Ironically, that language was meant to bridge the gap between TI-BASIC and Z80 ASM, yet it required learning ASM in order to even understand why Squirrelbox works in certain ways, which defeated the entire point.
The only invented languages I know of that were successful are Axe and Nspire C++. I hope this will add another one to the list.
Nice to see two games I've worked on make the list (not sure why there isn't any Flappy clone on here though... I mean, there's Swing Copters, right? ) . I'll try some of these when I can.
And wow, I didn't know Worms was finished and Deep Thought actually has a new project
Say someone (I'm looking at you, harold ) wanted to make a Befunge program for a Code Golf competition that printed a number. In Befunge, arithmetic works in a form of RPN. For example, 34+ pushes a 3, pushes a 4, then adds (in essence, push 7). But to push numbers greater than 9, calculations must be done on numbers less than or equal to 9. For example, 99*76*+ pushes 123.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a program that displays an optimal expression for pushing a number (minimum 0, maximum 999,999) onto the Befunge stack using only the numbers, addition (+), and multiplication (*). I shall give test cases when available, but keep in mind, there is more than one solution for any number above 9.
Deadline October 12, 2014, 1:00 AM EST
If any further clarification is needed, contact me. I'll try to push you to figure it out.
10/7/2014 7:53:28 AM
Spoiler For Spoiler:
using System;namespace B{class P{static void Main(string[]args){int l=int.Parse(args[0])+1,i=0,j,k,x;string[]n=new string[l];for (;i<10;i++)n=""+i;for(;i<l;i++){x=99;for(j=2;j<i;j++){if(i%j==0){k=n[j].Length+n[i/j].Length+1;if(k<x){x=k;n=n[j]+n[i/j]+"*";}}}for(j=1;j<i;j++){k=n[j].Length+n[i-j].Length+1;if(k<x){x=k;n=n[j]+n[i-j]+"+";}}}Console.WriteLine(n[l-1]);}}}
10/7/2014 8:21:25 AM
Spoiler For Spoiler:
#include <string> using namespace std; #define Z(p,q){k=n[j].length()+n.length()+1;if(k<x){x=k;n=n[j]+n+#q;}} #define X(f);for(j=f;j<i;j++) int main(int c,char**v){int l=atoi(v[1])+1,i=0,j,k,x;string *n=new string[1<<20];for(;i<10;i++)n=to_string((_Longlong)i);for(;i<l;i++){x=99;n=""X(2)if(i%j==0)Z(/,*)X(1)Z(-,+);}puts(n[l-1].c_str());}
Okay then, my SysRPL, Java and C entries are done. My fourth question was actually meant in a different way ("thirty-one" is 10 chars, but all the examples look like we shall count the 9 letters only), but your answer reminded me that the dash can be replaced by a space, simplifying my programs a little. Thanks for that. By the way: "forty" or "fourty"? I hope the latter is acceptable (despite my spell-checker complaining about it ... English is not my first language) because the former would break my concept of reusing the same lookup table for 13-19 and 2x-9x, and "forteen" looks just wrong.
seven hundred three thousand four hundred fifty is 41 fourty-one is 9 nine is 4 four is magicThe aspects I'm not sure about are these: - Do I need a period at the end? (2-6 additional bytes, depending on language, so not too bad) - Is the correct number written out in letters, or should I mangle the other one instead, or both? - Do I need an upper-case letter at the start of each line? (That would be a pain to do!) - The spaces and dashes should not be counted, right?
1. No. 2. Do either, both, or none. I don't care, but to qualify for the -70% bonus, at least one of the numbers must be converted to a word. 3. No. 4. "forty-one", to me, is the same as "forty one". Dashes or spaces, it doesn't matter.
Be fast, though! You only have until the end of the day!
Yeah that's the movie I am talking about. The issue about The Wizard is that it took me until 2011 or so until I finally realize what it really is, even though I watched it in the early 90's. The French title is "The Awesome Kid" so when I tried to search Google about the movie this I would type similar queries in vain and I even thought the movie was exclusively available in French because the English title was completely different. Kinda like the Naked Gun series which is called "The Agent Does the Prank" in French. >.<
Nonetheless the movie was kinda fun but it might have been because it involved playing video games.
Or what about "Life, Love, and Cows"? You see that one?
I couldn't really fathom a Tetris movie unless it were based on something biographical, like people competing to set the high score. Kind of like what they did with Billy Mitchell.
Do you mean the movie with the kid that wins a SMB3 tournament?
I would like to congratulate you for keeping a contest alive for this long (11 contests in such short period of time even though you are not a staff member). I know on IRC you said there weren't many entries for this one but the thing is that normally mini-contests die after 3 or 4 of them because the novelty wears off after a while (and in this case, school started). In fact, some recent contests like the revival of cage matches and the music contest never actually got any entry, if they even started at all. So good job. Some future suggestions to perhaps bring people back if they stopped participating:
-Put the contest theme inside the title (for example: Code Golf Contest #12: ThemeName) -Perhaps do a small change of direction in terms of theme. Keep the same idea but explore themes that were not explored before -Make the deadline 2 weeks for each contest if the regulars look busy -Make sure that the rules are well planned for each contest (perhaps have somebody review them before the contest starts?) so that there are as few rule edits in the middle of the contest as possible and less loopholes. For example, for the olympic ring contest, the easiest way to win was to use HP PPL language.
Thank you for your kind remarks. I will try to use your suggestions.
In related news, the deadline of this contest is moved to October 5, and new contests will now be on Saturdays instead of Mondays.
As for new contests, here are the ones that are most likely to happen up until #15 (if I can squeeze another month or two out of this thing) (these are only ideas, not giving away every detail yet): #12: Befunge Numbers (make optimal expressions in RPN that evaluate to input) #13: A Picture's Worth 140 Characters (give a way to compress and decompress images into a 140 character or less string) #14: Getting Out What You Don't Put In (output every character your program DOESN'T have, and nothing else) #15: History Repeats Itself (make a program that, when repeated, outputs two different specified strings)
If you have any questions about these questions, contact me. I can try to clarify most of the details for you.