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Messages - JWinslow23
« on: July 20, 2015, 07:33:24 pm »
Bump. This should be the finished product right here! I implemented saving games, as well as restarting your current level and restarting your entire game. There's also a logo for DoorsCS7! Source code for the curious masochist: :"Bejeweled 84+ :"000007E01DB82A5477EE742EE3C797E977EE3BDC1BD80DB005A0024001800000 G-T Full ClrDraw AxesOff ZStandard 104→Xmax ⁻72→Ymin ZInteger For(A,0,74 If A<11 Text(51,A+15,sub("?Y°﹢.﹢°Y? ",A+1,1 If A<21 Text(46,A+10,sub("?Y'([i]ÎQJ'['JQÎ[i]('Y? ",A+1,1 If A<25 Text(41,A+8,sub("﹢[s]!!]:XX.χ[i][i][i]χ.XX:]!![s]﹢ ",A+1,1 If A<22 Text(36,A+8,sub(" .Jí[e]í[e]|u([s]:[s](|u[e]í[e]íJ. ",A+1,1 Text(5,A+11,sub("[[JJ[i]Q' 'QplotsquareJJJJ JJJplotsquareQ' 'QplotsquareJJJJ YQplotsquare('(plotsquareQY 'QplotsquareJJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJJ [[JJplotsquareQ' ",A+1,1 Text(0,A+11,sub("[[]]X[( |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[. .[[ |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[??Y[|u ",A+1,1 End {11,21,36,56,71,77 For(A,1,6 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+4,0 End {31,42,51,62 For(A,1,4 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+1,0 End 14 Line(2,⁻Ans,36,⁻Ans Line(Ans,⁻30,24,⁻30 {2,Ans,26 For(A,1,3 Line(Ans(A),⁻22,Ans(A)+10,⁻22 End 12 Line(Ans,⁻2Ans,Ans,⁻28 Line(26,⁻2Ans,26,⁻28 ⁻16 Line(0,Ans,0,⁻20 Line(38,Ans,38,⁻20 Line(⁻Ans,⁻12,19,⁻13 13 Line(22,⁻12,19,⁻Ans Line(40,⁻Ans,40,⁻61 {1,15,1,21,37,21,Ans,23,Ans,29,25,29,15,Ans,23,Ans For(A,1,8 Pt-On(Ans(2A-1),⁻Ans(2A End ⁻12 Line(41,Ans,92,Ans Line(41,Ymin,92,Ymin Line(42,Ans,42,Ymin Line(92,Ans,92,Ymin "[[i][[[(ẋXẋ(+([(+(X]X(°û[Q°J|u[|uJ(X[i][(→Str1 SetUpEditor BJWL If 4=dim(ʟBJWL Then ʟBJWL(1→V ʟBJWL(2→P ʟBJWL(3→F ʟBJWL(4→E Else DelVar FDelVar PDelVar V30→E 4→dim(ʟBJWL E→ʟBJWL(4 End 7^cumSum(binomcdf(7,0→L₃ StorePic 2 Lbl A RecallPic 2 Text(15,2,P+F Pt-On(37,⁻15 Text(23,14,V Pt-On(25,⁻23 Line(41,⁻62,41,⁻62+min(49,49F/E Text(25,49,"Generating Text(31,44,"board…please Text(37,48,"be patient… DelVar [A]{8,8→dim([A] List►matr(10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃))),[A] Repeat [A]=[B] [A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁→L₁ For(B,1,6max(Ans If L₁(B Then Repeat Ans≠[A](B+1,A 10^randInt(1,7→[A](B,A End End End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End End For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6A,38+6B+C,sub(sub(Str1,5log([A](A,B))-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End Line(92,⁻12,92,Ymin End End DelVar LDelVar SDelVar T1→Z 1→θ 1→W Repeat F≥E or L=15 and F<E or sum(K={22,23,45 Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ getKey→K If Ans Then Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ,0 Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ,0 Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 End If Ans=23 DelVar FDelVar PDelVar V30→E If K=22 DelVar F If K=21 Then If S and T and (Z=S or θ=T) and 2>abs(Z-S)+abs(θ-T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S DelVar GDelVar NA→[A](θ,Z Repeat not(M DelVar M[A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁→L₁ For(B,1,6max(Ans If L₁(B Then 3^M+2N+2+F→F Line(41,⁻62,41,⁻62+min(49,49Ans/E If P+Ans≥ᴇ9 ᴇ9-1-P→F Text(15,2,P+Ans Pt-On(37,⁻15 N+not(M→N M+1→M For(C,0,2 {B+C,A If X {A,B+C Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)," 0→[B](Ans(1),Ans(2 End End End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End If M Then 1→W [B]→[A] If not(G Then For(X,0,1 {T,S If X {θ,Z Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)," StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 If [A](Ans(1),Ans(2 Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)+C,sub(sub(Str1,5log([A](Ans(1),Ans(2)))-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End 1→G End For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ If not(min(L₁ Then DelVar DDelVar L₂8→dim(L₂ 8→C For(B,1,8 L₁(9-B If Ans Then Ans→L₂(C C-1→C End If not(L₁(B B→D End List►matr(L₂+10^(1+iPart(7fPart(randL₃)))not(L₂),[B] rowSwap(augment([A],[B])ᵀ,A,9)ᵀ→[A] {8,8→dim([A] For(B,D,1,⁻1 Text(7+6B,38+6A," StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6B,38+6A+C,sub(sub(Str1,5log([A](B,A))-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End End End Else If not(N Then [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S A→[A](θ,Z End End End DelVar SDelVar T Else If S and T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T End Z→S θ→T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻7-6Ans Pt-On(43+6S,⁻7-6Ans Pt-On(37+6S,⁻13-6Ans Pt-On(43+6S,⁻13-6Ans End End Z+(K=26 and Z<-(K=24 and Z>1→Z θ+(K=34 and θ<-(K=25 and θ>1→θ If W and F<E DelVar I1→L If L and L<16 Then Matr►list([A],1,L₂ For(A,2,8 L₂→L₁ Matr►list([A],A,L₂ .1(L₁+L₂)(L₁≠L₂ {0,0,sum(Ans,1,3),sum(Ans,2,4),sum(Ans,3,5),sum(Ans,4,6),sum(Ans,5,7),sum(Ans,6,8 If .3≤max(max(fPart(Ans/L₁),fPart(Ans/L₂))) or max(.3010299957=abs(DeltaList(log(abs(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁ Then 15→L 8→A End L+1→L End If L=16 and I or L≠16 [A]ᵀ→[A] L≠16→I End not(L→W If L=15 and F<E Then ClrDraw RecallPic 2 Text(15,2,P+F Pt-On(37,⁻15 Text(23,14,V Pt-On(25,⁻23 For(X,0,1 Text(⁻1,21,X+47,"NO MORE Text(⁻1,29,X+53,"MOVES If not(X StorePic 1 End RecallPic 1 Text(37,49,"Press ENTER Pause DelVar FDelVar PDelVar V30→E End End ClrDraw If F≥E Then min(999,V+1→V min(15015,E+15→E P+F→P DelVar F End If K=22 DelVar F If K≠45 Goto A {V,P,F,E→ʟBJWL ClrHome Disp "Bejeweled 84+","","Game saved. Download coming soon!
« on: July 19, 2015, 08:52:53 pm »
Bump. This is almost a full game now! I just need to optimize some stuff (maybe) and add game saving. Any testers of this new game are welcome. I tried a bold font on the Game Over (or, more correctly, "NO MORE MOVES") screen (but it's not in the screenie), hope it looks cool. Source code for the curious absolutely insane: G-T Full ClrDraw AxesOff ZStandard 104→Xmax ⁻72→Ymin ZInteger For(A,0,74 If A<11 Text(51,A+15,sub("?Y°﹢.﹢°Y? ",A+1,1 If A<21 Text(46,A+10,sub("?Y'([i]ÎQJ'['JQÎ[i]('Y? ",A+1,1 If A<25 Text(41,A+8,sub("﹢[s]!!]:XX.χ[i][i][i]χ.XX:]!![s]﹢ ",A+1,1 If A<22 Text(36,A+8,sub(" .Jí[e]í[e]|u([s]:[s](|u[e]í[e]íJ. ",A+1,1 Text(5,A+11,sub("[[JJ[i]Q' 'QplotsquareJJJJ JJJplotsquareQ' 'QplotsquareJJJJ YQplotsquare('(plotsquareQY 'QplotsquareJJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJJ [[JJplotsquareQ' ",A+1,1 Text(0,A+11,sub("[[]]X[( |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[. .[[ |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[??Y[|u ",A+1,1 End {11,21,36,56,71,77 For(A,1,6 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+4,0 End {31,42,51,62 For(A,1,4 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+1,0 End 14 Line(2,⁻Ans,36,⁻Ans Line(Ans,⁻30,24,⁻30 {2,Ans,26 For(A,1,3 Line(Ans(A),⁻22,Ans(A)+10,⁻22 End 12 Line(Ans,⁻2Ans,Ans,⁻28 Line(26,⁻2Ans,26,⁻28 ⁻16 Line(0,Ans,0,⁻20 Line(38,Ans,38,⁻20 Line(⁻Ans,⁻12,19,⁻13 13 Line(22,⁻12,19,⁻Ans Line(40,⁻Ans,40,⁻61 {1,15,1,21,37,21,Ans,23,Ans,29,25,29,15,Ans,23,Ans For(A,1,8 Pt-On(Ans(2A-1),⁻Ans(2A End ⁻12 Line(41,Ans,92,Ans Line(41,Ymin,92,Ymin Line(42,Ans,42,Ymin Line(92,Ans,92,Ymin "[[i][[[(ẋXẋ(+([(+(X]X(°û[Q°J|u[|uJ(X[i][(→Str1 DelVar PDelVar V30→E StorePic 2 Lbl A DelVar FRecallPic 2 Text(15,2,P Pt-On(37,⁻15 Text(23,14,V Pt-On(25,⁻23 Text(25,49,"Generating Text(31,44,"board…please Text(37,48,"be patient… DelVar [A]{8,8→dim([A] For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 randInt(1,7→[A](A,B End End Repeat [A]=[B] [A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁³→L₁ For(B,1,6max(Ans If L₁(B Then Repeat Ans≠[A](B+1,A randInt(1,7→[A](B,A End End End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End End For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6A,38+6B+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](A,B)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End Line(92,⁻12,92,Ymin End End DelVar SDelVar T1→Z Ans→θ DelVar L₁→W Repeat K=45 or F≥E or L=15 and F<E Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ getKey→K If Ans Then Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ,0 Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ,0 Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 End If Ans=21 Then If S and T and (Z=S or θ=T) and 2>abs(Z-S)+abs(θ-T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S DelVar GDelVar NA→[A](θ,Z Repeat not(M DelVar M[A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁³→L₁ For(B,1,6max(L₁ If L₁(B Then P+(3^M+2N+2→P Text(15,2,P Pt-On(37,⁻15 F+(3^M+2N+2→F Line(41,⁻62,41,⁻62+min(49,49F/E N+not(M→N M+1→M For(C,0,2 {B+C,A If X {A,B+C Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)," 0→[B](Ans(1),Ans(2 End End End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End If M Then 1→W [B]→[A] If not(G Then For(X,0,1 {T,S If X {θ,Z Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)," StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 If [A](Ans(1),Ans(2 Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](Ans(1),Ans(2))-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End 1→G End For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ DelVar O1→D Repeat 8=sum(L₁=L₂ L₁→L₂ 9→B Repeat B<3 or not(L₁(B B-1→B End If not(L₁(B Then max(B,D→D For(C,B,2,⁻1 L₁(C-1→L₁(C End 0→L₁(1 End End For(B,1,D If not(L₁(B Then 1→O randInt(1,7→L₁(B End End If O Then List►matr(L₁,[B] rowSwap(augment([A],[B])ᵀ,A,9)ᵀ→[A] {8,8→dim([A] For(B,D,1,⁻1 Text(7+6B,38+6A," StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6B,38+6A+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](B,A)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End End End Else If not(N Then [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S A→[A](θ,Z End End End DelVar SDelVar T Else If S and T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T End Z→S θ→T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-On(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-On(43+6S,⁻13-6T End End Z+(K=26 and Z<8)-(K=24 and Z>1→Z θ+(K=34 and θ<8)-(K=25 and θ>1→θ If W and F<E DelVar I1→L If L and L<16 Then Matr►list([A],1,L₂ For(A,2,8 L₂→L₁ Matr►list([A],A,L₂ .1(10^L₁+10^L₂)(L₁≠L₂ {0,0,sum(Ans,1,3),sum(Ans,2,4),sum(Ans,3,5),sum(Ans,4,6),sum(Ans,5,7),sum(Ans,6,8 If .3≤max(max(fPart(Ans10^⁻L₁),fPart(Ans10^⁻L₂))) or max(.3010299957=abs(DeltaList(log(abs(DeltaList(DeltaList(10^L₁ Then 16→L 8→A Else L+1→L End End If L=16 and I or L≠16 [A]ᵀ→[A] L≠16→I End not(L→W If L=15 and F<E Then ClrDraw RecallPic 2 Text(15,2,P Pt-On(37,⁻15 Text(23,14,V Pt-On(25,⁻23 For(X,0,1 Text(⁻1,21,X+47,"NO MORE Text(⁻1,29,X+53,"MOVES If not(X StorePic 1 End RecallPic 1 Text(37,49,"Press ENTER Pause DelVar PDelVar V30→E End End ClrDraw V+(F≥E→V E+15(F≥E→E If K≠45 Goto A Download here. Tell me what you think, and please notify me of any bugs, glitches, or feature suggestions!
« on: July 18, 2015, 03:03:54 pm »
Well, according to the OP that should be my turn, right?
You have a point. Go right ahead.
« on: July 18, 2015, 02:50:17 pm »
That sounds fun. So who's doing it Monday?
...I guess I will?
« on: July 18, 2015, 02:25:00 pm »
And mine has to do with the SNES port of Family Feud.
More on that Monday.
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:08:08 am »
Actualy @JWinslow23 agreed to sub, so you won't have to host this week.
Well, Juju can do his if he wants. Just to fit the order and stuff. But I have one ready, and am ready if he can't or doesn't want to.
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:53:57 pm »
Bump. Newer code STILL! After 3 days of work, it is now possible to actually match gems, and play like a regular Bejeweled game! Levels and points will come later Source code for the curious (I myself think it's messy, but it works! and well at that!): G-T Full ClrDraw AxesOff ZStandard 104→Xmax ⁻72→Ymin ZInteger For(A,0,74 If A<11 Text(57,A+15,sub("?Y°﹢.﹢°Y? ",A+1,1 If A<21 Text(52,A+10,sub("?Y'([i]ÎQJ'['JQÎ[i]('Y? ",A+1,1 If A<25 Text(47,A+8,sub("﹢[s]!!]:XX.χ[i][i][i]χ.XX:]!![s]﹢ ",A+1,1 If A<28 Text(42,A+8,sub(" .Jẋûí[e]|u([s]:[s](|u[e]í[e]íJ. ?? ",A+1,1 If A<41 Then Text(37,A,sub("''? Y'°°Y]|uQYYY? Y'°°°^Y'°°'Y1|uQYYY? ",A+1,1 Text(32,A,sub(" plotsquare[[2JQ!Jplotsquare[e]plotsquareJ[e]plotsquareplotsquare[e]plotsquareJ plotsquare['??YÎJplotsquare[e]plotsquareplotsquare [e]plotsquareplotsquareûplotsquare2 ",A+1,1 Text(27,A,sub("JJJJJJJ. …. plotsquareí﹢ ",A+1,1 End Text(5,A+11,sub("[[JJ[i]Q' 'QplotsquareJJJJ JJJplotsquareQ' 'QplotsquareJJJJ YQplotsquare('(plotsquareQY 'QplotsquareJJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJJ [[JJplotsquareQ' ",A+1,1 Text(0,A+11,sub("[[]]X[( |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[. .[[ |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[??Y[|u ",A+1,1 End {11,21,36,56,71,77 For(A,1,6 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+4,0 End {31,42,51,62 For(A,1,4 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+1,0 End 14 Line(2,⁻Ans,36,⁻Ans Line(Ans,⁻30,24,⁻30 {2,Ans,26 For(A,1,3 Line(Ans(A),⁻22,Ans(A)+10,⁻22 End 12 Line(Ans,⁻2Ans,Ans,⁻28 Line(26,⁻2Ans,26,⁻28 ⁻16 Line(0,Ans,0,⁻20 Line(38,Ans,38,⁻20 Line(⁻Ans,⁻12,19,⁻13 13 Line(22,⁻12,19,⁻Ans Line(40,⁻Ans,40,⁻61 {1,15,37,15,1,21,37,21,Ans,23,25,23,Ans,29,25,29,15,Ans,23,Ans For(A,1,10 Pt-On(Ans(2A-1),⁻Ans(2A End ⁻12 Line(41,Ans,92,Ans Line(41,Ymin,92,Ymin Line(42,Ans,42,Ymin Line(92,Ans,92,Ymin StorePic 2 Text(25,49,"Generating Text(31,44,"board…please Text(37,48,"be patient… DelVar [A]{8,8→dim([A] For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 randInt(1,7→[A](A,B End End Repeat [A]=[B] [A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁³→L₁ For(B,1,6max(Ans If L₁(B Then Repeat Ans≠[A](B+1,A randInt(1,7→[A](B,A End End End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End End "[[i][[[(ẋXẋ(+([(+(X]X(°û[Q°J|u[|uJ(X[i][(→Str1 For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6A,38+6B+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](A,B)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End Line(92,⁻12,92,Ymin End End DelVar SDelVar T1→Z 1→θ Repeat K=45 Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ getKey→K If K Then Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ,0 Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ,0 Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 End If K=21 Then If S and T and (Z=S or θ=T) and 2>abs(Z-S)+abs(θ-T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S DelVar FDelVar NA→[A](θ,Z Repeat not(M DelVar M[A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁³→L₁ For(B,1,6max(L₁ If L₁(B Then 1→M 1→N For(C,0,2 {B+C,A If X {A,B+C Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)," 0→[B](Ans(1),Ans(2 End End End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End If M Then [B]→[A] If not(F Then For(X,0,1 {T,S If X {θ,Z Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)," StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 If [A](Ans(1),Ans(2 Text(7+6Ans(1),38+6Ans(2)+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](Ans(1),Ans(2))-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End 1→F End For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ DelVar O1→D Repeat 8=sum(L₁=L₂ L₁→L₂ 9→B Repeat B<3 or not(L₁(B B-1→B End If not(L₁(B Then max(B,D→D For(C,B,2,⁻1 L₁(C-1→L₁(C End 0→L₁(1 End End For(B,1,D If not(L₁(B Then 1→O randInt(1,7→L₁(B End End If O Then List►matr(L₁,[B] rowSwap(augment([A],[B])ᵀ,A,9)ᵀ→[A] {8,8→dim([A] For(B,D,1,⁻1 Text(7+6B,38+6A," StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6B,38+6A+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](B,A)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End End End Else If not(N Then [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S A→[A](θ,Z End End End DelVar SDelVar T Else If S and T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T End Z→S θ→T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-On(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-On(43+6S,⁻13-6T End End Z+(K=26 and Z<-(K=24 and Z>1→Z θ+(K=34 and θ<-(K=25 and θ>1→θ End Download attached. Tell me what you think! Also, test this to your heart's content, as this now has the main game mechanics!
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:49:39 pm »
I saw this in the IRC channel. It looks fantastic!, great work so far, and props for it being in pure BASIC.
Thanks! Now the next priority is to check for immediate matches and get rid of them. Yup, saw this in IRC too and I must say, it is looking awesome!
Thank you, too! I only had to make one change to how it looked (because sometimes when gems were on the right edge, they were being drawn improperly, due to Text() only having so much range), but the looks are going as planned thus far. Also, new code and binary! You can now switch gems! Match checking will come later. Press 2nd on a square, and the corners of the selection box will turn black. Press 2nd on that same square to deselect, and an adjacent square to switch them. If you press 2nd on any other square, it deselects the selected square and selects the new one. So, basically like the CSE version Source code for the curious: ClrDraw AxesOff ZStandard 104→Xmax ⁻72→Ymin ZInteger For(A,0,74 If A<11 Text(57,A+15,sub("?Y°﹢.﹢°Y? ",A+1,1 If A<21 Text(52,A+10,sub("?Y'([i]ÎQJ'['JQÎ[i]('Y? ",A+1,1 If A<25 Text(47,A+8,sub("﹢[s]!!]:XX.χ[i][i][i]χ.XX:]!![s]﹢ ",A+1,1 If A<28 Text(42,A+8,sub(" .Jẋûí[e]|u([s]:[s](|u[e]í[e]íJ. ?? ",A+1,1 If A<41 Then Text(37,A,sub("''? Y'°°Y]|uQYYY? Y'°°°^Y'°°'Y1|uQYYY? ",A+1,1 Text(32,A,sub(" plotsquare[[2JQ!Jplotsquare[e]plotsquareJ[e]plotsquareplotsquare[e]plotsquareJ plotsquare['??YÎJplotsquare[e]plotsquareplotsquare [e]plotsquareplotsquareûplotsquare2 ",A+1,1 Text(27,A,sub("JJJJJJJ. …. plotsquareí﹢ ",A+1,1 End Text(5,A+11,sub("[[JJ[i]Q' 'QplotsquareJJJJ JJJplotsquareQ' 'QplotsquareJJJJ YQplotsquare('(plotsquareQY 'QplotsquareJJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJJ [[JJplotsquareQ' ",A+1,1 Text(0,A+11,sub("[[]]X[( |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[. .[[ |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[??Y[|u ",A+1,1 End {11,21,36,56,71,77 For(A,1,6 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+4,0 End {31,42,51,62 For(A,1,4 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+1,0 End ⁻14 Line(2,Ans,36,Ans Line(⁻Ans,2Ans,24,2Ans {2,⁻Ans,26 For(A,1,3 Line(Ans(A),⁻22,Ans(A)+10,⁻22 End 26 Line(12,⁻24,12,⁻Ans Line(Ans,⁻24,Ans,⁻Ans ⁻16 Line(0,Ans,0,⁻20 Line(38,Ans,38,⁻20 Line(⁻Ans,⁻12,19,⁻13 13 Line(22,⁻12,19,⁻Ans Line(40,⁻Ans,40,⁻61 {1,15,37,15,1,21,37,21,Ans,23,25,23,Ans,27,25,27,15,Ans,23,Ans For(A,1,10 Pt-On(Ans(2A-1),⁻Ans(2A End ⁻12 Line(41,Ans,92,Ans Line(41,Ymin,92,Ymin Line(42,Ans,42,Ymin Line(92,Ans,92,Ymin DelVar [A]{8,8→dim([A] For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 randInt(1,7→[A](A,B End End Repeat [A]=[B] [A]→[B] For(X,0,1 For(A,1,8 Matr►list([A],A,L₁ not(DeltaList(DeltaList(L₁³→L₁ For(B,1,6max(Ans If L₁(B Then
Repeat Ans≠[A](B+1,A randInt(1,7→[A](B,A End
End End [A]ᵀ→[A] End End "[[i][[[(ẋXẋ(+([(+(X]X(°û[Q°J|u[|uJ(X[i][(→Str1 For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6A,38+6B+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](A,B)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End Line(92,⁻12,92,Ymin End End
DelVar SDelVar T1→Z 1→θ Repeat K=45 Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ getKey→K If K Then Line(38+6Z,⁻7-6θ,42+6Z,⁻7-6θ,0 Line(38+6Z,⁻13-6θ,42+6Z,⁻13-6θ,0 Line(37+6Z,⁻8-6θ,37+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 Line(43+6Z,⁻8-6θ,43+6Z,⁻12-6θ,0 End If K=21 Then
If S and T and (Z=S or θ=T) and 2>abs(Z-S)+abs(θ-T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T [A](T,S→A [A](θ,Z→[A](T,S A→[A](θ,Z " Text(7+6θ,38+6Z,Ans Text(7+6T,38+6S,Ans StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6θ,38+6Z+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](θ,Z)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6T,38+6S+C,sub(sub(Str1,5[A](T,S)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 0→S 0→T
Else If S and T Then Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-Off(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-Off(43+6S,⁻13-6T End Z→S θ→T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-On(43+6S,⁻7-6T Pt-On(37+6S,⁻13-6T Pt-On(43+6S,⁻13-6T End
End Z+(K=26 and Z<8)-(K=24 and Z>1→Z θ+(K=34 and θ<8)-(K=25 and θ>1→θ
End Download attached. Tell me what you think!
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:43:17 pm »
Introducing, a first look at what I want to make into a full game: Bejeweled 84+! Click on the image to jump to the latest version! As of now, it just loads the graphics, creates a random board with no match checking (yet), and displays that board. If anyone's wondering how I did all that, one word: textsprites.Download attached. Tell me what you think! EDIT: Source code for the curious (processed with TokenIDE): ClrDraw AxesOff ZStandard 104→Xmax ⁻72→Ymin ZInteger For(A,0,74 If A<11 Text(57,A+15,sub("?Y°﹢.﹢°Y? ",A+1,1 If A<21 Text(52,A+10,sub("?Y'([i]ÎQJ'['JQÎ[i]('Y? ",A+1,1 If A<25 Text(47,A+8,sub("﹢[s]!!]:XX.χ[i][i][i]χ.XX:]!![s]﹢ ",A+1,1 If A<28 Text(42,A+8,sub(" .Jẋûí[e]|u([s]:[s](|u[e]í[e]íJ. ?? ",A+1,1 If A<41 Then Text(37,A,sub("''? Y'°°Y]|uQYYY? Y'°°°^Y'°°'Y1|uQYYY? ",A+1,1 Text(32,A,sub(" plotsquare[[2JQ!Jplotsquare[e]plotsquareJ[e]plotsquareplotsquare[e]plotsquareJ plotsquare['??YÎJplotsquare[e]plotsquareplotsquare [e]plotsquareplotsquareûplotsquare2 ",A+1,1 Text(27,A,sub("JJJJJJJ. …. plotsquareí﹢ ",A+1,1 End Text(5,A+11,sub("[[JJ[i]Q' 'QplotsquareJJJJ JJJplotsquareQ' 'QplotsquareJJJJ YQplotsquare('(plotsquareQY 'QplotsquareJJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJ 'QplotsquareJJJJ [[JJplotsquareQ' ",A+1,1 Text(0,A+11,sub("[[]]X[( |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[. .[[ |u[Î]]]? [[ |u[Î]]]? [[??Y[|u ",A+1,1 End {11,21,36,56,71,77 For(A,1,6 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+4,0 End {31,42,51,62 For(A,1,4 Line(Ans(A),0,Ans(A)+1,0 End ⁻14 Line(2,Ans,36,Ans Line(⁻Ans,2Ans,24,2Ans {2,⁻Ans,26 For(A,1,3 Line(Ans(A),⁻22,Ans(A)+10,⁻22 End 26 Line(12,⁻24,12,⁻Ans Line(Ans,⁻24,Ans,⁻Ans ⁻16 Line(0,Ans,0,⁻20 Line(38,Ans,38,⁻20 Line(⁻Ans,⁻12,19,⁻13 13 Line(22,⁻12,19,⁻Ans Line(40,⁻Ans,40,⁻61 {1,15,37,15,1,21,37,21,Ans,23,25,23,Ans,27,25,27,15,Ans,23,Ans For(A,1,10 Pt-On(Ans(2A-1),⁻Ans(2A End ⁻12 Line(41,Ans,92,Ans Line(41,Ymin,92,Ymin Line(42,Ans,42,Ymin Line(92,Ans,92,Ymin DelVar [A]{8,8→dim([A] For(A,1,8 For(B,1,8 randInt(1,7→[A](A,B StorePic 1 For(C,0,7 Text(7+6A,38+6B+C,sub(sub("[[i][[[(ẋXẋ(+([(+(X]X(°û[Q°J|u[|uJ(X[i][(",5[A](A,B)-4,5)+" ",C+1,1 End RecallPic 1 End End Pause
« on: July 09, 2015, 08:04:19 am »
I played the demo, and let me just say, this already seems better than Matref's attempt at a 3D tunnel game I just have to ask, though...sometimes, the boards (you know, the black rectangles) look like they have white Xs on them, but they disappear. Not sure what that's about. One other thing is that, for example, when there's a lot of panels at once coming at you, it's hard to know exactly where they reside spatially. But that's just my opinion. Keep up the great work, I love this game already!
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:15:31 pm »
The contest is over! I hope everybody had fun with this challenge!
« on: July 03, 2015, 04:11:20 pm »
Just a reminder, the contest ends officially at midnight EST tomorrow!
I have a (non-official, non-counted-at-all-but-I'll-still-show-it-at-the-end) entry in Golfscript that measures out to 40 bytes. A challenge for the next day...can YOU do better?
« on: July 01, 2015, 09:30:07 pm »
[5:37:03 PM] JWinslow23 Lemme just say... [5:37:15 PM] JWinslow23 ...I am in complete shock right now. Shocked [5:38:16 PM] * c4ooo wonders why [5:41:00 PM] JWinslow23 A wild CodeGolf Entry appears! [5:41:20 PM] JWinslow23 TI-BASIC Level 43 [5:41:32 PM] JWinslow23 Go! Submission Process! [5:41:38 PM] JWinslow23 *poof* [5:44:24 PM] JWinslow23 Host used Code Gather! [5:44:30 PM] JWinslow23 It's super effective! [5:45:27 PM] JWinslow23 Submitter used Byte Bite! [5:45:32 PM] JWinslow23 It's not very effective... [5:46:34 PM] * New edit by JWinslow23 on Code Golf - The Reboot #5 [5:46:36 PM] JWinslow23 Host used Edit OP! [5:46:45 PM] Juju hm [5:46:55 PM] JWinslow23 Alright! CodeGolf Entry was caught! [5:47:12 PM] JWinslow23 Host gained 1104 EXP. points! [5:47:14 PM] JWinslow23 Tongue [5:47:27 PM] JWinslow23 Put THAT in the funny quotes thread
Dont question me idk what is going on
That was my obfuscated way of saying I got a 43-byte entry to Code Golf #5 in TI-BASIC, was collecting it, and edited the original post to update the table.
« on: July 01, 2015, 12:40:03 pm »
And the minimum (also for determining them in the first place; 1 digit numbers are trivially Keith numbers) is 10. Which is not a Keith number (1+0, 0+1, 1+1, 1+2, 2+3, 3+5, 5+8...).
I meant is there a required point at least through which the program must behave correctly? Does an entry have to work for all inputs up to 100? 1000? 1000000?
The program should work up to 5752090994058710841670361653731519, or the maximum the language allows (e.g. for TI-BASIC, up to 14 digit numbers are perfectly acceptable).
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:59:24 pm »