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Messages - JWinslow23
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« on: May 06, 2015, 08:16:57 pm »
I have new code! With this one, I tested that the maximum amount of digits it can supply on a fully RAM cleared calculator is 377, and this is done so in 3 hours 45 minutes. (don't worry, it doesn't go at the speed of 1.675 minutes per just gets slower with digits calculated, as expected) Download links attached. You will be amazed or else Code is as follows: PICALC.8xp SetUpEditor Q,T,R {1->|LQ {60->|LT 3Ans->|LR ClrHome 377->D "?->Str1 For(J,2,D+1 Output(1,1,Str1 Output(6,1," Output(8,1,J-1 5|LT->L1 prgmAADJUST L1->L2 (27J-12)|LQ+5|LR->L1 prgmAADJUST prgmADIVIDE Str1+sub("0123456789",theta+1,1->Str1 30((5J-2)|LQ-theta|LT+|LR->L1 prgmAADJUST (3J+1)L1->L1 prgmAADJUST (3J+2)L1->L1 prgmAADJUST L1->|LR 10J(2J-1)|LQ->L1 prgmAADJUST L1->|LQ 3(3J+1)|LT->L1 prgmAADJUST (3J+2)L1->L1 prgmAADJUST L1->|LT End AADJUST.8xp DelVar C For([recursiven],1,dim(L1 C+L1([recursiven]->|N int(Ans|E~7->C |N-Ans|E7->L1([recursiven] End If C C->L1([recursiven] dim(L1->dim(L2 Ans->dim(|LQ Ans->dim(|LR Ans->dim(|LT ACOMPARE.8xp 1+dim(L1->A Repeat Ans or A<2 A-1->A (L1(A)>L2(A))-(L1(A)<L2(A End ADIVIDE.8xp DelVar thetaprgmACOMPARE While Ans>=0 Output(6,1," Output(6,1,theta L1-L2->L1 prgmAADJUST theta+1->theta prgmACOMPARE End
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:14:58 pm »
This sound awesome! Would you mind explaining some logic behind it / posting the Haskel program?
All the logic is explained in the paper linked at the top. The program I am referring to is the last program listed in the paper: > piG3 = g(1,180,60,2) where > g(q,r,t,i) = let (u,y)=(3*(3*i+1)*(3*i+2),div(q*(27*i-12)+5*r)(5*t)) > in y : g(10*q*i*(2*i-1),10*u*(q*(5*i-2)+r-y*t),t*u,i+1) I'm not a math wizard or anything , but I think it's based off of this series for pi: And it views that as an infinite composition of linear fractional transforms. The program also has an optimization based off a conjecture that has not yet been fully proven, but it has been verified to hold for calculation of the first 1,000 digits. Hope I helped! Check the paper for more: this guy knows more about the subject than I ever would hope to tell you . Of course, if you don't mind a previous commitment to the number of digits calculated, I have one that fits entirely within the precision of the calculator's numbers... that one fails before the first 0 and I don't know why
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:27:55 pm » vanilla TI-BASIC. To a precision of more than 15 places. Well, with the help of Jeremy Gibbons and myself, now there's hope! EDIT: Now there's MORE hereThis program is as fast as I could make it (though not too fast...this ain't Asm), and I welcome any improvements on size and speed. It uses simulated arbitrary precision arithmetic with lists. I have verified it for 100 digits, and the algorithm itself has been verified for 1,000 digits in Haskell. Download link coming soon attached. Code is as follows: PICALC.8xp {1→ʟQ {180→ʟR {60→ʟT 2→I ClrHome 501→D "CHANGE THE ABOVE NUMBER TO CALCULATE MORE OR LESS DIGITS "?→Str1 For(J,1,D Output(1,1,Str1 Output(8,1,J "ABOVE FOR TESTING 3(3I+1)(3I+2→U 5ʟT→L1 prgmAADJUST L1→L3 5ʟR→L1 prgmAADJUST L1→L2 (27I-12)ʟQ→L1 prgmAADJUST L1+L2→L1 prgmAADJUST L3→L2 prgmADIVIDE θ→Y Str1+sub("0123456789",Y+1,1→Str1 (5I-2)ʟQ→L1 prgmAADJUST L1→L2 YʟT→L1 prgmAADJUST L2-L1+ʟR→L1 prgmAADJUST 10UL1→L1 prgmAADJUST L1→ʟR 10I(2I-1)ʟQ→L1 prgmAADJUST L1→ʟQ UʟT→L1 prgmAADJUST L1→ʟT I+1→I End AADJUST.8xp DelVar BDelVar C1→A Repeat B or A>dim(L1 C+L1(A→L1(A If not(Ans A=dim(L1)+1-sum(int(1/(1+cumSum(abs(seq(L1(Z),Z,dim(L1),1,-1→B int(10^(7)⁻¹Ans→C If 0>L1(A -10^(7)Ans+L1(A→L1(A 10^(7)fPart(10^(7)⁻¹L1(A→L1(A A+1→A If C and Ans>dim(L1 Then 0→L1(A 1+dim(ʟQ→dim(ʟQ Ans→dim(ʟR Ans→dim(ʟT Ans→dim(L2 Ans→dim(L3 End End ACOMPARE.8xp DelVar Gdim(L1→A Repeat G or A<1 (L1(A)>L2(A))-(L1(A)<L2(A→G A-1→A End ADIVIDE.8xp DelVar θprgmACOMPARE While G≥0 Output(6,1," Output(6,1,θ "ABOVE FOR TESTING L1-L2→L1 prgmAADJUST θ+1→θ prgmACOMPARE End
« on: April 01, 2015, 07:35:40 pm »
@JWinslow23 yay you did it done. nice project will save some boring lessons is there a way to die?
Not yet. I'm still wondering if I can at the very LEAST implement office buildings. If I have nothing else, I will have the office buildings.
« on: April 01, 2015, 07:27:58 pm »
@Digital asked me to make a thread about here you go. ENTER to jump, CLEAR to exit. The number up there is for testing, it shows how far along in pixels the current building has moved. Download attached. Tell me what you think!
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:13:30 pm »
I have decided the game is too slow. Removed all delay. Screenie irrelevant. Download here.
« on: March 24, 2015, 06:06:19 pm »
* Fixed saving
THIS is the final version. Probably will never continue this, unless people want more stuff or something :|
Screenie irrelevant, literally all I changed was the save-checking subroutine.
Download attached. Give me some feedback! I should get a real Gamebuino by the end of the month!
« on: March 14, 2015, 02:47:27 pm »
Bump. * Added way to win * Added way to lose * This is pretty much a finished game right now. Todo: * What else do you think I should do, guys? * Wonder what my next project will be... * ...will do serious game making work when I get the thing by the end of the month. Screenshot: .zip attached. Tell me what you think!
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:40:07 pm »
Wow, that looks nice ! I like those pop-ups, they look like mini-achievements
Maybe you can add a timed version where you try to make the highest score ?
Yeah... I literally write gb.popup(F("Message"),time_in_frames); . Although that wouldn't be a bad thing to try to implement on a calc... And actually, a different mode of gameplay like that isn't a bad idea! Once I get finished with everything else, I could do that.
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:28:00 pm »
Guess I'm making a Gamebuino game now My first project is 2048 (took me a while to design the graphics; if it were as big as a TI-84+ screen, I'd have had my graphics already ) Screenie (shows some gimmicky popup messages): Use the arrow keys to move the tiles. Use A to save your current game, B to reset your game, and C to quit to the title screen. B+A (holding B and tapping A) gives you an option to delete your save (non-functional for some reason in the screenie, but works fine in real life ) Todo: * Add way to win * Add way to lose * What else do you think I should do, guys? .zip attached. Includes .ino file (source), .hex file (compiled game), and .gif of gameplay. Tell me what you think!
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:30:38 pm »
Bump. "What took you so long?" Now, now, imaginary angry mob with torches and pitchforks, it's finally here. The final version of my game (unless I get some sort of kick in the pants to actually start to implement golden cookies). I've added some new stuff, such as a way to disable grayscale with ALPHA, a "delete savegame" function with DEL, an alternate click button (use 2nd or ENTER), and some more entertaining news stories. As usual, a screenie: Source files and app attached (RabbitSign said it signed, is it coming out fine on your end?). Uses an axiom (used only for compiling). News: game maker delays game update 1 year; "more like Coder of Sorry, Not Now..." News: obesity epidemic strikes nation; experts blame their own willpower. News: "is the media being run by the cookie industry?" says conspiracy theorist.
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:03:04 pm »
Hey guys. I have REALLY been procrastinating on all things calcs. School stress and holiday celebrations kinda got in the way, as well as my own lack of motivation and focus. I think I added new stuff to the version on my calc since my last release (which wasn't even a release at all), but I don't really feel motivated to add ANYTHING more to this game (besides a way to easily delete your save). So, at this point, I have the final version of the game on my calc right now, and I am the sole owner. As soon as I add a save-delete button (is it OK if there is no confirmation?), I will release it IF IT KILLS ME. Also, if and only if I think there is something that I have the knowledge, time, and patience to add, I will add it. But for all intents and purposes, the next release will be the final release. Thank you for your support.
« on: December 28, 2014, 11:11:24 am »
I just compiled it from source and i've got to say that the first thing i noticed was that you can't use [2nd] to click, you've got to use [Enter] so i changed that in the code. I've also never used Axe before but i assume the size it mentions is the size in bytes of your code, if that's the case you've still got nearly 6,000 bytes left to fill out the app with.
Achievements/upgrades would be really great, but it's already a perfect game for class as you can set it down and let your cookies stock up (though the grayscale's gonna kill your batteries ). The thing i think it's missing most is upgrades, but it's already really great. I'm also impressed by how quickly you got this done! Nice work yet again I hope you don't drop this project just yet, but as always i'm looking forward to seeing your next project
EDIT: As i was typing that i got enough cookies to get a factory
Ah, and to answer your question, it looks like Axe includes RabbitSign, look in the Tools/Application Signer folder.
I can't believe you even found the place in the code where it decides the click button lol I will make 2nd a 2nd click button (no pun intended). I also MIGHT add a button on the calc that disables grayscale. And hopefully I'll do upgrades, but I doubt it. I'm still working on this. Also, thanks! Now I know how to sign apps.
« on: December 25, 2014, 11:05:27 pm »
Maybe it still needs to be signed?
Does Axe do it for you? If it doesn't, how do I sign it?
« on: December 25, 2014, 06:50:18 pm »
You can have like a button to toggle between view modes
I'm not saying I can't do it, I'm just saying I do not now have the immediate space, ROM, or motivation to do anything more.
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