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Topics - Jonius7

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Miscellaneous / jhgenius -> Jonius7 [it's about time i guess]
« on: August 24, 2011, 05:14:35 am »
Hi guys,
Well I have changed my username. Its a dramatic change as it's something different.
jhgenius01 was the original username that i created years and years ago when i thought i was soooooo smart. Not just on Omnimaga but on many other places. I'm not really much of a genius anymore admittedly.
So now I have changed my username to Jonius7. Jonius was a word I made up myself one day and I like the number 7.
I have put my former username in my location on my profile (as i don't have a special status line) as it could get taking used to.
I know that changing my username is like changing my identity here on Omnimaga but I felt that it was necessary as it didn't really suit me anymore.

Yours Sincerely,
jhgenius now Jonius7

PS: I would really like to start creating some games as i've been so dumb asking more questions than answers everywhere.

General Calculator Help / Wabbitemu refusing to open up
« on: August 23, 2011, 06:47:12 am »
Hi everyone. I've been having this problem for months. Suddenly one day when i tried to open wabbitemu up i wait for a long time and nothing happens. I sometimes am able to see the deselection of the windows explorer window for a split second like the focus window has changed. It also however used to run under administrator but was very unstable and crashed when i tried to open an axe file. I have the latest version from Aug 16. I don't know what's happening.

« on: May 25, 2011, 06:24:05 am »
how do you type this on TokenIDE?

Miscellaneous / New Forum 1000th day
« on: May 22, 2011, 08:18:59 pm »
I was viewing some profiles when i discovered this:

Summary - DJ_O    Picture/Text
Name:    DJ_O
Custom Title:
Posts:    27512 (27.512 per day)
Respect:    +904
Position:    LV14 Eater of Ashbads (Next: ----)
Date Registered:    25 August 2008, 15:00:21 pm

congrats DJ_O on your 1000th day at!!! [new forum]

 :) :hyper: :w00t:

Miscellaneous / jhgenius: time for a username change
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:04:59 pm »
Hello everyone! I have an announcement!
I just sent this message to DJ_O a minute ago

Hi DJ_O!
I've come for a request: I guess to change my username.
Don't worry, it's not much of a change, just to change my username from jhgenius01 to jhgenius.
Why? There are quite a lot of reasons actually:
   1. It's more simpler and shorter
   2. I can fit my whole username into EFNet
   3. Many people already call me jhgenius anyway
   4. Well I'm jhgenius on TIMGUL and Cemetech, so why not on Omnimaga?
I guess jhgenius01 is from an old name that I used when I created my hotmail account waaay back in 2004 (hence my email address). Things have changed since then I guess.
In other words this makes everything simpler.


TI Z80 / Doodle God Axe - An attempted Axe Contest Entry
« on: May 19, 2011, 01:32:09 am »
Firstly a question, is it ok to kind of take elements or port a game (eg: flash game) from another platform for the contest? I have an idea for my contest entry that is based on a flash game i found.

TI with theiir recent TI-nspire CX makeover have also given their website a neat makeover by displaying them in nice categories here:
how nice and considerate of them!

However the problems emerged when i went to the ti-nspire section.
Where is the TI-nspire computer link???
Even worse when i went to the computer software section. EVERY single software was there except for ti-nspire computer link

I eventually found it thorugh an obscure link by finding it in google search results:

Another fail by TI

EDIT: I should say that i was helping someone in my maths class upgrade their ti-nspire os when i couldn't find it

After the dramatic events of the past few days, I went to the member list page (Misc -> Member List). And kind of analysed it by sorting it in several ways. I was surprised when i scrolled alphabetically that there were many users with 0 posts. So I pressed sort and what came up was at least 440 members had never posted! (it was all 0s until page 5, then 1s and 2s). This might be ok, but if you consider the trolling events going on and half of our members not even posting (600 had 5 or less posts), kind of questions the quality of our members (may registered this year and 2nd half of last year). Do they program? Do they know about calcs? And for the ones that do post (and are fairly new members), are they posting the stuff that we have seen over the past few months?

Sorry if i am taking this too critically, but this could be a relationship between the trolling and the members or something. Or i could be completely wrong

Miscellaneous / 2011
« on: March 15, 2011, 05:46:45 am »
Oh gosh, 2011 is turning out to be a disastrous year, and it's only March!
First there were the disastrous floods affecting Queensland in Australia (and also the state of Victoria). Brisbane, the capital of Qld was very badly affected, but Gold Coast was Ok, just phenomonal amounts of rain. Also there were the Brazilian floods which only appeared once on the Australian News (Australia's floods appeared 100s of times).

Then Christchurch, that was pretty serious considering there was one last year already. And now Japan! This one has got to be really serious, all the financial markets plummeted over the last few days. Not to mention the tsunami that it caused. And of course the radiation.

Also we must not forget the beginning of the series of revolutions in Africa and the Middle East. Started with Tunisia (ending with the President's resignation on my birthday), then Egypt and the leader Mubarak, (also Jordan was having protests too at the same time), and Libya (Gaddafi). The difference between Egypt and Libya is that Egypt's was mostly peaceful and created an overwhelming sense of euphoria when Mubarak peacefully resigned, while in Libya there is a leader calling his own people enemies and engaging in civil war.

Given that this has only happened in just a few months, the forecast doesn't look good for the rest of 2011!
And we all know of the December 21st 2012 threat, could these events lead to this?

EDIT: 2008, the financial crisis marked only the beginning...

Another EDIT: His own perspective on 2011

Art / Userbar Size - 350x19 or 350x20 pixels
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:56:00 am »
Now i was wondering what userbar size everyone uses. says 350 x 19 which sounds official to me. but uses 350 x 20.
My opinion is with 350 x 19.

General Calculator Help / TI-nspire BASIC - os2.1
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:09:32 am »
Right now i have been using OS2.1 on my nspire. Now that means all the games i produced are only going to work with OS2.1. This is a problem as many people are using OS2.0 and 2.1 is not recommended (except for chinese characters! ;)) So what can i do to convert the files from OS2.1 to OS2.0 so that they work? i haven't actually tried it on os 2.0...

Wait! using nspire_emu 041 i got os2.0 and apparently os2.0 files work with os2.1!!! Yes!!! I didn't know that! cool i can add this to my readme!!!

Web Programming and Design / The Dark Legions Website
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:39:25 pm »
has anyone seen my new website?i mentioned it in another topic but here it is right now:
I shall be getting a new web address soon but you can look at how it is now. im quite proud of it, created it from dreamweaver cs5 from a simple template.

Miscellaneous / phpBB vs SMF - which one?
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:17:14 pm »
not sure which board to put this in, just putting it here, it can be moved.

I am creating a new website and this time i want to go a few steps further than the one i have at
And.... I already have!

I have used dreamweaver cs5 this time instead of using a web editor and managed to get all the ftp hosting settings all right!
I even got a transparent overlay! and a floating sidebar which is still in development!!!

it's not calc related but you can visit it here:
I hope to change the domain name soon but currently the website is in development.

Now, i want a forum and I'm not sure which coding i should use.
phpBB or SMF??? i know Omnimaga uses SMF, and i would like to use it but i would like to have a comparison first before i choose.


TI-Nspire / Monopoly - The Original Game for nspire
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:44:32 pm »
i am currently in development rujnning out of time on these public computers!!! but back with an update later!

Miscellaneous / jhgenius01 returns... on his 16th
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:57:30 pm »
hi everyone, i officially turn 16 today and  i finally have an opportunity to  return to the computer to post a few posts! i am making good progress on at least 3 different programs for the ti-nspiore too bad i can't upload them to show you. but it's happy birthday for me!

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