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Messages - JosJuice

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 98
Casio Calculators / Re: Casio Prizm - Kind of hiring patient person
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:06:15 am »
It was actually pretty simple... I wrote a GML program :P

Code: [Select]
var file1,file2,temp;
while (!file_text_eof(file1)) {
while (!file_text_eof(file1)) {
temp = file_text_read_string(file1);
stuff.txt is Goplat's list, with the first and last lines removed.

Casio Calculators / Re: Casio Prizm - Kind of hiring patient person
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:17:38 am »
Code: [Select]
equates = ['Enii','9ndd','Dndd','6nm3','2nm0','2nm1','2nm2','6nm0','6nm1','6nm2','2nm4','2nm5','2nm6','6nm4','6nm5','6nm6','80nd','81nd','1nmd','84md','85md','5nmd','0nm4','0nm5','0nm6','0nmC','0nmD','0nmE','C0dd','C1dd','C2dd','C4dd','C5dd','C6dd','C7dd','0n29','0n83','6nm8','6nm9','2nmD','3nmC','7nii','3nmE','3nmF','88ii','3nm0','3nm2','3nm3','3nm6','3nm7','4n11','4n15','2nmC','3nm4','2nm7','001A','3nmD','3nm5','4n10','6nmE','6nmF','6nmC','6nmD','0nmF','4nmF','0nm7','2nmF','2nmE','6nmB','6nmA','3nm8','3nmA','3nmB','2nm9','C9ii','CDii','6nm7','2nmB','CBii','CFii','4nm8','2nm8','C8ii','CCii','2nmA','CAii','CEii','4n04','4n05','4n24','4n25','4nmC','4n20','4n21','4nmD','4n00','4n01','4n08','4n09','4n18','4n19','4n28','4n29','8Bdd','8Fdd','89dd','8Ddd','Addd','0n03','Bddd','0n03','4n2B','4n0B','000B','0028','0048','0008','4m0E','4m1E','4m2E','4M3E','4m4E','4m8E','4m9E','4mAE','4mBE','4mCE','4mDE','4mEE','4mFE','4m07','4m17','4m27','4m37','4m47','4m87','4m97','4mA7','4mB7','4mC7','4mD7','4mE7','4mF7','4m0A','4m1A','4m2A','4m06','4m16','4m26','0038','0009','0n83','002B','0058','0018','001B','0n02','0n12','0n22','0n32','0n42','0n82','0n92','0nA2','0nB2','0nC2','0nD2','0nE2','0nF2','4n03','4n13','4n23','4n33','4n43','4n83','4n93','4nA3','4nB3','4nC3','4nD3','4nE3','4nF3','0n0A','0n1A','0n2A','4n02','4n12','4n22','C3ii']I might not be able to finish the other half in a while.
Code: [Select]
prizmInstructions = ['Mov #imm, Rn','Mov.W @(disp*2+PC),Rn','MOV.L @(disp*4+PC),Rn','Mov Rm, Rn','MOV.B Rm,@Rn','Mov.W Rm,@Rn','Mov.L Rm,@Rn','Mov.B @Rm,Rn','Mov.W @Rm,Rn','Mov.L @Rm,Rn','MOV.B Rm,@-Rn','MOV.W Rm,@-Rn','MOV.L Rm,@-Rn','MOV.B @Rm+,Rn','MOV.W @Rm+,Rn','MOV.L @Rm+,Rn','MOV.B R0,@(disp+Rn)','MOV.W R0,@(disp*2+Rn)','MOV.L Rm,@(disp*4+Rn)','MOV.B @(disp+Rm),R0','MOV.W @(disp*2+Rm),R0','MOV.L @(disp*4+Rm),Rn','MOV.B Rm,@(R0+Rn)','MOV.W Rm,@(R0+Rn)','MOV.L Rm,@(R0+Rn)','MOV.B @(R0+Rm),Rn','MOV.W @(R0+Rm),Rn','MOV.L @(R0+Rm),Rn','MOV.B R0,@(disp+GBR)','MOV.W R0,@(disp*2+GBR)','MOV.L R0,@(disp*4+GBR)','MOV.B @(disp+GBR),R0','MOV.W @(disp*2+GBR),R0','MOV.W @(disp*4+GBR),R0','MOVA @(disp*4+PC),R0','MOVT Rn','PREF @Rn','SWAP.B Rm,Rn','SWAP.W Rm,Rn','XTRCT Rm,Rn','ADD Rm,Rn','ADD #imm,Rn','ADDC Rm,Rn','ADDV Rm,Rn','CMP/EQ #imm,R0','CMP/EQ Rn,Rm','CMP/HS Rm,Rn','CMP/GE Rm,Rn','CMP/HI Rm,Rn','CMP/GT Rm,Rn','CMP/PZ Rn','CMP/PL Rn','CMP/STR Rm,Rn','DIV1 Rm,Rn','DIV0S Rm,Rn','DIV0U','DMULS.L Rm,Rn','DMULU.L Rm,Rn','DT Rn','EXTS.B Rm,Rn','EXTS.W Rm,Rn','EXTU.B Rm,Rn','EXTU.W Rm,Rn','MAC.L @Rm+,@Rn+','MAC.W @Rm+,@Rn+','MUL.L Rm,Rn','MULS.W Rm,Rn','MULU.W Rm,Rn','NEG Rm,Rn','NEGC Rm,Rn','SUB Rm,Rn','SUBC Rm,Rn','SUBV Rm,Rn','AND Rm,Rn','AND #imm,R0','AND.B #imm,@(R0+GBR)','NOT Rm,Rn','OR Rm,Rn','OR #imm,R0','OR.B #imm,@(R0+GBR)','TAS.B @Rn','TST Rm,Rn','TST #imm,R0','TST.B #imm,@(R0+GBR)','XOR Rm,Rn','XOR #imm,R0','XOR.B #imm,@(R0+GBR)','ROTL Rn','ROTR Rn','ROTCL Rn','ROTCR Rn','SHAD Rm,Rn','SHAL Rn','SHAR Rn','SHLD Rm,Rn','SHLL Rn','SHLR Rn','SHLL2 Rn','SHLR2 Rn','SHLL8 Rn','SHLR8 Rn','SHLR8 Rn','SHLR16 Rn','BF label','BF/S label','BT label','BT/S label','BRA label','BRAF Rn','BSR label','BSRF Rn','JMP @Rn','JSR @Rn','RTS','CLRMAC','CLRS','CLRT','LDC Rm,SR','LDC Rm,GBR','LDC Rm,VBR','LDC Rm,SSR','LDC Rm,SPC','LDC Rm,R0_BANK','LDC Rm,R1_BANK','LDC Rm,R2_BANK','LDC Rm,R3_BANK','LDC Rm,R4_BANK','LDC Rm,R5_BANK','LDC Rm,R6_BANK','LDC Rm,R7_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,SR','LDC.L @Rm+,GBR','LDC.L @Rm+,VBR','LDC.L @Rm+,SSR','LDC.L @Rm+,SPC','LDC.L @Rm+,R0_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R1_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R2_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R3_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R4_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R5_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R6_BANK','LDC.L @Rm+,R7_BANK','LDS Rm,MACH','LDS Rm,MACL','LDS Rm,PR','LDS.L @Rm+,MACH','LDS.L @Rm+,MACL','LDS.L @Rm+,PR','LDTLB','NOP','PREF @Rn','RTE','SETS','SETT','SLEEP','STC SR,Rn','STC GBR,Rn','STC VBR,Rn','STC SSR,Rn','STC SPC,Rn','STC R0_BANK,Rn','STC R1_BANK,Rn','STC R2_BANK,Rn','STC R3_BANK,Rn','STC R4_BANK,Rn','STC R5_BANK,Rn','STC R6_BANK,Rn','STC R7_BANK,Rn','STC.L SR,@-Rn','STC.L GBR,@-Rn','STC.L VBR,@-Rn','STC.L SSR,@-Rn','STC.L SPC,@-Rn','STC.L R0_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R1_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R2_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R3_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R4_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R5_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R6_BANK,@-Rn','STC.L R7_BANK,@-Rn','STS MACH,Rn','STS MACL,Rn','STS PR,Rn','STS.L MACH,@-Rn','STS.L MACL,@-Rn','STS.L PR,@-Rn','TRAPA #imm']Is this good?

News / Re: WFRNGOS to fix TI-Connect issues?
« on: January 16, 2011, 02:10:10 am »
But WFRNG OS did actually solve my TI Connect problems D:

It's just very useless, because you need to have a working TI Connect in order to send it. You'll also need to send your normal OS back afterwards... When you do that, TI Connect returns to its glitchier state.

Casio Calculators / Re: Casio Prizm - Kind of hiring patient person
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:57:40 pm »
I might do this... tomorrow. :P
Sorry, but I really have to sleep right now. If no one else wants do do this, I'll start at around 9 AM GMT or something.

Axe / Re: Little Bit of Help Please
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:51:12 pm »
You are indeed posting in the correct place, but it's hard to help you if we don't get more information - right now, we only know that your program is failing, but we can't figure out why if we don't know what your code is doing. Could you post the source code?

EDIT: ninja'd again D:
At least our two posts were a bit different...

Other Calculators / Re: T3 teachers stupidity, ignorance & hypocrisy!
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:00:23 pm »
Haha, silly teachers also claim mp is awsome and DCS and any lower OS and such will make you have to buy a new calc.
Hmm, I wonder how all the calcs out there survived when only the older OSes existed, then... :P

Other Calculators / Re: T3 teachers stupidity, ignorance & hypocrisy!
« on: January 15, 2011, 02:11:27 pm »
btw, I lurve how the tinspire google group says that asm has no value whatsoever and that it is a useless language
Lol. Maybe we should reveal to them that their precious OS is made in ASM. As are most of their programs. Lol.

Holy necropost, Batman! O.O
Actually, I think DJ bumped it when moving it. :P

Miscellaneous / Re: Sniper 101... SCAMMED?
« on: January 15, 2011, 09:16:53 am »

Official Contest / Re: [BULLETIN] Cage Matches
« on: January 15, 2011, 02:22:12 am »
well, isn't it? :P " and , are 1 byte tokens, and I think Disp might be two, so it would be the same, size wise, but it might be faster. I dunno. I was only joking about a joke anyways :P
Disp is one-byte, so there's no size difference at all. However, you can replace the second Disp with Pause if you want to. It will increase functionality and shell compatibility without making the program larger.

Casio Calculators / Re: Help with SH3 disassembler
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:58:19 pm »
I would like to help too, but I'm not sure of how much I can contribute with (I've told Qwerty a bit about what it I can do with PC programming in the IRC earlier). Even if I might not be able to complete everything by myself, I would still like to try.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:56:08 pm »
...does it happen to remind you of the 8 bit version of -1? :D
no. OS 2.55MP. ;D

Axe / Re: How do I use calcnet for Axe?
« on: January 14, 2011, 02:36:46 pm »
4] Is there a way to use Calcnet without having to require/bundle DoorsCS 7.1 with each program?

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Trio and Niko: Falling
« on: January 14, 2011, 02:11:12 pm »
The mx yuo can ever get is 255 MP, and It would take many hours of level grinding
Hmm, 255 MP reminds me of something... :P

News / Re: WFRNGOS to fix TI-Connect issues?
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:19:33 pm »
The WFRNG OS fix is actually pretty pointless, because TI Connect needs to be working in order to send WFRNG OS :P
And the effect seems to wear off as soon as the next transfer finishes or stops...

News / Re: WFRNGOS to fix TI-Connect issues?
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:11:17 pm »
Is this fake or this real? Eitherway, go WFRNG!
It's real, actually.

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