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Topics - Keoni29

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Gaming Discussion / Repro (s)nes game boxes
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:19:33 am »
aeTIos found this awesome website that has a lot of video game box scans that you can print and assemble yourself. I made this super metroid box using glossy photo paper. The paper is not as sturdy as real snes boxes, but it looks awesome!

Music Showcase / Castlevania-style music
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:14:19 pm »

I have been listening to a lot of this kind of music lately, so I tried to make my own piece in this style. I hope you like it.

Other / PC casemod - Vintage Floppydrive
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:09:57 pm »
View the original post here:

I bought some thin client pc's a while ago. They're full fledged x86 pc's that can be used as small dos or linux boxes.
The reason why I built is to run 64hdd which is essentially a 1541 emulator. You can stuff the harddisk/cf card with games and load them on your Commodore 64. Before I had this I used a large bulky pc that made a lot of noise. This thing is silent because it is cooled passively.

There is plenty of room in this enclosure for harddrives and that kind of stuff.

TI Z80 / Lockout - Space robot puzzle
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:40:12 am »

The space robot puzzle
From the maker of the award winning game Tipover

Download v0.2

Screenshots v0.1:

Navigate your tiny spaceship to the launch platform in the center using your thrusters. Your assist bots will stop you from drifting into outer space.
You can control your spaceship as well as the assist bots.
The edge of the screen is outer space. Floating away is not an option!
When you select an object the possible moves are indicated with arrows.

D-padMove cursor
2nd+D-padMove object under cursor.
clearRestart stage in case you get stuck
+Next stage
-Previous stage
Quit/ModeStop playing

Release notes v0.2:
  • All 40 stages are added in the game!
  • 26 out of 40 stages included. The remaining stages will be added soon.
  • fancy title screen
  • no bugs found while playtesting (please report if you find any)

Other / Thinclients - Tiny x86 computers
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:24:50 pm »

I recently picked up two thinclients to mess around with. I installed freedos on one of them and it works quite nicely. I installed drivers so I can go online with it. These things can run small linux distro's even with gui. These older thinclients can be bought for a very low price second hand. The older ones have many useful interfaces for hardware hackers such as rs232 serial and printer ports!

This is one of the thinclients I got. The other one is missing the case. I will post a pic of it in a bit.

These things are designed to be low power, so don't expect amazing performance from these.

Specs of the Netvoyager Thin Client LX-1020 :
Cpu: 533MHz x86
Ram: 128MB (can be expanded to 512MB using regular laptop ram)
Harddisk: 128MB compact flash card (I think it will take larger cards too, but this came with it. Dos takes just 6MB, so it's fine)
Has an IDE interface, but did not come with a harddisk.
Max resolution : 1600 x 1200 x 32 - bit colour
Interfaces: 4xUSB, 10/100M ethernet, printer/parallel, rs232 serial
Soundcard and built in speakers
Power :
12V 3.5A (label)
Off : 9W Running : 23W
Dimensions H x W x D (mm) : 173 x 237 x 37

It is expandable with laptop card thingies (no idea what the interface is called)

Music Showcase / C64 music made using Cybertracker
« on: July 17, 2014, 10:40:09 am »
Made this thing yesterday. I accidentally formatted the floppy it was on, but luckily I had a backup of this song. The other songs are gone, but I don't really care. The other music wasn't too impressive. I am really proud of this one though:
Enjoy :thumbsup:

Made on a real commodore64, but recorded on an emulator for sound quality's sake.

Web Programming and Design / Calculator applet from url
« on: July 11, 2014, 03:21:14 pm »
Inspired by haroldbot, regular expressions and javascript applets for converting hex to decimal I introduce: Calculator applet generator.

I have not coded it up but this is what is might look like.
Example: Relative jump calculator applet:
Code: [Select]
1x(0..65535)  "Jump From:",
2x(0..65535)  "To:",
0x(-127..128) "Offset:"
:$2 - $1 [ ! - 2]

This describes the following applet:

Jump From:
[Hexadecimal input] (range 16 bits)
[Hexadecimal input] (range 16 bits)
Enable -2? [Yes]

[Hexadecimal output] (range 8 bits signed)

The url to this applet would look like this:'1x(0..65535)  "Jump From:",2x(0..65535)  "To:",0x(-127..128) "Offset:" :$2 - $1 [ ! - 2]'

What do you think?

Web Programming and Design / js - Relative Jump Calculator
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:06:37 am »

It does exactely what you think it'd do. Enter the start and end address and it calculates the offset for you. It takes the 2 byte offset in account required for most branch instructions (eg. z80 or 6502 branch instructions)

Web Programming and Design / HTML5 Server Temperature Graph
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:40:41 am »
I wrote a script that logs the cpu temperature of my server. This is a frontend for it written in javascript. It uses the html5 canvas tag.

Dark theme(default):

Light theme:

+ Awesome solarized color palettes.
+ Graph zooms in on data.
+ Graph division scales to y-axis range.
+ Lines indicating normal and critical temperature (not seen in these images. My server is stable at the moment)

Web Programming and Design / Blog Redesign - 8times8
« on: June 28, 2014, 05:34:16 pm »
Blog Redesign - 8times8
Wordpress has been giving me problems lately, so I decided to make a new blog from scratch. I will move some of the old articles to this new blog.

Edit: Changed port in url. Was 81 before.
Link is clicky:

Version 0.1 (dev)

TI Z80 / screenfetch for calculators
« on: June 26, 2014, 08:16:41 pm »
Proof of concept:

Web Programming and Design / Real-time preview html editor
« on: June 24, 2014, 03:23:23 pm »
I am looking for a free html editor with a real-time preview window.  I'd prefer a linux version, but I could run the editor in wine.

Other / eZ8OS - An operating system for eZ8 microcontrollers
« on: June 17, 2014, 07:39:02 pm »

I guess you could state that this project forked from the z80-like portable computer.

Github repository:

This operating system consists of a kernel with a shell slapped on top and some built-in applications. There is no scripting language available for it yet. Willrandship was looking into creating a forth-type interpreted language.

Music Showcase / new NES music
« on: June 01, 2014, 01:21:21 pm »
I tracked some new tunes this weekend. I was at a demoparty and the chiptune music there inspired me to make these. It was great fun and I met Utz there.

Have a listen:

I used Famitracker.

Gaming Discussion / Portable NES inside a dvd player
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:11:44 am »

I bought this portable dvd player at a flea market a month ago. Today I finally took it apart, ripped out the dvd drive and stuffed an NES clone in it. It has a large battery at the bottom, but I am not sure how long it will last. My guess is: long enough to watch a movie, so definitely long enough to play some games!

View the full article at:

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