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Messages - Ki1o
« on: June 29, 2022, 09:39:10 pm »
Hey there! Welcome! Always happy to see more Axe programmers! I'm not as proficient as Zeda or E37 but I'm also around! If you want any tips I am happy to help as well.
« on: February 22, 2022, 04:46:01 pm »
@E37 Thanks for the compliment on my formatting and thanks for the reply as usual. I've been trying to track down the problem by commenting out the actual Connect() lines and dumping out what values I was getting for my PathFrom/PathTo and Corridor values. Honestly after hours of checking and changing a few things around and checking again, I never was able to find out what the problem was. Eventually I was just drawing the corridors to the map to see where they were in relation to the rooms and I saw that if the corridor was right next to a room, then that would result in a negative value in the Connect() function and definitely cause a crash. But I couldn't properly debug what those values were because something somewhere was getting corrupted and spitting out garbage values. Because of this, I decided to simply scrap how I was doing room connections and try again from scratch. Which now leads me to a completely different problem that I also don't know how fix let alone what it causing this. Right now I am starting from the beginning and I am trying to test each value before I move on, but I encountered this: For(I,0,7) If ({°RegionArray+I}=1) If I^3<2 {°RoomArray+I}->Room {°RoomY+Room}+1+(rand^({°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room}-{°RoomY+Room}+1))->{°CorridorArray+I} End End End So what this is saying is that if the room at the current index exists, then generate choose a value between the top of the room+1 and the bottom of the room-1. This is just the first step so we can start connecting rooms. I'm storing those values to an array so I can dump then to the screen. The problem is that If ({°RegionArray+I}=1) seems to be ignored for the 0th room and is producing wrong values for the others. In the screenshot what is shown are the (X,Y) then Width and Height, the value of RegionArray at their index, and finally the value being generated in the above snippet. Rooms without a height or width but have and X and Y are dummy rooms. I'm planning to use those later, so you can ignore those. The first room on this seed is a dummy room. The value of RegionArray+0 is clearly 0, yet there is still a value at CorridorArray+0. What is going on here? I really need all the help I can get at this point because this really shouldn't be an issue yet it is.
« on: February 17, 2022, 07:57:52 pm »
A few more months, a bit more progress. Once again I'd like to say thanks for all the help and suggestions. With that being said, I've run into another issue and this time I'm not even sure what the cause is.
So here is the problem: I have successfully written an algorithm to generate 4-6 non-intersecting rooms and I'm attempting to connect them. I wrote some code that is supposed to accomplish this task, but it seems to only work once. As in, any attempts to execute this task consecutively in any manner promptly results in a RAM clear. Here is the code in question that I am using to connect rooms:
Data(31,31,3,31,31,3,1,1)->°RegionCheck Lbl ConnectRooms For(I,0,7) If {°RegionArray+I} {°RegionCheck+I}^10->AdjacentRoom If {°RegionArray+I+AdjacentRoom} GetAdjRoom() °RoomArray+(I*4)->Room ConnectTo(AdjacentRoom) End If {°RegionCheck+I}/10->AdjacentRoom GetAdjRoom() °RoomArray+(I*4)->Room ConnectTo(AdjacentRoom) End End End Return Lbl GetAdjRoom °RoomArray+(I+AdjacentRoom*4)->Room {°RoomX+Room}->AdjacentRoomX {°RoomY+Room}->AdjacentRoomY {°RoomWidth+Room}->AdjRoomWidth {°RoomHeight+Room}->AdjRoomHeight Return Lbl ConnectTo .../Args ConnectTo(AdjacentRoom) ... If [r1]=°Below {°RoomX+Room}+1+(Rand()^({°RoomWidth+Room}-2))->PathFromX AdjacentRoomX+1+(Rand()^(AdjRoomWidth-2))->PathToX If PathFromX=PathToX Connect(PathFromX,{°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room},PathToX,AdjacentRoomY-1) Else If AdjacentRoomY-1-{°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room}>4 {°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room}+1+(Rand()^(AdjacentRoomY-({°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room}-1)))->CorridorY Connect(min(PathFromX,PathToX),CorridorY,max(PathToX,PathFromX),CorridorY) Connect(PathFromX,{°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room},PathFromX,CorridorY) Connect(PathToX,CorridorY,PathToX,AdjacentRoomY-1) Else Rand()^1->P If P Connect(PathFromX,{°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room},PathFromX,AdjacentRoomY-1) Else Connect(PathToX,{°RoomY+Room}+{°RoomHeight+Room},PathToX,AdjacentRoomY-1) End End End End If [r1]=°Right {°RoomY+Room}+1+(Rand()^({°RoomHeight+Room}-2))->PathFromY AdjacentRoomY+1+(Rand()^(AdjRoomHeight-2))->PathToY If PathFromY=PathToY Connect({°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room},PathFromY,AdjacentRoomX-1,PathToY) Else If AdjacentRoomX-1-{°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room}>4 {°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room}+1+(Rand()^(AdjacentRoomX-({°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room}-1)))->CorridorX Connect(CorridorX,min(PathFromY,PathToY),CorridorX,max(PathToY,PathFromY)) Connect({°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room},PathFromY,CorridorX,PathFromY) Connect(CorridorX,PathToY,AdjacentRoomX-1,PathToY) Else Rand()^1->P If P Connect({°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room},PathFromY,AdjacentRoomX-1,PathFromY) Else Connect({°RoomX+Room}+{°RoomWidth+Room},PathToY,AdjacentRoomX-1,PathToY) End End End End Return Lbl Connect .../Args Connect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) ... If [r1]=[r3] For(J,0,[r4]-[r2]) 0->{[r2]*°FloorWidth+[r1]+Floor+(J*48)} End End If [r2]=[r4] Fill([r2]*°FloorWidth+[r1]+Floor,[r3]-[r1]+1,0) End Return In addition, any number greater than 2 in place of "I" will also cause a RAM clear. Xeda was helping me over on the Cemetech discord, but frankly we are both lost on what the issue could be. Overview of the current problem: inputting numbers greater than 2 as the offset of the current room causes a RAM clear and executing the code to connect rooms consecutively causes a RAM clear regardless of room "validity". As an example, if I were to change the For loop in ConnectRooms() from For(I,0,7) to For(I,0,1) there is no issue. This is because on the seed I'm using to test, there is no 0th room. So it is skipped and instead connects the 1st room. However it crashes once it hits 2 as the doesn't like being executed consecutively. If I were to generate additional floors of the same seed, the first room that is valid can have its connections made, but no further. I've done a lot of different tests but now I need help. Is there something that I overlooked or am not taking into account? I've attached a screenshot to further illustrate.
« on: December 14, 2021, 11:38:40 pm »
Its been a few months. I've been working on this project on and off and I have come across another issue that I need help with. I'm currently working on the procedural generation and I'm stuck. Currently I'm simply trying to select a starting locations for a set of rooms. The desired behavior I want is this: the first room generated is placed within the bounds of the map and the height and width are chosen so as not to go out of the map bounds. Then the X and Y of the starting location as well as the Xmax and the Ymax of that room is added to an array. Every subsequent starting room location that is generated must be compared to every other room in the array to ensure that the starting location is not going to be inside an already existing room. I've been trying different ways to tackle this problem and I thought I came up with a solution, but after running test after test after, I keep coming across starting locations that fail the check but are still being added to the array as valid rooms. So, once again, I need some help. I wrote a test program that shows the X, Y, Xmax and Ymax of 9 total rooms. Here is the code:
.G L₄+12→→°XMin L₄+14→→°XMax L₄+16→→°YMin L₄+18→→°YMax L₄+20→→°Rooms L₄+22→→°RoomStart L₄+24→→°RoomWidth L₄+26→→°RoomHeight L₄+28→→°RoomX L₄+30→→°RoomY L₄+32→→°NewRoomX L₄+34→→°NewRoomY Fill(L₁,36,0) 0→Rooms→RoomX→RoomY→RoomHeight→RoomWidth→R ClrDraw GenFloor() CheckFloor() Main() Lbl Main While 1 DispGraph Input() EndIf getKey(15) Return Lbl CheckFloor For(R,0,Rooms-1) R+1*4+L₁-4→Z R+1*5-4→Y R+1*4+L₁-4→Z {Z}→XMin {Z+2}→XMax {Z+1}→YMin {Z+3}→YMax DrawText(1,Y,"(") DrawInt(4,Y,{Z}) DrawText(13,Y,",") DrawInt(16,Y,{Z+1}) DrawText(24,Y,")") DrawInt(29,Y,XMin) DrawInt(38,Y,XMax) DrawInt(47,Y,YMin) DrawInt(56,Y,YMax) End Return Lbl GenFloor While Rooms<9 GenRoom() PlaceRoom() 0→R End Return Lbl GenRoom !If Rooms GetRoomStart() While 1 GetRoomSide()→RoomWidth End!If ChkRoomWidth() While 1 GetRoomSide()→RoomHeight End!If ChkRoomHeight() Else GetRoomStart() While R<Rooms-1 R+1*4+L₁-4→Z {Z}→XMin {Z+2}→XMax {Z+1}→YMin {Z+3}→YMax If (RoomX≥XMin and RoomX≤XMax) and (RoomY≥YMin and RoomY≤YMax) 0→R GetRoomStart() End !If (RoomX≥XMin and RoomX≤XMax) and (RoomY≥YMin and RoomY≤YMax) R++ End End While 1 GetRoomSide()→RoomWidth End!If ChkRoomWidth() While 1 GetRoomSide()→RoomHeight End!If ChkRoomHeight() End Return Lbl PlaceRoom If Rooms<9 RoomY+RoomHeight-1→{RoomX+RoomWidth-1→{RoomY→{RoomX→{Rooms+1→Rooms*4+L₁-4}+1}+1}+1} End Return Lbl GetRoomStart 6+(rand^33)→RoomX 4+(rand^37)→RoomY Return Lbl GetRoomSide 4+(rand^9) Return Lbl ChkRoomWidth (RoomX+RoomWidth-1>41) Return Lbl ChkRoomHeight (RoomY+RoomHeight-1>43) Return Lbl DrawText For(I,0,length(r₃)-1) Copy({r₃+I}-32*4+°CharSprites,L₄+50,4) Fill(L₄+54,4,0) DrawChar() End Return Lbl DrawInt r₃/10+16→{L₅} r₃^10+16→{L₅+1} For(I,0,1) Copy({L₅+I}*4+°CharSprites,L₄+50,4) Fill(L₄+54,4,0) DrawChar() End Return Lbl DrawChar Pt-On(r₁+(I*((I>0)*4)),r₂,L₄+50) Return Lbl Input If getKey(9) ClrDraw 0→Rooms GenFloor() CheckFloor() End Return []→°CharSprites [0000000080800080] [A0A00000A0E0E0A0] [60C060C0A060C0A0] [40A060E040400000] [4080804040202040] [A040A0000040E040] [000040800000E000] [0000008000204080] [E0A0A0E0C04040E0] [E020C0E0E06020E0] [A0A0E020E08060E0] [E080E0E0E0204040] [E0A0E0E0E0A0E020] [4000400040004080] [0020402000E000E0] [00804080E0200040] [40A0E04060A0E0A0] [C0E0A0E0E08080E0] [C0A0A0E0E0C080E0] [E0C08080E080A0C0] [A0E0A0A0E04040E0] [6020A040A0C0A0A0] [808080E0E0E0A0A0] [C0A0A0A0C0A0A060] [C0A0E080E0A0E040] [C0A0C0A0E08020E0] [E0404040A0A0A060] [A0A0A040A0A0E0E0] [A040A0A0A0A04040] [E02080E000000000] I also attached a screenshot. In the screenshot, room (33,19) should not be a valid starting location for a room because of room (28,17). 33 is clearly between 28 and 35, and 19 is also between 17 and 26. Therefore, what should have happened is that GetRoomStart() should have been called and it should have been compared to the other rooms. Instead it was treated like a valid room and added to the array. I've been having weird issues with while loops all week so far as well. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
« on: December 09, 2021, 08:08:20 pm »
Thanks for the optimization, however even with that change there wasn't any change at all. Sorry if its hard to follow, that's the unformatted tokenized text. Perhaps this would be a bit more readable:
.G L4+22->->°RoomStart L4+24->->°RoomWidth L4+26->->°RoomHeight L4+28->->°RoomX L4+30->->°RoomY L4+32->->°NewRoomX L4+34->->°NewRoomY L4+36->->°Invalid L4+38->->°UR L4+40->->°LL L4+42->->°NewRoomX2 L4+44->->°NewRoomY2 L4+20->->°Rooms Fill(L1,36,0) 0->Rooms->RoomX->RoomY->RoomHeight->RoomWidth ClrDraw GenFloor() CheckFloor() Main() Lbl Main While 1 DispGraph Input() EndIf getKey(15) Return Lbl CheckFloor For(J,1,Rooms) J*4+L1-4->Z J*5-4->Y DrawText(1,Y,"(") DrawInt(4,Y,{Z}) DrawText(13,Y,",") DrawInt(16,Y,{Z+1}) DrawText(24,Y,")") DrawInt(29,Y,{Z+2}) DrawInt(38,Y,{Z+3}) End Return Lbl GenFloor While Rooms<9 GenRoom() PlaceRoom() End Return Lbl GenRoom GetRoomStart() While 1 GetRoomSide()->RoomWidth End!If ChkRoomWidth() While 1 GetRoomSide()->RoomHeight End!If ChkRoomHeight() Return Lbl PlaceRoom If Rooms<9 RoomY+RoomHeight-1->{RoomX+RoomWidth-1->{RoomY->{RoomX->{Rooms+1->Rooms*4+L1-4}+1}+1}+1} End Return Lbl GetRoomStart 6+(rand^(33))->RoomX 4+(rand^(40))->RoomY Return Lbl GetRoomSide 4+(rand^(9)) Return Lbl ChkRoomWidth (RoomX+RoomWidth-1>41) Return Lbl ChkRoomHeight (RoomY+RoomHeight-1>43) Return Lbl DrawText For(I,0,length([r3])-1) Copy({[r3]+I}-32*4+°CharSprites,L4+50,4) Fill(L4+54,4,0) DrawChar() End Return Lbl DrawInt [r3]/10+16->{L5} [r3]^10+16->{L5+1} For(I,0,1) Copy({L5+I}*4+°CharSprites,L4+50,4) Fill(L4+54,4,0) DrawChar() End Return Lbl DrawChar Pt-On([r1]+(I*((I>0)*4)),[r2],L4+50) Return Lbl Input If getKey(9) ClrDraw 0->Rooms GenFloor() End Return []->°CharSprites [0000000080800080] [A0A00000A0E0E0A0] [60C060C0A060C0A0] [40A060E040400000] [4080804040202040] [A040A0000040E040] [000040800000E000] [0000008000204080] [E0A0A0E0C04040E0] [E020C0E0E06020E0] [A0A0E020E08060E0] [E080E0E0E0204040] [E0A0E0E0E0A0E020] [4000400040004080] [0020402000E000E0] [00804080E0200040] [40A0E04060A0E0A0] [C0E0A0E0E08080E0] [C0A0A0E0E0C080E0] [E0C08080E080A0C0] [A0E0A0A0E04040E0] [6020A040A0C0A0A0] [808080E0E0E0A0A0] [C0A0A0A0C0A0A060] [C0A0E080E0A0E040] [C0A0C0A0E08020E0] [E0404040A0A0A060] [A0A0A040A0A0E0E0] [A040A0A0A0A04040] [E02080E000000000] Still not sure what's causing the bug let alone where to begin. I've changed the loop from a while loop to a repeat loop and there still was no change. What makes this all the more frustrating is that this exact structure and code works in another program. Somehow this program alone is having issues and I'm not sure why that would even be the case. Maybe Axe is just bugged? I don't feel like that's the case since many people have created vastly more complicated projects than this and I have yet to see anything about loops simply not working/crashing.
« on: December 09, 2021, 07:26:50 pm »
I am working on a basic debugger for procedurally generated floors for my roguelike project. However, I am running into a recurring issue that I am not sure how to fix, let alone what the cause may be. I am hoping that someone with a bit more knowledge on Axe can tell me what I am doing wrong, or if there is simply an issue with Axe or the calculator.
What I am attempting to do simply generate 9 rooms and take a look at the values of the room to see if they are acceptable. However I keep randomly getting stuck in a loop either when the program executes, or when I try to give it any input. Here is the full source:
.G L₄+22→→°RoomStart L₄+24→→°RoomWidth L₄+26→→°RoomHeight L₄+28→→°RoomX L₄+30→→°RoomY L₄+32→→°NewRoomX L₄+34→→°NewRoomY L₄+36→→°Invalid L₄+38→→°UR L₄+40→→°LL L₄+42→→°NewRoomX2 L₄+44→→°NewRoomY2 L₄+20→→°Rooms Fill(L₁,36,0) 0→Rooms→RoomX→RoomY→RoomHeight→RoomWidth ClrDraw GenFloor() CheckFloor() Main() Lbl Main While 1 Input() EndIf getKey(15) Return Lbl CheckFloor For(J,1,Rooms) J*4+L₁-4→Z J+(J*((J>0)*4))-4→Y DrawText(1,Y,"(") DrawInt(4,Y,{Z}) DrawText(13,Y,",") DrawInt(16,Y,{Z+1}) DrawText(24,Y,")") DrawInt(29,Y,{Z+2}) DrawInt(38,Y,{Z+3}) End Return Lbl GenFloor While Rooms<9 GenRoom() PlaceRoom() End Return Lbl GenRoom GetRoomStart() While 1 GetRoomSide()→RoomWidth End!If ChkRoomWidth() While 1 GetRoomSide()→RoomHeight End!If ChkRoomHeight() Return Lbl PlaceRoom If Rooms<9 RoomY+RoomHeight-1→{RoomX+RoomWidth-1→{RoomY→{RoomX→{Rooms+1→Rooms*4+L₁-4}+1}+1}+1} End Return Lbl GetRoomStart 6+(rand^(33))→RoomX 4+(rand^(40))→RoomY Return Lbl GetRoomSide 4+(rand^(9)) Return Lbl ChkRoomWidth (RoomX+RoomWidth-1>41) Return Lbl ChkRoomHeight (RoomY+RoomHeight-1>43) Return Lbl DrawText For(I,0,length(r₃)-1) conj({r₃+I}-32*4+°CharSprites,L₄+50,4) Fill(L₄+54,4,0) DrawChar() End Return Lbl DrawInt r₃/10+16→{L₅} r₃^10+16→{L₅+1} For(I,0,1) conj({L₅+I}*4+°CharSprites,L₄+50,4) Fill(L₄+54,4,0) DrawChar() End Return Lbl DrawChar Pt-On(r₁+(I*((I>0)*4)),r₂,L₄+50) Return Lbl Input If getKey(9) ClrDraw 0→Rooms GenFloor() End Return []→°CharSprites [0000000080800080] [A0A00000A0E0E0A0] [60C060C0A060C0A0] [40A060E040400000] [4080804040202040] [A040A0000040E040] [000040800000E000] [0000008000204080] [E0A0A0E0C04040E0] [E020C0E0E06020E0] [A0A0E020E08060E0] [E080E0E0E0204040] [E0A0E0E0E0A0E020] [4000400040004080] [0020402000E000E0] [00804080E0200040] [40A0E04060A0E0A0] [C0E0A0E0E08080E0] [C0A0A0E0E0C080E0] [E0C08080E080A0C0] [A0E0A0A0E04040E0] [6020A040A0C0A0A0] [808080E0E0E0A0A0] [C0A0A0A0C0A0A060] [C0A0E080E0A0E040] [C0A0C0A0E08020E0] [E0404040A0A0A060] [A0A0A040A0A0E0E0] [A040A0A0A0A04040] [E02080E000000000] The results are never consistent. Sometimes it runs perfectly and it outputs the data I want, but it doesn't update the screen with the new screen data. Exiting the loop works. Sometimes it does nothing. Just freezes up. And other times it outputs the data but is completely unresponsive. If anyone wants to look through the above and give their insights that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
« on: June 28, 2021, 02:31:34 pm »
@E37 Thank you! Your advice was very helpful in better understanding how Axe works and I was able to get it to work perfectly! I think you were correct in saying that CheckRight was returning L and not the comparison like I assumed it would. Using Return!If inside the for loop is what allowed it to work. This is the result: If getKey(3) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z+1+GDB0}=1) If CheckRight() 1→I 32→S End End If getKey(2) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z-1+GDB0}=1) If CheckLeft() 0-1→I 64→S End End If getKey(1) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z+37+GDB0}=1) If CheckDown() 1→J 0→S End End If getKey(4) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z-37+GDB0}=1) If CheckUp() 0-1→J 96→S End End Lbl CheckRight For(K,1,L) {K*4+L₁-2}ʳ→N Return!If Z+1≠N End Return Lbl CheckLeft For(K,1,L) {K*4+L₁-2}ʳ→N Return!If Z-1≠N End Return Lbl CheckDown For(K,1,L) {K*4+L₁-2}ʳ→N Return!If Z+37≠N End Return Lbl CheckUp For(K,1,L) {K*4+L₁-2}ʳ→N Return!If Z-37≠N End Return I appreciate the help.
« on: June 26, 2021, 11:46:45 pm »
Thanks for the reply. To your point about the line r₂*37+r₁+192→{r₂→{r₁→{L+1→L*4+L₁-4}+1}+1}ʳ, it works great, actually. I used Deep Thought's array tutorial to write it. I'm actually storing 3 values at a time but the last one can be a 2-byte value. I wrote a lot of smaller test programs to make sure I was getting the behavior I wanted. I actually didn't realize how I was quitting the program, so thank you for that. Right now I'm focusing more on readability and functionality so yeah my code is... not very optimized. Planning on doing that sometime in the future, but any help in that regard is always appreciated. Right now my current problem is the collision check. In my mind, I thought I could simply execute a for loop over the array and check the position of a mob in the same manner that I check collision for tiles, but I realized after trying it that this was not the right approach. The thing is, I actually don't know what the right approach is. Here is a quick snippet:
If getKey(3) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z+1+GDB0}=1) If CheckRight() 1→I 32→S End End Lbl CheckRight For(K,1,L) {K*4+L₁-2}ʳ→N Z+1≠N End Return Except I just walk right through the mobs, even in the case where the only mob is the one right next to me. I'm not entirely sure what reason is for this. In the screenshot, Z=192 and N=193. I verified that this was case using the commented out block ...Text(0,0,Z►Dec) For(E,1,L) E*4+L₁-4→G Text(0,E*6,{G+2}ʳ►Dec) End ... Z+1 definitely equals 193, so the statement Z+1≠N is false, and I should not be able to move to the right at the start... yet I can. What's the best way to do this?
« on: June 25, 2021, 06:29:50 pm »
Hey Xeda, thanks for replying. Initially I suspected that was the case, so I wrote in the code to display both the values of Z and M, which I commented out later to test other ideas. However the case of Z being ever less than zero should never happen as Z starts at 192 as that corresponds to the player's position at the top leftmost corner of the map, effectively (0,0). Then I thought maybe the method of accessing and checking M was somehow incorrect, so I wrote another test program that should be similar to the conditions of my original program:
.ARRAY ClrHome 0→L 193→A AddEntry(2,26) AddEntry(1,0) AddEntry(15,9) AddEntry(2,2) Repeat getKey(15) CheckArray() End ClrHome Lbl AddEntry r₂*37+[r1]+192→{[r2]->{[r1]->{L+1->L*4+L1-4}+1}+1}ʳ Return Lbl CheckArray For(I,1,L) {I*4+L₁-2}ʳ→B If (B-192≤A) and (B+192≥A) Output(0,0,"IN BOUNDS") Pause 1800 ClrHome Else Output(0,0,"OUT OF BOUNDS") Pause 1800 ClrHome End End Return This code also executes without a hitch and perfectly loops through each value and displays whether it is out of bounds or in bounds based on a given value. I'm not entirely sure what I am overlooking at this point. When I was doing some more debugging, it looked like checking the value in the for loop was not playing nicely with drawing to the screen. I'm attaching a screenshot so I can hopefully better explain what is going on. Funny thing: In the midst of writing this reply, I went to test the code again, this time I have text that shows whether or not a given mob is drawn, and strangely, it works.
AddMob(1,0) AddMob(2,2) AddMob(15,9) AddMob(2,26) AddMob(7,5) AddMob(8,5) Lbl DrawMob For(E,1,L) E*4+L₁-4→G {E*4+L₁-2}ʳ→M Text(0,0,M►Dec) Text(36,0,L►Dec) If (M-192≤Z) and (M+192≥Z) Text(0,E*6,"Drawn") {G}-P*8→r₁ {G+1}-Q*8→r₂ Pt-Off(44+r₁-H,28+r₂-V,Pic2+(F/3^4*8)) Else Text(0,E*6,"Not Drawn") End End Return The AddMob code hasn't changed but I added a few more to the map so I can better gauge what's being drawn and should be/what's being drawn and shouldn't be/what's not being drawn and should be, if that makes sense. I added in what mobs are being placed on the map for reference in the screenshot. So the mobs at (1,0),(2,2) and (7,5) are within the bounds of being drawn and therefore should be. I went ahead counted in the map data where a mob should not be drawn based on the character's starting position and lo and behold, the mob at (8,5) should not be drawn and therefore isn't. All the other mobs are also not drawn which is the behavior I desired. Now what doesn't make sense is that this code literally was not working the day before. All I did was rewrite it by hand in a new file which makes this even more confusing. Actually the only difference between the two is this line:
If ((M-155≤Z) and (M+155≥Z)) became this line:
If (M-155≤Z) and (M+155≥Z) In an earlier version of this project instead of "M" I used {G+2}ʳ which I used in my test program to verify that these were in fact the same values and could be used in comparing values, and it still wasn't working in the original program. So, to be honest, I'm quite lost. I'm going to continue onward with the idea that I can use the same for loop in the collision check for each direction and go from there. This has been a weird 24 hours.
« on: June 25, 2021, 04:49:37 pm »
Hey all, So I'm current working on a roguelike project but I have hit an annoying stumbling block that I'm not sure how to solve. I'm implementing a mob system where I can add mobs to various map coordinates and display them on the screen. I'm also using their position to determine whether or not they should be drawn as well as for collision. The array that I've set up works perfectly and I can draw them to the screen, but I am encountering a weird bug(?) when I loop over the array in a for loop to compare values. Here is the full code that I have written so far:
.A ./front frames [FFC1C3E7C33E23FB]→Pic0 [C1C3E7C33E62F3FF] [FFC1C3E7C37CC4DF] [C1C3E7C37C46CFFF] ./right frames [FFC1E1EBA13E22DB] [C1E1EBE1DF9393E7] [FFC1E1EBE19F93DB] [C1E1EBE1BE2223E7] ./left frames [FF8387D7857C44DB] [8387D787FBC9C9E7] [FF8387D787F9C9DB] [8387D7877D44C4E7] ./back frames [FF83C3FFA3223BF3] [83C3FFA3227AF3FF] [FF83C3FFC544DCCF] [83C3FFC5445ECFFF] ./slime frames [FFFFFFC7A3410183]→Pic2 [FFFFC7A3A38383C7] [FFFFFFC7A3410183] [FFFFFFFF81600081] ./wall tile, 00 [45FF11FF45FF11FF]→Pic1 ./ground tile, 01 [FFFFFFFFFFEFFFFF] ./tile map [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]→GDB0 [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000010101010100000000000000000000000000000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000010101010100000000000000000000000000000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000010101010100000000000000000000000000000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000010101010100000000000000000000000000000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000101010101010100000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000101010101010100000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000101010101010100000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000101010101010101010100000101010101000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000100000101010101010100000000010000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000010000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000010000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000010000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000100000000000101010101010101010000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000100000000000101010101010000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000101010101010101010101010000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000010101010101010101000001000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000010101010101010101010101000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000010101010101010101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000010101010101010101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] [00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] 0->Q->P→V->H→I→J→F→S→L->K->T Fix 5 AddMob(1,0) AddMob(2,2) AddMob(15,9) AddMob(2,26) ClrDraw Repeat getKey(15) ./192 is the offset from the beginning of GDB0 Q*37+P+192→Z If getKey(3) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z+1+GDB0}=1) If Z+1≠M 1→I 32→S End End If getKey(2) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z-1+GDB0}=1) If Z-1≠M 0-1→I 64→S End End If getKey(1) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z+37+GDB0}=1) If Z+37≠M 1→J 0→S End End If getKey(4) and (I=0) and (J=0) and ({Z-37+GDB0}=1) If Z-37≠M 0-1→J 96→S End End F++ H+I+I→H V+J+J→V If (H-8=0) or (H+8=0) P+I→P 0→H→I End If (V-8=0) or (V+8=0) Q+J→Q 0→V→J End DrawMap() DrawMob() Pt-Off(44,28,Pic0+(F/3^4*8)+S) ...Text(0,0,Z►Dec) For(E,1,L) E*4+L₁-4→G Text(0,E*6,{G+2}ʳ►Dec) End ... DispGraph End ClrDraw Fix 4 Lbl AddMob ./r1 = x, r2 = y ./creates an array [x,y,y*37+x+192] If L<18 r₂*37+r₁+192→{r₂→{r₁→{L+1→L*4+L₁-4}+1}+1}ʳ End Return Lbl DrawMob For(E,1,L) E*4+L₁-4→G {E*4+L₁-2}ʳ→M Text(0,0,M►Dec) ./If ((M-192≤Z) and (M+192≥Z)) ./Text(0,E*6,"Drawn") {G}-P*8→r₁ {G+1}-Q*8→r₂ ./Text(0,0,M►Dec) Pt-Off(44+r₁-H,28+r₂-V,Pic2+(F/3^4*8)) ./Else ./Text(0,E*6,"Not Drawn") ./End End Return Lbl DrawMap Q*37+P→T ClrDraw For(B,0,10) For(A,0,14) A-1*8-4-H→C B-1*8-4-V→D Pt-On(C,D,{B*37+A+T+GDB0}*8+Pic1) End End Return The problem occurs at the line If (M-192≤Z) and (M+192≥Z) because it is not checking for all values of M, only the last value of M. At first I thought I was doing something incorrectly, so I made a test program that compares a given value with a set of values in a variable length array:
.ARRAY ClrHome 0→L 193→A AddEntry(1156) AddEntry(193) AddEntry(208) AddEntry(447) Repeat getKey(15) CheckArray() End ClrHome Lbl AddEntry r₁→{L+1→L*2+L₁-2}ʳ Return Lbl CheckArray For(I,1,L) {I*2+L₁-2}ʳ→B If A=B Output(0,0,"EQUAL") Pause 1800 ClrHome Else Output(0,0,"NOT EQUAL") Pause 1800 ClrHome End End Return This code runs perfectly. I've been commenting out various parts of my original code to see where I am going wrong, but I can't quite solve it on my own. I'm hoping a fresh pair of eyes might give some insight as to why it is not working. Thanks. Cross-posting from Cemetech to see if anyone here might know.
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:51:40 pm »
5349: You realize if this thread goes another page you will get an overflow error.
« on: May 23, 2013, 04:25:59 pm »
If I remember correctly, Raylin was too. I haven't seen him here in quite a while. Also, programming is a very broad field. Although you haven't seen many or don't know if many doesn't mean they aren't there. I think if you actually looked into it you would find that there are more black programmers than you think.
I probably could and I know only two that are interested in the field. I also recently found a dev team that were from the Caribbean (which is also where I'm from).
« on: May 23, 2013, 04:21:45 pm »
As a generalization, Christians believe that they are the only religion and that all other religions are completely false. They feel they will be the ones to live while everyone else suffers in H E double hockey sticks. Zero tolerance... At Muslims have some sort of respect for Christianity because of the same sort of belief in one supreme being. It is a real generalization. And I don't know where you find your statistics, but it is completely false. Catholics really respect other religions. And when you speak about "They feel they will be the ones to live while everyone else suffers in H E double hockey sticks", I think you're confounding christians with some sects that use bible to have some credibility.
First off, forgive me if I seem offensive in any way. I hope that doesn't make you hate me or anything. With that being said, I think, and maybe it may be due to the fact that this is what I'm exposed and have witnessed as an African-American, Catholics are excluded from my perception of Christians. My opinion of a Christian is your streotypical white American Protestant who is completely intolerant to all other religions including Catholics and especially Muslims, and is somewhat racist. That's a generalization and I don't mean that all Christians are like that. This opinion is also partially due to the influence of my history teacher who is a great teacher and his ideas are interesting and he portrays America in an interesting way.
« on: May 21, 2013, 10:19:08 pm »
I feel so... idk. I really haven't started this at all because I've been busy and whatnot but I promised myself I would see this through. With that being said, I've changed some of the plans in my head for this game with the same concept though. The name is now Icarus: The Last Demigod. The storyline hasn't changed... much But yeah... hopefully expect some dates that are up.
« on: May 21, 2013, 10:13:51 pm »
Oh really? But that still makes it only three though... there are even fewer who are interested in what I want to study in college (Game development). I wish there were more though.