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Topics - KisforKeyboard

Pages: [1]
TI-BASIC / need help with spanish letters
« on: November 15, 2010, 05:48:34 pm »
i'm hispanic and spanish is my first language, and i make a lot of programs in it but it doesn't always come out right because I don't have ñ, which is an n with a tilde (is that the right english word? it's like a squiggly) or accented vowles. i saw some programs that had them and i was wondering how i can type those too on a calculator.

TI Z80 / possible YUGIOH game
« on: November 03, 2010, 03:58:55 pm »
I used to play this game very much back in some time. So I wanted to make this game but I don't know if I will use graphics or not but what are some ideas you guys have?

Introduce Yourself! / hi I'm good at BASIC
« on: November 03, 2010, 03:01:02 pm »
I saw this forum mentiond on ticalc earlier and I decided to join

umm so how do I get a picture next to my name?

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