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Messages - Kristaba

Pages: 1 [2]
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello Omnikristaba... oops, Omnimaga!
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:07:23 pm »
Thank you all for welcome ;)

We have a special forum for the PRIZM, the community is very dedicated to hacking it now. I, myself, have made a kind of Disassembler for the PRIZM, not very good, though, due to my lack of PRIZM Assembly knowledge. There is another disassembler, but better, by bsl.

In my website, here you can find the PRIZM Hex equates and there is an Assembly tutorial somewhere in the PRIZM forum.

Cool, I programmed some stuff in SH3 assembly (but with a SH3, C language is often "better"), and currently I'm writing a on-calc assembler and linker (now it's functional, but really dirty, I'll release it later, but if you want really to see my code, see my Git repository : ).
Also, KPIT GNU Tools has a GCC targeting SH3, it's more easy to program from computer ;)

On an unrelated note I was a bit skeptical at first, because on my other forum we had a spambot with the exact same nickname. O.O (a computer software automatically registering on forums to post pharmacy and casino advertisments)

On CasioKingdom? Oo
Some minutes ago, I tried to send a mail to casiokingdom admin to understand why my IP is blacklisted from several month ago xD
This explains it ;)

Casio Calculators / Re: PRIZM Emu
« on: February 14, 2011, 02:52:56 pm »
Hey guys >B)
I already thought to a fx9860 emulator some years ago (I never realized it, but I have some ideas).

Briefly, the SH3 isn't a Z80 : it's a recent RISC processor, with MMU, privileged mode, etc...
So the better idea to simulate the processor is, I think, to write a C program that work exactly as the hardware processor (abstract implementation of the hardware). It seems pretty complicated and outsized for this task, but I think it's the better idea to get a reliable base for a complete emulator, and the recent computer processor are enough powerful to run this without any problem.
If this base is chosen, the rest of task to get a worked emulator is to write the software description of the rests of hardware components (RAM, ROM, Screen, keypad, and probably some stuff).

I know a open-source video games emulator, MAME, use this kind of implementation and work well, so it isn't *ONLY* a stupid idea from a Casio programmer :love:

Introduce Yourself! / Hello Omnikristaba... oops, Omnimaga!
« on: February 14, 2011, 02:29:50 pm »
Hi everyone!

I'm Kristaba, a french programmer, really interested by the low-level programming (between hardware and software), but, unlike the overwhelming majority of you, I program usually on a... Casio calculator O.O
So, more seriously I programmed a lot for my fx9860 (Graph85 in France), using the horrible Casio SDK at first, and now through the GCC toolchain.
I come here because I like the interest you have for the new Casio Prizm, and I think I can help the community to open it (fx9860 and Prizm are probably very similar : Casio use the same processor, and the OS is probably a lot of dirty improvements on the fx9860 OS).

By the way, I always admired the TI community, I think they are a lot of "real hackers" than on Casio community (due to a lot of reasons but mainly historical reasons I think).

So, I hope I could help, and see you later guys ;)

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