Lua / Doom written in LUA?
« on: October 08, 2022, 05:04:40 pm »
New member here!
So I have been looking for a way to run Ndless programs on my TI Nspire CX II, but I have looked far and wide for a solution and I can't find anything. Since it is of course impossible to run any programs on my calculator that require Ndless since it came with the latest OS, I was wondering whether anyone had written Doom in LUA. I'm running out of options here, and I've been considering learning LUA to write it myself
So I have been looking for a way to run Ndless programs on my TI Nspire CX II, but I have looked far and wide for a solution and I can't find anything. Since it is of course impossible to run any programs on my calculator that require Ndless since it came with the latest OS, I was wondering whether anyone had written Doom in LUA. I'm running out of options here, and I've been considering learning LUA to write it myself