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Messages - Legimet

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 24
General Calculator Help / Re: CAS on CX Shenanigans
« on: December 30, 2013, 06:26:54 pm »
Yes, just keep ndless/ndless_resources.tns (and ndless/ndless.cfg.tns if you have file extensions set up) and it will work. If you're using nLaunchy, there's no need to transfer the installer file.

Nspire I/O / Re: Nspire I/O - Now with C++ support
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:10:36 pm »
Silversircel doesn't use the C standard library in his/her program.

Also, there's newlib, and many of the functions in it work.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi all
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:03:21 pm »
Welcome, and have some peanuts! :)


Do you plan on learning C/C++ and making Ndless programs?

TI-Nspire / Re: Jezzball for NSpire
« on: December 14, 2013, 10:21:47 pm »
Looks awesome! This is like the KBounce game in KDE that I've always played. :)

News / Re: Add 3.1/Ndless compatibility to your TI-Nspire CX HW-J/K
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:20:29 pm »
Idk about the Prime, but I couldn't open my Nspire because it had some weird screws which I couldn't unscrew.

TI-Basic is TI's own language for calculators. On the Nspire, this is only well-suited for mathematical programs, and graphics features are limited. To program, you need a physical Nspire or the student software.

Assembly is low level cpu instructions. The Nspire has an ARM processor, so you must use ARM assembly. With asm (as we usually abbreviate it), you don't get high level language features, so almost nobody programs in it. But it is helpful to know assembly because you understand how the cpu works, and it can be very fast if you write it well. Ndless SDK required to program, and Ndless is required on the calc to run.

To program in C, you need the Ndless SDK along with a GNU ARM toolchain (binutils, gcc, gdb) and the Newlib standard library. Many of the stdlib functions are available as syscalls in the OS, and many functions from Newlib also work. As usual, C is translated into assembly language before assembling, so you need Ndless on your calc. (C programs are categorized under Assembly on C++ is also available.

Lua is lightweight, cross-platform interpreted language that first appeared 20 years ago. On the Nspire, you don't have some of the system functions normally available in Lua, but you have additional proprietary libraries from TI that give you things like graphics. You can program this either with the Student Software or a tool called Luna, and Ndless is not required.

So, in order of increasing control, the languages you can use are:

General Calculator Help / Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« on: December 11, 2013, 06:57:05 pm »
You didn't update to 3.6, did you? If not, just download Ndless and follow the user guide. critor's instructions were only meant to be used if you updated to 3.6 and thereby updated to boot2 3.2.4.

Math and Science / Re: .9 repeating equals 1?
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:49:57 pm »
0.9999... is just 9 * (1/10 + (1/10)^2 +(1/10)^3 +...) = 9 * (1/10) / (1- 1/10) = 1. To do this formally, you'll need calculus and infinite series.

TI-Nspire / Re: nPDF
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:42:06 pm »
you could test the file header and display an error - and maybe avoid showing those files

I have to add error handling, the MuPDF library uses some special exception handling system.

- doesn't seem to correctly set up the '.pdf' extension when the Ndless config file is missing
how do you do this ? there is a new Ndless instruction for setting up new extensions, where you don't even need to check/parse the config file content by yourself anymore

I made a function for that, but forgot to call it XD
EDIT: The function uses cfg_register_fileext to register the .pdf, .xps, and .cbz extensions.
EDIT 2: Eiyeron, I'll add it to once i add some more features to it. Right now it kind of sucks. :P

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:29:29 pm »
Boot1, that's what I was saying, the repo is private, although the code for the latest stable version is released

antoniovazquezblanco: I don't think it's GPL. Actually, it has no license. I read once that no license makes it standard copyright, so nobody can redistribute or modify it. Goplat might want to change that.

TI-Nspire / Re: nPDF
« on: December 11, 2013, 04:08:04 pm »
nPDF 0.1 is attached in the first post! It only works on CX right now, and it's 8mb, but still, its the first PDF viewer for the Nspire! :)

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: December 11, 2013, 03:22:01 pm »
I believe that the repo is private.

Calculator C / Re: Interested in C Development for Nspire CX CAS
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:52:27 pm »
Just to confirm what LDStudios said: I got my newer CX in May 2013 and it is fine, but I know someone who got his in June 2013 and it has hardware revision J.

Humour and Jokes / Re: CalcN00b - A calculator support group
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:21:37 pm »
Also, set up a toll-free line for losing the game at 1-800-THE-GAME.

TI-Nspire / Re: Calling all Linux Kernel developers!
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:51:30 pm »
A tar.bz2 file is a compressed archive (like zip, but with better compression) So assuming you're using the tar.bz2 files, just extract them to a usb flash drive (but first format it as ext4). If you're using the ext2.bz2 and it is not too big, you can uncompress it and rename it to initrd.tns, and just transfer to your calc.

I think 7-zip supports tar and bz2, so you could probably use that.

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