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Messages - LordConiupiter

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 24
Humour and Jokes / Re: North Korean Website
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:36:23 pm »
yeah... and check the tile of this page:

TI Z80 / Re: Motherload
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:47:03 pm »
taht's a really very cool and addicting game! good idea!

tiDE / Re: tiDE
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:44:23 pm »
so now you got the newest code back again? no real losses?

TI Z80 / Re: TFE - Resurrection (TI-File Editor)
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:25:28 pm »
Spoiler For Not too much trouble ;D:
Code: [Select]
   Public Function GenerateFile(ByVal File_Bytes() As Byte, ByVal File_Name As String, ByVal File_Comment As String)
        Dim FileBytes(1048576) As Byte
        Dim FileBytesCounter1 As Integer = File_Bytes.Length
        Dim FileComment = File_Comment
        Dim FileName = File_Name
        FileBytes(0) = 42
        FileBytes(1) = 42
        FileBytes(2) = 84
        FileBytes(3) = 73
        FileBytes(4) = 56
        FileBytes(5) = 51
        FileBytes(6) = 70
        FileBytes(7) = 42
        FileBytes(8) = 26
        FileBytes(9) = 10
        FileBytes(10) = 0
        FileComment = FileComment.PadRight(42, ChrW(0))
        For x As Integer = 0 To 41
            FileBytes(x + 11) = AscW(FileComment.Chars(x))
        'Data Size
        If FileBytesCounter1 + 19 > 255 Then
            Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1 + 19, 4)
            FileBytes(54) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2))
            FileBytes(53) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2))
            FileBytes(54) = 0
            FileBytes(53) = FileBytesCounter1 + 19
        End If
        'Random Flag (either B or D)
        FileBytes(55) = 13
        FileBytes(56) = 0
        'Variable Size
        If FileBytesCounter1 + 2 > 255 Then
            Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1 + 2, 4)
            FileBytes(58) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2))
            FileBytes(57) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2))
            FileBytes(58) = 0
            FileBytes(57) = FileBytesCounter1 + 2
        End If
        'Type ID
        FileBytes(59) = 5
        FileName = FileName.PadRight(8, ChrW(0))
        For x As Integer = 0 To 7
            FileBytes(60 + x) = AscW(FileName.Chars(x))
        FileBytes(68) = 0
        FileBytes(69) = 0
        'Variable Size Again
        If FileBytesCounter1 + 2 > 255 Then
            Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1 + 2, 4)
            FileBytes(71) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2))
            FileBytes(70) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2))
            FileBytes(71) = 0
            FileBytes(70) = FileBytesCounter1 + 2
        End If
        'Total Token Count
        If FileBytesCounter1 > 255 Then
            Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1, 4)
            FileBytes(73) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2))
            FileBytes(72) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2))
            FileBytes(73) = 0
            FileBytes(72) = FileBytesCounter1
        End If
        'Totals data
        Dim Counter = 0
        For x As Integer = 0 To FileBytesCounter1 + 19
            Counter += FileBytes(x + 55)
        'Lower 16 bits of data totalled together
        If Hex(Counter).Length > 4 Then Counter = cInteger(Mid(cHex(Counter, 4), 1, 4))
        If Counter > 255 Then
            FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 75) = cInteger(Mid(cHex(Counter, 4), 1, 2))
            FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 74) = cInteger(Mid(cHex(Counter, 4), 3, 2))
            FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 75) = 0
            FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 74) = Counter
        End If
        Dim FinalBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 75) As Byte
        For x As Integer = 0 To FileBytesCounter1 + 75
            FinalBytes(x) = FileBytes(x)
        Return FinalBytes
    End Function

    Shared Function cHex(ByVal IntValue As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As String
        Dim Int_Length As Integer = Int(Math.Log10(IntValue) / Math.Log10(16)) + 1
        Dim Temp_Value As Integer
        Dim Hex_String As String = ""
        For X As Integer = Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
            Temp_Value = Int(IntValue / (16 ^ X))
            Hex_String += Mid("0123456789ABCDEF", Temp_Value + 1, 1)
            IntValue -= Temp_Value * (16 ^ X)
        Return Hex_String
    End Function

    Shared Function cInteger(ByVal HexString As String) As Integer
        Dim Int_Value As Integer
        For X As Integer = HexString.Length To 1 Step -1
            Int_Value += (InStr("0123456789ABCDEF", Mid(HexString, X, 1)) - 1) * (16 ^ (HexString.Length - X))
        Return Int_Value
    End Function
It takes an array of bytes which consists of the data you want put into the program, a string which is the eight or less on calc program name, and a string which is a... (either 40 or 42 i can't remember) or less file comment, which is mostly pointless, but can be set anyways...  :P
thank you very very very much!

tiDE / Re: tiDE
« on: September 20, 2010, 03:04:53 am »
yeah, that's pretty bad news. good luck on recovering!

TI Z80 / Re: Unit 533D
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:58:37 am »
looks nice!
I see Axe is making old games alive again, and i like it! my contest entry is also an Axe remake of a project I started in BASIC, which died last year due to a corrupted group I made, and then did a RAM clear...

TI Z80 / Re: TFE - Resurrection (TI-File Editor)
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:53:06 am »
Hmm, ok it seems that that "o" is one the couple BBxx tokens I didn't add... sorry I misspoke. the "a" is definitely added there as an "a" tho, I don't know why it would be showing "n" (the letters in quotes are the special symbols im to lazy to find to copypasta :P)
@LordConiupiter Sure, but that code might not really work too well (be easy to work with), If you want, I could wrap it  into an easy function that you can just copy in if you want...
well, if it's not too much trouble, I really would appreciate it!

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 17, 2010, 03:09:51 pm »
I can't try heroes of might and magic, because of memory (i like Heroes 2 and 3 on PC) :/ but i found jump by ztrumpet, i like this game ;)
well, can't you send the apps o your calc? just Setup and HoMM? it would be a real pitty when you couldn't use my game. it's not completely HoMM 3 of course, but it resembles to it. when I showed the game for the first time to my classmate, he said: 'hey, that looks like HoMM3! do you know that game?' lol

i'm having some issues with jump; it looks like the square landed, but then it just falls through the line and I die....
me too. it seems to me that you can better jump as late as possible, and land further on the block, and not just on the border.

TI Z80 / Re: TFE - Resurrection (TI-File Editor)
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:22:31 pm »
which class is for writing the file?

EDIT: I found it!
am I allowed to use your code?

TI Z80 / Re: TFE - Resurrection (TI-File Editor)
« on: September 17, 2010, 01:26:14 pm »
well, I don't really know how to explain. when you want to write a 8xp file that could also be send using TIconnect, it should have a valid checksum or so stored in the first few bytes of the file. when that is not done correctly, TIconnect wouldn't send it to the calc, and perhaps even other linking programs won't do it. I would like to know how to create that checksum, so I can write valid 8xp files, so I don't have to export all my data created by my progs in plain text, and then use cemetech or your prog.

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:26:16 am »
HoMM: The graphics are very nice looking. I'm getting RAM clears when I battle, so I'm not sure on the gameplay.

ouch! that's not what I meant it to do :P
coul you give me a little more info in a PM (for keeping this topic clean), please?

TI Z80 / Re: TFE - Resurrection (TI-File Editor)
« on: September 17, 2010, 09:43:56 am »
i see it doesn't matter wheter you write If...Then...End, or just only If, it just starts a new highlight block, while the End command will be never found while looping through the code. so there is an error in the syntax highlighting: when there is a single If in BASIC (not in Axe), just only the next expression* should be highlighted is that color, not all the other code in the file.

Then there is a question you will now the answer to (I think): which type of checksum is used in the program header?

*this is not necessarily the next line, because there can just be a semicolon between the If statement and the next expression

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: September 17, 2010, 03:22:17 am »
well, the cursor is just a token, which you can use with the Output command. I thought it was 224>Char for the normal, 225 for the sencond cursor (with the up arrow), 226 for the alpha cursor (with the small A),  227 for the alpha cursor (with the small a), 228 for the insert cursor ( _ ), etc.

you could use this image to output aany char you want:
Spoiler For Spoiler:

EDIT: ninja'd :P

Axe / Re: HELP! I don't understand the deadline time!
« on: September 16, 2010, 12:06:46 pm »
well, aeTIos also explained this to me at school, and it is just some kinda trick to remember what AM and PM mean, but i know it means Ante Meridiem and Post Meridiem, where Ante stands for 'before' and Post stands for 'after'

Axe / Re: The most efficient way to store and recall lots of text
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:22:53 pm »
well, you could do it the way KermM does it, like described here:
i prefer the way I would do it, cuz else I wouldn't have invented it :)

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