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Messages - MPoupe

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Casio Calculators / Re: Hacking into the .g3p/b format [HALTED]
« on: April 08, 2012, 01:19:36 pm »
The descriptions seem to say that images should be used on the emulator, which works just like an fx-CG20 when it comes to images, even in fx-CG10 regions. Of course, they still work on actual fx-CG20s.
Thank you for explaining.
But I do not see the value of working images in the emulator (assuming I am US cg10 owner). I would use emulator probably only to try something before I run it on real calc. There are much more advanced mathematics tools for PC otherwise (I mean using emulator as it is without any cooperation with the calculator)

Casio Calculators / Re: DO you want to try something?
« on: April 08, 2012, 01:12:26 pm »
I discevered this about one month agon and I more os less saw it's power...
Try Red List1[1]...
It works for me. But the syntax is somehow odd.
I would expect that this command will display number stored in  List 1[1] by red color.
Similar to
Code: [Select]
Red "Hello" I would define syntax for observed behavior like
Code: [Select]
Red->Color List 1[1] (where Color is new command). But Casio dev designed it this way :-(

Casio Calculators / Re: Hacking into the .g3p/b format [HALTED]
« on: April 08, 2012, 01:02:59 pm »
Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, but Casio's still giving out licenses to their G3B/G3P image generator for free at

It's their own tool, so why not use that? We wouldn't need to do anything to make them suspicious.
Did anybody try to download the tool ?
I tried and I am somehow confused. The tool works with cg 20, right ?
cg 20 is not for USA, so there are very few cg 20 users (comparing to cg 10 users) in the USA.
So why was I asked for US state ?
Simply the registration form expects that I am from some school, from USA and I own fx cg 20.

Nevertheless I was successful :-)

Casio Calculators / Base-N type to standard type programs conversion
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:08:56 pm »
I am not sure if it was discussed before, but it is possible to write basic program in Base-N mode (so the basic language is much more limited, but allowing logical operations with bits) and then convert it to standard program type (without add-in help).
1. create base-N program (and type all base-N tokens here, like neg,not,xor,xnor,hex,bin,...)
2. go to main menu and select the item allowing to communicate with ea-200 (or ea-100) peripherals (not remember the exact name). There is a sub-menu with program convertor changing COM speed to 38400 bps. Run this conversion on the basic program created in step 1.
3. check this basic program. It will contain commands to open and close COM port and also all previous content. But it is in comp mode:-). So you can use clipboard and test the Base-N tokens in comp mode. Many of the commands do not work, but some (like and/or/xor,...) do

I tested it on fx 9860G SD  and fx cg 20 so I think it will probably work on all fx 9860G types and fx cg 10 too.

Casio Calculators / Re: Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:56:23 pm »
Any progress? Any new features? MPoupe, you need to add a pause function so if you want to get out during the song, you can.
No, I had no time to implement anything :-(
BTW: Feel free to modify the player and add any functionality you need (pause included :-) )

As a self-proclaimed VT100 expert, I have to say this is impressive! Yours is nicer than my VT100 emulator too: mine is only monochrome (though I recently added grayscale glyphs) and only 60 columns by 20 rows. Each character is 4x6 pixels (the screen 240x128). Mine doesn't even support setting top and bottom margins for the scrolling region, or double-width and double-height lines! I found it to be sufficient for some full-screen applications like "links", though.

How did you implement your emulator? Did you write a state machine? I used the pages at (which contains a very useful state diagram) and to write my emulator. I haven't tried connecting mine to a Linux system yet, but I plan to do that before too long (if I can figure out how to make TiEmu act like a virtual serial port).
I think we did a parallel job:-). I also used dec_ansi_parser, but another doc sources (thank you for link, I just downloaded vt100-ug doc).
I also do not support all escape sequences (I don't support these you mentioned and also fxTerm has problems with partial clearing of the screen - like clear line from cursor to end, etc.). My first target was to be able to login to the linux machine, correctly display output of man pages (= test text attributes) and run Midnight commander (mc -a for colors and -mc- a -b for another test). But the MC internal editor (like any other editor) is broken :-)
My fxTerm may be nicer, but it is only because I can use color display with more pixels. The released version uses font similar to one from old Casio calculator (6x8), but I created smaller fonts to have more characters on the screen. I will use them in next version.

Where does your TV100 emulator live ? I would like to see it (at least screenshots)


if is possible port windowsCE to prizm we have emulators, games, office, etc...
It may be possible, but you would have to solder additional RAM chip into your Prizm :-)

Casio Calculators / Re: Video player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:55:39 am »
The chinese MP4 producers use use formats AMV and MTV (more info about this formats here ->
the processor of these mp4 video players is much weaker than that of the prizm
one decoder in google code (
what do you think?
The MTV variant we almost have. It is very similar to the audio+video format supported by fxPlayer (the only difference is no mp3, but wav).
I can test this after I improve the sound output (mainly asynchronous output), then the CPU will be able to decompress mp3. If there will be enough power to handle also images, I can add it (later). But I do not expect miracles.

Casio Calculators / Re: Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 28, 2012, 07:19:42 am »
It plays better quality, but it isn't very loud. It's awesome. Just keep making upgrades.
Thank you for testing.
The output could be slightly louder, but I am afraid that quality would decrease.
To make it louder, open cgplayer.c, change line 211:
Code: [Select]
giSubSample = gpBuffer[giBufIndex] >> 4;to
Code: [Select]
giSubSample = gpBuffer[giBufIndex] >> 3;
I hope it will work, I cannot test it just now.

Casio Calculators / Re: FXTerm - VT100 terminal emulator for Casio fx cg
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:38:37 am »
can you recompile the app with this icon?
Hi, thank you for icons, I will use them.

Casio Calculators / Re: Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:19:02 am »
Hello, this is updated version of the wave player.
- COM speed increased 4x (to 460800), so it is 1/4 of COM speed used by fxPlayer. This means sound quality is better, but do not expect miracles. I was able to directly access the sio registers (thank you Simon :-) ), but it seems the serial port is less powerful compared to the one in 9860G (one speed register is missing and fifo is only 16 B).
- player remained synchronous, but it is able to play the whole wav - it creates the map of the file in flash and while playing it reads the file from flash directly (see source for details)

I am not sure I will be able to increase the sound quality, I thing I touch the HW limits.

Casio Calculators / Re: Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 24, 2012, 12:48:48 pm »
Yeah it might be good if there was a different format that was compressed. Would the calculator be fast enough to decompress it while playing, though?
I plan to try mp3, but i am afraid it will be too slow.

Casio Calculators / Re: Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:13:49 am »
Hello, thank you for testing.
The noisy is expected, the D/A frequency is only 115200 bps (fxPlayer uses 1.8 Mbps), I will improve it after I find how.
The 30 seconds duration is also expected and I wrote it in the initial post. The player is synchronous so it loads piece of sound and then it plays (outputs bytes in a loop). I will improve it after I find how to do asynchronous output.
The direct wav support seems to be advantage, but due to limited storage I think I will create more space-saving format.
I think it will use only 4 bit samples so it will have 1/2 of the wav length.

Casio Calculators / Re: Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 23, 2012, 10:13:05 am »
See fx_calculators_SuperH_based_10.chm

Try topic: fx-CG20...Registers, MPU...Accessing the 3pin serial lines directly

Perhaps it helps.
Thank you, of course I use your manual :-)
I will try to use 7730.h header (

Casio Calculators / Audio player for Casio Prizm
« on: February 23, 2012, 03:55:14 am »
I wrote simple program demonstrating audio output on Casio fx cg 20.
create wav from your favorite music, PCM,11025 Hz,8 bit,mono and store to the calculator's flash memory as demo.wav.
Copy CGPlayerA.g3a from the attachment here too.
Run it.

As you can see the program is very simple, it uses safe part of the user's stack to load about 450KB of the wav file (so the file doesn't need to be larger). Then it converts the samples and outputs by syscalls.

To be improved:
- increase speed of COM port, 115200 (maximum for syscall) is too slow
- output data asynchronously.

Unfortunately I do not know CPU enough to do it. :-(

Can somebody help ?

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