- Posts:
- 1982 (0.403 per day)
- Custom Title:
- Axe roxxor (kinda)
- Personal Text:
- Axe roxxor
- Rating:
- +310/-12
- Gender:
- Male
- Age:
- 27
- Location:
- Alone in the Park
- Calculators:
- TI-83+.fr, TI-84+CSE, TI-Nspire CAS
- Date Registered:
- October 14, 2011, 12:48:49 pm
- Local Time:
- March 29, 2025, 02:44:03 am
- Last Active:
- September 16, 2022, 06:28:36 pm
/\ >< [- |_| _\~ [- /?

All of the TI-z80 screenshots that I will post, unless I specifically mention that it's not the case, will run at 6 MHz. Always. If you find that unbelievable, you should check the last link of my sig

Projects : [Ndless3.1] nKaruga, [Axe] Worms (yes !), [Ndless 3.1] F-Zero TrackSpire (dropped), [Ndless 3.1] nSpeedX 3D (paused), [Ndless 3.1] nRayC, an easy-to-use raycasting (3D) engine in C for your Nspire ! (paused)
Proud author of : [TI-8x] Jetpack 8x+, [TI-8x+] Gravity Walls, [ASM for Axe] AxeDCS axiom for Axe programmers, [TI-8x+] WiredWorks : a SolidWorks on your Ti-83+/84+ !, [TI-8x+] Super Crate Box, [Axe] IkarugaX, an awesomely challenging danmaku/shoot-them-up for your TI-83+/84+ !, [ASM for Axe] AxeJh3D axiom, a very fast 3D ASM library for Axe coders !
If at a certain moment you think that I'm awesome, you can express it by giving me one more Internet (>^_^)>