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Messages - Matrefeytontias

Pages: 1 ... 76 77 [78] 79 80 ... 133
TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] Ikaruga X
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:55:32 am »
Thanks ^^ and this laser thing gave me ideas for moar enemy types and boss patterns ;)

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] Ikaruga X
« on: May 04, 2013, 05:18:20 am »
Of course, otherwise it would be way too hard to dodge every hostile thing coming at you.

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] Ikaruga X
« on: May 04, 2013, 05:13:52 am »
Small update :)

Since I felt bad about enemies getting blasted like that (pooooooor little enemies :'( ), I made a new weapon especially for them : vertical lasers :crazy:

As ever, app + level + screenshot attached.

Textures will come later (they'll come ;D), but yeah I forgot about clipping :P I'll take care of that, even if it's not a functionality.

Small update :)

All drawing commands now takes an additional argument : 0 for black drawing, 1 for solid white. This makes solid display possible for you guys :thumbsup:

Also, if you can think of any functionality that you'd like to see in the axiom, please tell us because I'm a bit out of inspiration :P

Axe / Re: Axe Programming
« on: May 02, 2013, 01:51:30 pm »
Well, as everyone in this thread said before me (:P), if you can move one bullet, you can move 100 of them with a For loop. This is where arrays are useful.

The things you call "arrays" don't really exist in Axe, since there aren't any data type nor anything. What's there is plain RAM. But you can easily use it as an array-ish variable.

For example, let's use L1 ([2nd][1]). It's a pointer on a 768 bytes free RAM area, so it should be enough. Although it's in fact a simple area that you can go through using {r1+L1} where r1 goes from 0 to 767, you can also use another technique : use {r2*X+r1+L1}, where r2 goes from 0 to the number of rows minus 1 of your "array", X is the number of colons in your array and r1 goes from 0 to X - 1. Thus, you can pass r1 as the colon of an element of your array, and r2 as the row. And poof, you have an array.

TI Z80 / Re: GLIB a graphics axe 3d librairy
« on: May 01, 2013, 02:06:43 pm »
What he means is that instead of using a list containing all offsets to vertices in a sorted order, just sort the vertices themselves. With that you can access vertices directly, thus retrieving a significant number of calculations.

I'll rewrite my algorithm to use this method.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Cadan v2 - Progress Thread
« on: May 01, 2013, 01:53:25 pm »
Isn't the squared distance (X-Xyou)^2+(Y-Yyou)^2 ? I actually use that in IkarugaX, it's pretty fast and accurate.

As I said, I didn't coded the three first functions, so I can't really touch to the 3D calculations.

TI Z80 / Re: GLIB a graphics axe 3d librairy
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:37:07 pm »
I see what I think is an optimisation, I'll just make an Axe-like algorithm out of it :

Lbl GSortID
GDB1ZFACE is a nbFaces*2 large free area
GDB1FACE contains the face definition in the form of Data(0,4,2,...)
GDB1ZVERT contains the 2-bytes Z coordinate of each vertex
GDB1SORT is a nbFaces large free area

.Z-average value for each face

While 1
    If {{r1+GDB1SORT}*2+GDB1ZFACE}r<<{{r1+GDB1SORT+1}*2+GDB1ZFACE}r
End!If F

With that you have your list in GDB1SORT. I can't really test it since I'm really not familiar with GLib's environment, so I let you test. Ask if you don't understand something.

Well, that's what I'm doing in some way, since it's an axiom :P I can still write some Axe commands, themselves using AxeJh3D's functions.

TI Z80 / Re: GLIB a graphics axe 3d librairy
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:12:09 am »
Then don't create any ID list, but directly sort the distance list instead. So you'll come up with a single sorted list.

I'll try to implement the sorting method I used with AxeJh3D.

Since it's pure ASM (with Axe's functions, but still) yeah, it's way faster. But if it wasn't, either you were a crazily awesome Axe programmer, or me a terrible ASM coder :P

TI Z80 / Re: GLIB a graphics axe 3d librairy
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:16:24 am »
So in GSortID, you build a list of X^2+Y^2, and then sort it from greatest to lowest ?

Also, these speed tests are made at 15MHz obviously ?

Are you kidding ? Your librairy handles so many more things than mine ;)

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