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Messages - Michael_Lee

Pages: 1 ... 66 67 [68] 69 70
TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 03, 2010, 08:47:50 pm »
The filling routine is essentially the same, I might have tweaked a few numbers here and there, but the bulk of it is the same. 
Pruning down the amount of DispGraphs made a HUGE difference.

About the undo button: I've decided that if it's used, you can't record your time for that particular minefield. 
So there's a penalty for using the Undo button - you can't really 'win' the game if you use it.
I just added it for those users who are less concerned about earning a high score more concerned about being able to actually finish the game.
(If I ever distribute this to my classmates, there's a high that they don't know how to play minesweeper.  This might soften the learning curve for them.  Maybe.)
Maybe I should add an option to disable showing the location of all the mines when you lose?

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:00:50 pm »
Okay, update!

I added some new features, they are:
> Options menu - customize the minefield size and the amount of mines (trivia: you can't pick more mines then there's room)
> Increased speed - it now checks only half the time as before, which I found was a good compromise between speed and graphics
> Undo button - accidentally hit a mine?  Undo to restore the state!

Future features:
> Toggle the question mark on/off
> Add the timer
> Add high scores and other appvar goodiness
> Pause in-game (to return to the menu, pause time, etc.)
> Save your game and return to it later!
> Maybe make a larger minefield, which scrolls (Most likely, the minefield won't be able to go over 19x19 - is it worth implementing this feature?)

I'll add some better screenshots in a moment.

Axe / Re: How to use interrupts
« on: September 02, 2010, 06:24:12 pm »
Okay, so would the following work?

Code: [Select]
While 1
If C>=118
(Code to move sprite around and exit)



I think it should post the second while allowing me to move my sprite around.

Axe / Re: How to use interrupts
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:58:23 pm »
So if I set interrupts at a frequency of 6, how many times would it run in a second?  What unit does it mean by '6'?

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:54:30 pm »
It wasn't surrounded by zeros, I didn't even click those squares.  I think this is what it looked like:

1+1 ..... other stuff
+F1 .....
111 .....

Where +'s are unclicked squares and an F is a flag.
That one in the upper left corner was touching a mine on its lower right diagonal

Axe / How to use interrupts
« on: September 01, 2010, 11:50:27 pm »
Hi, can somebody provide a short example on how to use interrupts?
Just a few snippets of code to provide an example for me to work with?

I made a point of using only my code.
By unoriginal, I meant that there are lots of other minesweeper games available (ticalc has an entire folder of TI-Basic minesweeper games).

I'm thinking of entering my Minesweeper game!
I don't expect it to do very well though, my originality score is pretty much shot to zero, but it'll be fun to try.

ASM / Re: Hide Apps
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:44:20 pm »
Does BrandonW's application work with OS 2.83 MP?

Edit: 2.53, sorry.

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:38:59 pm »
that's pretty sweet!
unless you find some way to radically increase the speed of the sweeping, though, i'd leave it as it is. pausing screen update would ruin the gray, and the only other way i can think of doing it would be storing the data in a different spot and then copying it all over after the sweeping process is over(which adds a bit of unnecessary code). oh, and a suggestion: you should try making scrolling maps larger than the screen, as nobody has ever done that either, and it would make your sweeping effect more useful. good luck!

You're referring to the possible speed bump if there's no updating, right?
If so, then I don't think that there'll be much of a difference even if I don't update at all, unless using DispGraph is REALLY slow.
Also, if I use the FULL command, it goes very fast, but decreases compatibility.  It also causes my gray to occasionally flicker to a slight checkerboard pattern.  Anybody know why that's happening?

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:12:20 pm »
About the slowness at the bottom left: it's a bit complicated, but it's also something that's inherent in the design.  If I manage to find a method to make the program sweep back and forth vs from just one side, it should be much improved.  

Also, the one in the corner?  Are you referring to the upper left one?  I'm pretty sure it was touching a mine...

Also, how would I do time?  I've been looking through my list of commands, and I can't find any timer-related commands.  Or am I just being stupid and overlooking it?

To prevent any delays, could I use interrupts?  Create a subprogram that adds 1 to a variable each time, and after x amount, I display another second?  I think this might be also compatible with older calculators, even though the seconds might be more elongated on the older ones.  Hmm.  If I've misunderstood what an interrupt is, this'll all go out the window...

Edit: 20th post!

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 01, 2010, 03:16:38 pm »
I can easily change the number of mines.  I just set it at 10 so that the expanding process is more clear.  It's harder to test if I did it right if the bubbles are tiny.

@ Builderboy:
The sweeping is a byproduct.  Just a question, does it look better this way, or would be better if it was instantaneous?

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: September 01, 2010, 11:55:45 am »
I've got the very basics coded: it's now a playable game.  It still needs a lot of polishing though, but that should be easy.

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Minesweeper
« on: August 31, 2010, 01:42:03 pm »
Haha, I've finally got expanding to work!
I can't post a screenshot because I'm at school right now, but it works, and it's respectably fast.  
It still has a few bugs though, and needs to be optimized, but I should hammer that out soon.

Edit: I might enter this into the contest, even though I'll probably lose a bunch of points for originality.  (There's an entire folder for BASIC minesweeper games on ticalc).  But hey, if few people are entering, I might have a shot.  (I think)

News / Re: 42 ways to prevent a project from dying due to data losses
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:43:23 pm »
I kept wincing as I read this.  :)

My brother actually asked me why I was twitching.

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