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Messages - Michael_Lee
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« on: May 12, 2011, 09:56:18 pm »
I'm trying to figure out what the purpose is behind these constants. Wouldn't it just be the same thing as, say, putting in the number?
Yes, but it's easier if you change something. For instance, let's say you have a piece of code that draws a tilemap to the screen that's 8*12 sprites large. But what if you wanted to add a HUD to the side of the screen and make it 8*10? Then you'd have to find all of those 12s in your code and change them to 10s. Or you could have used the (hopefully) soon to be Axe equivalent of a #define() when you wrote the code in the first place, so all you'd have to do is change the line with the #define() in it from a 12 to a 10 to fix all of those lines of code.
Question: Why not just pick a random spot in memory near the end of a buffer or pick a variable, store the number, and resolve never to modify it?
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:10:37 pm »
Java and Python seem to be the most popular, but we only get about 1 thread per month asking for help in those languages... (I think)
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:04:25 pm »
Question: What exactly happens if I leave a parenthesis open? Obviously, it'll start glitching the program up, but in what ways? What precisely does it do to the code?
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:37:47 pm »
Good point.
And I suppose even if ideas were accepted at a linear rate, not exponential, it wouldn't have much bearing on the argument.
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:30:23 pm »
Observation one for your metaphor on ideology seems unsupported.
How did you arrive by that observation?
« on: May 09, 2011, 11:42:11 pm »
So basically, is this equivalent to inserting hex into the program, except easier to read?
« on: May 09, 2011, 08:40:41 pm »
A workaround:
Invert the screen, use Line(), then invert the screen again?
DrawInv Line(x1,y1,x2,y2) DrawInv
« on: May 09, 2011, 11:25:38 am »
Help for Axe programming should go in the Axe Programming sub-forum. Therefore, this topic has been moved to Axe Language.
« on: May 09, 2011, 01:18:28 am »
I think you wanted a line-checking algorithm? This isn't probably the fastest one around, but it works. I used a variant of algorithm in one of my games, Light (which is dormant) to check for pixel collisions along a line. You should probably tweak this to suit your needs, especially when it returns the coordinates, which I didn't fill out. It's untested, but should work? If it doesn't, I have another variant of this in the Routines thread (except it draws lines, instead of returning coordinates): know THAT one works .LINE ClrDraw 50->A->B 2->L
Repeat getKey(15) If getKey getKey(3)-getKey(2)+A->A getKey(1)-getKey(4)+B->B getKey(10)-getKey(11)+L->L L=0+L->L sub(LIN,30,30,A,B,L) //r1 and r2 are the x and y coordinates of the starting point - it radiates out to (r3,r4). End DispGraph End Return
Lbl LIN If abs(r4-r2)>abs(r3-r1) Exch(°r1,°r2,2) Exch(°r3,°r2,2) End r1>r3->K abs(r3-r1)->S/2->V abs(r4-r2)->T r2->Y<r4*2-1->W For(Z,0,abs(r3-r1)) Z->X If K -X->X End If U If Pxl-Test(Y,X+r1) Return // Coordinates End Else If Pxl-Test(X+r1,Y) Return // Coordinates End End 1->I While I I-1->I If V-T->V>99 Y+W->Y V+S->V End End DispGraph //DispGraph and Pause are added to show how the line radiates outwards Pause 50 End Return
« on: May 09, 2011, 12:47:25 am »
I've been helping make a website for the robotics club at my school.
It's still in the development stage, and has A LOT of work left to do (we need to actually buy a web domain, for example), but I wanted to get feedback on the design before it gets finalized.
Temporarily hosted at:
(The background is temporary, it'll be replaced later, we don't have much content, some pages don't exist yet, and we still don't have a banner to put at the top of the page.)
I'm basically looking for feedback, criticisms, and suggestions on what I should do to improve the design.
Both the code and the page look very nice, good job. I have no critics but the overlaying menu, but I guess that's what you want.
Could you clarify why you don't like the overlaying menu? Does it make navigation harder? Is it just confusing? Etc... Maybe I can fix it?
« on: May 09, 2011, 12:40:03 am »
I guess so. From looking at the source, it doesn't look like he intended for that to happen...
Edit: Ninja'd
« on: May 09, 2011, 12:34:51 am »
Here's annoyingorange's code, verbatim:
.MARIO Fix 9 0->A 0->I 0->J 0->P 56->Y 0->X 88->D 56->G [00007E5A5A7E7EFF]->Pic4 [7E81A58181A5817E]->Pic3 [F0F8908890F090D8]->Pic2 [7E99A5858981897E]->Pic1 Pt-On(X,Y,Pic2 Pt-On(0,48,Pic1) Pt-On(88,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Lbl MOV If getKey(54) 1->J Pt-On(X,Y,Pic2 For(A,0,10) ClrDraw Y-1->Y D-1->D Pt-On(X,Y,Pic2 Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If I=0 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 Pt-On(88,48,Pic1 Else D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Pt-On(88,48,Pic3 End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If P=0 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 Pt-On(0,48,Pic1) DispGraph Else D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 Pt-On(0,48,Pic3 DispGraph End DispGraph D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If (X>88) and (J=1) 1->I End DispGraph If (X<9) and (J=1) 1->P End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph For(B,0,10) ClrDraw Y+1->Y Pt-On(X,Y,Pic2 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If I=0 Pt-On(88,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Else Pt-On(88,48,Pic3 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End If P=0 Pt-On(0,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Else Pt-On(0,48,Pic3 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End End 0->J If getKey(3) X+1->X ClrDraw Pt-On(X,Y,Pic2) D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If I=0 Pt-On(88,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Else Pt-On(88,48,Pic3 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End If P=0 Pt-On(0,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Else Pt-On(0,48,Pic3 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End If getKey(2) X-1->X ClrDraw Pt-On(X,Y,Pic2) D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If I=0 Pt-On(88,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Else Pt-On(88,48,Pic3 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph If P=0 Pt-On(0,48,Pic1 D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Else D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph Pt-On(0,48,Pic3 End D-1->D Pt-On(D,G,Pic4 DispGraph End If getKey(9) Goto END End Goto MOV Lbl END ClrDraw Normal
And a screenie I made with Wabbitemu.
A few quick suggestions (off the top of my head): > Close all your parenthesis (leaving them causes random bugs) > Don't use 'Lbl MOV and 'Goto MOV' -- use a 'While' or 'Repeat' loop instead. > Also, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it looks like you're constantly updating the screen without ever clearing it: toss in a ClrDraw somewhere in the loop.
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:35:04 pm »
Hi, Waave! Welcome to Omnimaga!
So, what was the game you made about?
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:26:58 pm »
Okay then, a thumbs-up for you too.
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:23:15 pm »
Wait. How are they similar?
(I'm pretty sure you're going to jump in with an obvious answer that I overlooked...)
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