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Messages - Michael_Lee

Pages: 1 ... 45 46 [47] 48 49 ... 70
The computer-based one could be a matter of pride, maybe.
"Hey, I code with dangerous languages such as Asm or Axe, but I'm so clever and careful at programming that I've avoided RAM clears for X amount of days!  Beat that!"

Or, perhaps
"Hey, I'm so awesome - I code with dangerous languages such as Asm or Axe, and I can prove it!  Look at how many RAM clears I get!"

Axe / Importing picture variables?
« on: November 29, 2010, 08:00:02 pm »
Hello - from an Axe program, how would I be able to pick an arbitrary picture variable (which is editable by the average user via either the pen command or through manipulating the graphscreen), then copy the contents of the picture to the buffer (or back-buffer, or other such place)?  Also, how would I be able to do the reverse (i.e. to copy the contents of an arbitrary buffer to a picture variable)?

I would also like to know the method for importing a picture variable once at compilation (for elaborate title screens and such).

Also, what is the most commonly used and accepted acronym or abbreviation for 'picture variable'?

TI Z80 / Re: Conway's Game of Life
« on: November 28, 2010, 11:12:20 pm »
Huh - I had added a
While getkey(0)
specifically to prevent that problem. 
Are you using Wabbitemu?  Because, for me, Wabbitemu has a tendency to speed things up and make controlling things harder.

Compared to Quigbo's, mine is more convoluted to allow editing.

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your avatar?
« on: November 28, 2010, 10:54:30 pm »
my new one. it shows what netham would do BEFORE he would kill us.

Hahahah how funny... NOT. I still don't get netham45's killing joke :(
It was in reference to an IRC quote from him where he was joking, saying that if we beat the record of 669 posts in one day set on Jan 1st 2007 by him and Tenniskid493 (they both posted 300 times each), he would kill everyone involved. Obviously he was kidding because earlier this month we did break the record and we're all still around. :P

Well, technically, we could all be dead, and just don't know it yet.  Although the idea of ghosts programming calcs is a bit odd, I must admit...

Miscellaneous / Re: [MERGED TOPICS] Version numbers/abcd/Completion %
« on: November 28, 2010, 10:33:12 pm »
I think... people generally do it however they feel like it, and usually try their best to stay consistent, with varying results.

TI Z80 / Re: Conway's Game of Life
« on: November 28, 2010, 10:27:50 pm »
You can now press [WINDOW] to alter the 'rules' of the game.
The original game of life turns cells on if they have 3 neighbors, and lets them survive with two or three - now you can alter these rules for interesting simulations.
The skulls mean that the cell dies, the blank allows survival, and smileys let cells be born.
For particularly interesting configurations, check this:
For now, not all of the configurations will work, (in the cases where its possible for a cell to be born, but not to survive with the same amount of neighbors), but the majority do.

Also, press [ZOOM] to try toggling between full speed mode (only on the TI-84+SE, I think) and normal.
Pressing [DEL] will clear the screen while editing.

TI Z80 / Re: Conway's Game of Life
« on: November 27, 2010, 02:45:42 pm »
Yeah it always did since almost the beginning. :P

In fact, if you check the releases thread, there's even a screenshot from Feb or March. ;D

Ah, well, I kinda like mine better :D.

TI Z80 / Re: Conway's Game of Life
« on: November 27, 2010, 02:42:19 pm »
What language is this in? Axe?
Yep, it's Axe.  Sorry, I should have mentioned that earlier.

Is Conway's Game of Life a browser game? is it a free game?

I mean, can we have a link, if it is, to compare?

There are many versions of this 'game' (it's not really a game, technically), but I like this one:  To start the Java applet, you have to press the button at the top left corner that says 'Enjoy Life' (it's a pop-up)

Nice stuff Michael_Lee. Does it uses the stuff from the Game of Life that came with Axe Parser app?
Axe Parser came with the Game of Life?  o.o  I didn't know that.

Edit: Ninja'd :P

TI Z80 / Conway's Game of Life
« on: November 27, 2010, 02:32:33 pm »
A version of Conway's game of life for the calc.

[Y=] for edit mode - you can toggle squares here.
[2ND] toggles squares.
Hold [ALPHA] when moving the cursor to slow it down (this allows for precision placement)

[TRACE] to enter 'Step' Mode - here, click [2ND] to proceed to the next generation.
[GRAPH] starts 'Auto' Mode - here, the screen refreshes as soon as it can.

At all times, you can HOLD [ + ] or [ - ] to zoom in or out.
Press [CLEAR] to return to the menu, then to quit.

In Step or Auto mode, it's a good idea to try holding all buttons, they're kind of slow to react.

General notes:
The larger the area your squares are taking up, the slower it'll run.
Also, if a square is toggled next to the edge, weird things could happen, so don't do that.
This hasn't been thoroughly bug-tested, and the controls aren't working smoothly yet, but I'll be working on it.

TI Z80 / Re: Light - Progress
« on: November 26, 2010, 11:02:41 pm »
I did.  I'm working on deciphering Runer112's tilemap program, but I'm still not entirely sure how it works.

I think that's b/c it's crazy optimized.

Correct! I often struggle to decipher my optimized code, which is why I usually try to force myself to add more comments than I think I need so I can understand it at a later time. However, it looks like I didn't comment my tilemapper much. Want me to go back and comment it?

I appreciate the offer, but I think I've managed to understand the tilemap moving part well enough that comments really aren't necessary.  (The tilemap creation part, however, is... difficult to follow, but strictly speaking, I don't need it for my project).  If you have time though, making the guide to Axe optimization that you mentioned on the tilemap thread would be pretty cool, though (poke, poke).

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: 'Oscars'-like Awards
« on: November 26, 2010, 10:45:21 pm »
Heh, I have to say that I read this thread with much amusement.
It appears that half the active programmers are going to be nominated, lol chuckle-softly out loud.

[random_thought]Does anybody actually laugh out loud during the moments that prompted them to add 'lol'?  Because I usually just grin or kind of chuckle to myself in lieu of actual laughter.[/random_thought]

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: 'Oscars'-like Awards
« on: November 26, 2010, 03:56:52 pm »
You know you've been thoroughly (sp?) computerized when large font causes you to physically flinch and wince, lol.
*Michael_Lee winces

TI Z80 / Re: Light - Progress
« on: November 25, 2010, 09:32:23 pm »
At the very worst case you could always do it the Joltima way but have corners using triangle tiles instead of squares, or something like that.

Wait, what? 
*Music scratches to a halt

What would that do?

TI Z80 / Re: Light - Progress
« on: November 25, 2010, 09:25:03 pm »
Well, the most recent workable sources are all available on this thread.  When programming on the highly volatile platform combined with the highly dangerous language that is Axe on z80 calculators, I generally think it's a good idea to disseminate sources as much as possible to guard against RAM crashes.
I think getting somebody to rewrite the portion in assembly might be a last-resort kind of idea, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. 

[RANDOM THOUGHT]You should add the quote "I hope your project doesn't die" to your signature![/RANDOM THOUGHT]

TI Z80 / Re: Light - Progress
« on: November 25, 2010, 09:13:35 pm »
I'm actually taking a small break on my project.
In my attempts to optimize, I entangled and combined many part of my program together in a manner that makes it tedious to pry apart/rewrite.
I'm still working on other parts, such as a tilemapper and the beginnings of the menu, but in order to allow me to get a fresh perspective on the problem, I'm currently working on another shorter project (with a demo which I can probably release either today or tomorrow, or at the latest, Saturday).

Unless I can get the shadow algorithm to run respectably fast, this project will probably have to be shelved indefinitely.

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