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Messages - Michael_Lee

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51 52 ... 70
Humour and Jokes / Re: 1000 things SirCmpwn should include in KnightOS
« on: November 19, 2010, 01:48:23 pm »
61. Whenever you edit a program, there should be a 6.66 percent chance that the program is replaced by a broken quadratic solver.  In grayscale.  With 3d graphics.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello All Its the Russan Man
« on: November 18, 2010, 01:57:51 pm »
Hi - welcome to Omnimaga! 

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introducing myself
« on: November 18, 2010, 01:51:54 pm »
Yeah... lesson number 1: Always, always, always, include an escape clause in your code if you're uncertain as to what'll happen.

I hate infinite loops.

TI Z80 / Re: Nemo's IDE
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:54:48 pm »
@ zTrumpet - that's weird - I have four screenworths of programs, and didn't have trouble scrolling at all. (31 entries)
(More data for nemo!)

Maybe it has to do with the fact that a lot of those programs share the first few characters?

TI Z80 / Re: Nemo's IDE
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:38:16 pm »
Looks nice.  Selecting the menu on the right seems to be easy - it looks like you support pressing right, the 2nd button, and Enter, which covers all of the common input methods.  (You also support clear - more about that later)

I was a bit hesitant at first, but navigating the menu seems intuitive, especially if you're not afraid of experimenting a little.  I found the little delay before and after archiving a little annoying - you probably can't do anything to bump up the speed, but how about adding some kind of feedback to indicate that the program is crunching some numbers?  That way, the naive user won't get frustrated or confused and button-mash.

Also clear: Why does pressing it bring me to the menu on the right?  I think that it would be a lot more simpler if clear could act as a way to return to the left menu, then pressing again would exit you from the program.  Having to hold it seems a little bizarre, although potentially useful once you get used to it (press to move back a menu, hold to instant-quit?)

It correctly displayed all my programs, and it also displayed the ! and %FLD[bizarre, tilted 'n' here] (whatever that is).  I don't have any DoorsCS folders, so can't comment there.  I also like the scroll speed but feature request: a way to search for a program (I have a lot) and possibly scrolling beyond the list wraps you around to the bottom/top?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: November 17, 2010, 03:15:04 pm »
Sweet.  I didn't know that.  It should work, thanks.

Quick question - do I have to add brackets to anything, or will it work just as written?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: November 17, 2010, 03:12:11 pm »
Is there a way to switch the buffer and the back-buffer?  It looks like Axe comes with the ability to copy one to the other, not exchange.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introducing myself
« on: November 16, 2010, 07:14:00 pm »
Hi, and welcome to Omnimaga!

Metaphor time!
If the normal calculator homescreen is like command prompt on windows, then DoorsCS is like a GUI file browser (where you can can click on icons to navigate folders, etc.)  It also is a programming tool - it comes built in with libraries that enhance normal BASIC, allowing more better programs to be made.  DoorsCS is necessary to run these augmented programs - they won't run otherwise.

If TI-Basic is like a really slow and crippled version of Python that can never be compiled, then Axe is like a super fast, awesome, easy-to-use version of C (or C++ or C#, etc.) that, due to its sheer awesomeness, can make incredible games (grayscale and ultra-speed!  Sprites!), but isn't so good at math.  (But with great power comes great responsibility - Axe can cause RAM clears if you aren't careful, and you will probably clear your RAM numerous times during debugging.  It can also probably be harnessed to deliberately kill your calc, although it hasn't happened to anybody I know.  So just back up frequently, keep everything in Archive and use DoorsCS's homerun feature to run programs directly from archive). 

Edit: And assembly is like coding with butterflies.

General Calculator Help / Re: Things I just did to my calculator.
« on: November 16, 2010, 01:56:15 pm »
Yep.  I've been looking for something like a CAS or symbolic manipulation, or whatever it's called, and Symbolic/Unit Ops seems to be the closest I can get to.

Question: is there anything that can simulate the quick apps feature on Omnicalc, but isn't Omnicalc?

Edit: I think I remember somebody saying that running zStart will invalidate my OS, so I have to disable it before trying to transfer my OS to other calcs.  Do any other apps/programs do this?

o.o  Cool.
I will stop asking n00b questions now.

Interesting - just tried it, and nothing is happening.  Do I have to press the keys in a particular order?

Axe / Re: Working with Large Numbers?
« on: November 15, 2010, 10:05:38 pm »
Ah.  I see.

Any way to circumvent it?

Axe / Re: Working with Large Numbers?
« on: November 15, 2010, 10:01:46 pm »
So basically, I have to convert my input to base 16, then use an algorithm similar to multiplying/dividing by hand in order to manipulate my numbers?
Hmm, working with base 16 might be a bit painful...
Not base 16, 16-bit. You treat a whole 16-bit variable like a digit. Then with 32-bit, you're working with "two-digit" values at the most.
Is there a difference?
By 16 bit, each digit ranges from 0-F?  Isn't this identical to base 16?

So basically, you press left, right, and on to start test mode?
I'm afraid to try this on my calc - what does this do, precisely?

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