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Messages - NecroBumpist

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@NecroBumpist: You just got ninja'd XD

Thanks for pointing out the obvious :'(

it is TCG.
Trading Card Game

I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh a few years back, but I was never good because I had bad decks, but it was fairly decent. I like Magic a little more though.

Miscellaneous / Re: !!! IMPORTANT !!! HELP !!!!!!
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:20:34 pm »
Your friend's face whilst he's trolling you:
Spoiler For Spoiler:

Miscellaneous / Re: Where Did Your Name Come From?
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:07:55 pm »
Lol don't worry. I doubt every Roblox fan are like that. It just seemed several I encountered were. I guess it doesn't help that it attracts a lot of kids, though. Not every kid on the Internet behaves properly or at least decently like our younger users.

Did the section about scripters went downhill becauise the ones in charge lost interest? Sometimes that happens to forums when some moderators leave.

Yes, that was a massive contributor.
The ROBLOX company used to have player mods, but a few years ago demoted all mods under the age of 18.
Two of those player mods frequented the Scripters section, and they were extraordinary programmers.

In fact, almost all of my work with Lua assembly/bytecode is based in some manner on the work of one of those mods, named xLEGOx.

So yes, this hurt the Scripters section, but the game community as a whole quickly took up a downward trend as it became more popular.

Now all of the mods are apathetic interns who do a really poor job of maintaining the forums.

But, enough about my past! Onward to the future of Omnimaga!
I'm actually plotting out an on calc Lua IDE right now!
Spoiler For I can't resist listing planned features:
  • In app editing, so you don't have to make new notes to program as with ocLua
  • Saving/Loading scripts in string variables, and making a window to manage these
  • Remapping buttons on the keyboard so that certain things (like a colon and less than or greater than signs) are easier to access
  • Potentially syntax highlighting (why is it called highlighting if it only changes the font color ???), but as I don't have a CX, this might not come quickly
  • Other cool stuff people request.

Miscellaneous / Re: Where Did Your Name Come From?
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:48:41 pm »
Hmm yeah I can see how a roblox forum would degrade fast. On Youtube i used to get a lot of haters on all my videos and guess what I always found when I checked their channel? They were Roblox or Pivot fans. It seems the game is ovveran by trolls and the pivot software seems used a lot by them too.

You make me feel so ashamed of my origins ;_;

Yes, the community as a whole, was terrible. But the Scripters section used to have quite decent discussion (at then it did, with my old perspective), but alas, now even that section has been tainted.

Though ROBLOX did give me one good thing. Programming.
I originally learnt Lua so I could make games there (something I never was actually good at), and in my time there I became one of the top Lua programmers amongst the forums. I've done so many different things with Lua, many of which I shared there, that Lua is my only language of choice. If I do anything related to programming, it is with Lua. I cannot tell if my mastery of Lua should be considered a hindrance, since C++ / Haskell look fun/useful, yet I just can't be bothered to learn or practice them, knowing that anything I want to do in one of those languages I would have to learn, I could easily do in Lua.

Miscellaneous / Re: Where Did Your Name Come From?
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:39:06 pm »
What kind of forum is it?
It was a forum for the kids game ROBLOX.
I've stopped visiting mainly because the tech/programming forum has degraded so badly in the past two years, or maybe I've just out grown it.
I don't know which, but I have chosen Omnimaga as my replacement in the foreseeable future;D

Miscellaneous / Re: Where Did Your Name Come From?
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:28:45 pm »
Oh memories.
I once had an account on a forum called "DidYouSeeThatDog", and I posted in the tech section a lot. One day it became apperant that there was a way to bump a post to the top of a section without actually leaving a post in the thread (however, the "Last Post By:" thing in the section would update), thanks to expoiting a bug in the word filtering code, and this act was colloquially called Necro-Bumping. So one day I created the account "NecroBumpist" just to mess with people, however, I actually did very little Necro-Bumping because it was frowned upon.

Anyway, I've been using this name a lot, as well as JustAPerson/JeanSprouts (which are anagrams for each other)

Miscellaneous / Re: Enhanced BF
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:37:04 pm »
The only things brainf*ck requires (do we actually need to censor this here at Omnimaga?) is subroutines.

I have no idea how to implement.

News / Re: 250000 posts since May 2005 & new yearly record for 2011
« on: October 07, 2011, 12:37:16 am »
Happy 250,000th post Omnimaga!

2011 has been the most active year ever and it isn't even over :)

I hope future advancements continue to drive user activity here ever higher.

TI Z80 / Re: Firefall (Beta)
« on: October 06, 2011, 01:17:13 am »
Very neat! It looks like a fun game to play while in class.

Gosh, the text particle effects are beautiful :)

Spoiler For For anyone knew to MODS, a quick summary:
The Lua language compiles to bytecode before it is ran.
Lua Assembly (LASM) is the format of this bytecode.

This thread was about my LASM assembler, named MODS (Maximum OverDrive System), but I wish to improve this.

Example LASM code:
Code: [Select]
.options 0, 0, 0, 2

getglobal 0, <"print">
loadk  1, <"hello world">
call 0, 2, 1
return 0, 1

I'm interested in reviving this project, but I need long time general assembly programmer's feedback.

I want to do two things with this project:
  • Finish 2.x by finally adding various debugging things
  • Completely redesign everything, from the parser to the linker
The 2.x line will be just about finished after I add more debugging tools such as a proper disassembler, which will output a file that can be properly parsed by MODS 2.x
However, I really dislike the way I had to implement A LOT of things, so I want to start from scratch.
To do this will require more planning, so I'm going to need to know what's actually useful in an assembler, so this is where I need help.

I've tried my hand in assembly before, briefly with x86, and I used NASM, which is where I've gotten some inspiration, but because of the limited time I used it for, I'm probably missing some things.

I incorporated NASM like macros into v2, which was a huge improvement, but because they were done so late in development, I did a pretty bad job of it, so they are more limited than I would of liked. This is one of the primary reasons I want to rewrite MODS.

Anyway, assemblers! Come one, come all! Please, offer your advice to me!
What sort of features do you use/like in your assemblers ?

  • Macros
  • Labels
  • preprocessor type stuff
As I said, since I didn't get far into x86 assembly, I need help with ideas for MODS 3.

Lua / Re: Lua Q&A
« on: October 05, 2011, 08:20:32 pm »
How does grayscale work on the non CX calcs ? More importantly how do I use it ?
How many levels of grayscale does the normal NSpire support ?
How does this work with the TI-Image format ?

I'm asking since I'm writing a .BMP file -> TI-Image file convert for easy Lua usage.

Axe / Re: Third-party Axe tutorial
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:59:22 am »
Can't wait for this, I really need to learn Axe :)

Art / Re: Shakespeare's comics [webcomic]
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:36:30 am »
Are domains any better ?

Humour and Jokes / Re: Let us make some random programs
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:11:07 pm »
Rule: Must be TI-BASIC (Srry, AXE Fans  >:D )

-1 for hating Axe, and excluding Lua.

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