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Topics - Nick

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Other Calculators / Program preferences
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:02:38 pm »

I saw a lot of topics on this forums about the same questions: 3/4-level greyscale, savegames, extra's, keypress choices etc etc...
They are in fact all the same, but each and every one of them for a different game, while they're in fact useful for every programmer to know.

Therefor i'll try to cover polls that are useful for a wide range of programs/games made for any type of calculator (like said before).
I'll post a new poll every week (if it has enough votes of course) for everyone to be useful, so please vote, and tell us why you voted for that specific choice if you want to.

This might be useful for everyone, even for yourself. I'll keep track of every poll created and i'll post the results in this first post when they finish.

Should Nspire LUA games use single tab, or mutliple tabs?
One single tab (60%)
Multiple tabs (40%)

General comment:
Depends on the program. If the parts are completely separate, then it can better be used in different tabs, but otherwise, one tab is best.

This weeks question: 3 or 4-level grayscale?

There's only one thing i ask: think before you vote!

I really hope this is going to be useful for a lot of programmers around here, if not, at least i tried :)


Other / electronic project
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:07:24 pm »

i've been thinking to start an electronic project to learn more about the working of all those components and circuits. the only problem is that i don't really have ideas

i want to make something 'special', but feasible as a starter.
it might be something radio controlled, since i have a sender/receiver here from an old rc car, and i wanna do something with it, but i don't really know what xs

i hope you understand what i mean, and if someone has any ideas, feel free to tell me :) thanks a lot!

P.S. not with an arduino or any other microcontrolled stuff yet, since that will be too hard to start with, and i will do thing i don't understand myself :)

Art / Pokedex
« on: January 23, 2012, 06:09:52 am »
i had to exercise for my exam of 3D drawing on PC, so i decided to make a pokedex, instead of doing those stupid all-the-same-exercises...

and this is the result:

i know there are some mistakes but whatever, i like it xp and i thought that maybe some of you here might like it too

Computer Programming / Visual Basic problem
« on: January 12, 2012, 03:49:29 pm »
i encountered a problem in my code.

i make a treenode with childs, the problem is that i only want to add nodes that are not yet in the treenode.
sometimes the same name for a node appears twice or more, and i want those to only be added once...

this is how i thought it should work, but it doesn't, it works the other way around though: when i delete the "not", no nodes are added to the treenode, which means that the function is correct ???
Code: [Select]
If Not varsnode.Nodes.ContainsKey(linetext.Substring(0, linetext.LastIndexOf("="))) Then
     node = varsnode.Nodes.Add(linetext.Substring(0, linetext.LastIndexOf("=")))
End If

all nodes are initialized, so that's not the problem, varsnode is the main node, and node is the child node
linetext is a string, containing the string i want to add

Computer Projects and Ideas / Lua code optimizer for pc
« on: January 05, 2012, 06:23:53 pm »

based on Deep Thought's idea, i made a program that reduces the file size of lua with about 15% (several tests came out, average reduction..)

it does not yet change anything really coding to the code yet, but:
     - tabs are removed
     - spaces are removed where possible ( var = 5 changes into var=5 )
     - empty new lines are removed
     - \000\ changes in \0\ for images
     - removes the == true in statements (not yet ==false, that will come later)
     - changes platform.window:invalidate() into p() and adds  'function p() platform.window:invalidate() end' because this takes in less place when used more than 2 times (which prob is the case)
     - comments are removed
     - gc:setAlpha(..)'s are removed
     - include external .lua files by using %, followed by the name of the file (without the .lua)
example main file:
Code: [Select]
function on.create()
varsinit.lua file:
Code: [Select]
menu = true
game = false
highscore = (var.recall("HS")  or 0)
score = 0

the resulting file is saved in the same directory as the source file, but with improved added to the name, so example.lua changes into exampleimproved.lua
i tried to remove the ,"top" from drawstring, and it all worked fine, but than it seems that it is drawn on baseline, i thought top was default?

anyway, here are screenies

Humour and Jokes / Rickroll'd
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:22:46 pm »
i searched on the forums for the word 'rickroll', to have a little statistics on who is involved in the most GAME-losing threads. and the results are quite overwhelming, especially the first one xp

so here are the results:

1. DJ_O: 198 hits
2. Deep Thought: 34 hits
3. Juju: 22 hits

Miscellaneous / Happy New Year!
« on: December 31, 2011, 09:31:13 pm »
I want to wish everyone around here a happy new year, and a lot of fun and a good programming year!

i hope 2012 is gonna be a great year, but i'm sure it will, so: Enjoy!
also, 300th post :)

General Calculator Help / memory failure 84+
« on: December 29, 2011, 07:25:22 pm »

i'm already having some troubles with my calc for quite a while, i don't know how, but these are the screen i get. I've already resent the os, and put in new batteries
it doesn't work to send files anymore, it gives "device doesn't recognize instruction".
I had a program TST, which you can see in the screenie, that was archived. Then i removed the "u" variable beneath it, got a RAM clear, and the content of the archived TST program was gone, although the program itself still existed.. all apps from archive are running normal

these are the programs on the calc:
basic: counter, tst
other: axe, swords

thanks in advance

TI-Nspire / SpeedX 3D
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:22:28 am »
you might have seen this on my website, but here it is now on omnimaga:

SpeedX 3D

a revolutionary (i love to say this) game of avoiding blocks. In it's heart, it has something like a cuberunner, but still it is something totally different.. watch the screenie :)
you have to avoid the red cubes and black 'holes/tiles' by moving left and right. Take the orange tiles to earn 10 extra points, and the green ones to get an extra life. This life means you can collide with a cube without getting hurt (of couse you lose one then).
Now i'm working on the lay-out, and i think i'll remake it so it uses classes, since i'm learning that now..
3D credits are for Chockosta (tiny3D)

on calc it runs smoother!!!!!

Lua / Progressbar
« on: December 21, 2011, 09:40:51 am »

made a progressbar, feel free to use it..
more info on my site

i included another lua file, the same, but in classes (so much better than the old one). I haven't done this, say thanks to  Adriweb :)

General Discussion / Drummers or other musicians, somewhere?
« on: December 19, 2011, 04:53:34 pm »
as the title says, i was wondering if some people are drummer here? or other musicians with REAL instruments (especially acoustic ones)?

i'm playing drums for 4 years now, and i started wondering if some other coders are acoustically Nspired

Other Calculators / Refraction of Light
« on: December 18, 2011, 06:20:30 pm »
Refraction of Light;sa=view;down=761

Here's an app i made for a school project. it's quite simple, but very helpful for fast checkings or even calculations. Just input the angle the lightray comes in, and the refractive index of both materials, and you get the refraction angle and the maximum angle for not having total reflection.

all angles are in degrees!

Other Calculators / Periodic table
« on: December 18, 2011, 06:20:30 pm »
Periodic table;sa=view;down=762

This is a Periodic table of the elements for the Nspire OS>=3.0. Fast, accurate and designed with care. The CX displays the different types of element (metals, nonmetals.. in a different color, the nonCX's only show the nonmetals and noble gasses in a different color (because of the 'bad' quality of greyscale). database includes:
Atomic number, relative weight, type, ionisation energy, elektronegativity, melting point, boiling point, density at 20°C, electron configuration, discovery, nr of natural isotopes, oxidation states, crystal structure, group, period and radioactivity.
It shows the crystal structure in a animated 3D form so you can perfectly see how it looks like. (most general form is shown).
A lot of thanks to LOIC PUJET (AKA Chockosta) for his TINY3D!


Lua / Lua 'XML' reader
« on: December 18, 2011, 03:48:21 am »
in that topic about an  e-book reader for the nspire, they came up with the idea to read from xml files within lua.
I thought of it, and designed somehow a construction that is similar to xml (tags) but readable for lua.

this is the format:
Code: [Select]
xml = {
"<txt>this is a test to show you the possibilities of xml in Nspire lua",
"<txt>It's very simple, just type a tag like <ttl> and than your title",
"<img>\030\000\000\000\030\000\000\037\/*find yourself a pic to insert, it would be too long to post */137\194\137\194\137\198\207\210x\235\000\000\000\000",
"<txt>and it automatically scrolls down to the next line after the image",
"<txt>this is the last sentence!"
as you can see, it's not xml at all, but you can give text a separate font by just using my script.
it's very simple, but untill now only <ttl> (title), <txt> (normal text) and <img> (image) are implemented.

Please give comments/suggestions to make this better, it could be very useful!

of course it ain't possible to read from real XML, so it's still not that usable for that e-book reader, since you have to write/let a program write it to the lue xml format..
as you can see no endtags are used,it is just not required...

you can find the source here:
thanks to adriweb and excale :)

Computer Programming / Visual Basic savefile error
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:33:59 am »

I'm experimenting a little bit with visual basics, as we have to learn the basics for school (but i'm going much further of course xp hmm, or maybe i want, but it won't work) and i'm stuck

i'm trying and trying to get the saveDialogBox working, but everytime i want to create a new file, it gives an error and quits the program.. here's the code:
Code: [Select]

    Private Sub ToolStripButton4_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton4.Click
        SaveFileDialog1.Filter = "Nspire Lua files (*.lua)|*.lua|txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
        SaveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
        SaveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True
        SaveFileDialog1.CreatePrompt = True
        SaveFileDialog1.OverwritePrompt = True
        SaveFileDialog_FileOK(ToolStripButton4, AcceptButton)
    End Sub

    Private Sub SaveFileDialog_FileOK(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveFileDialog1.FileOk
        Dim myStream As IO.Stream
        Dim SaveName As String
        ' If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
        myStream = SaveFileDialog1.OpenFile()
        SaveName = SaveFileDialog1.FileName
        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(SaveName, addText.Text, False)
        ' End If
    End Sub

and this is the error screen

also saving to another file than the original does not work, where's my mistake?

Thanks in advance!

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