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Messages - Nick

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Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:04:59 pm »
can somebody tell me what's wrong with the code below?
it has to erase the upper line of a tablematrix if all the entries on the first row are 0 and replace it with a {0,0,0,0} entry on the 4th place of the table...
transpon is the table that holds the values 1 and 0 like this: transpon = {{0,1,0,0},{1,1,1,0},{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0},..and yet some other stuff here}

Code: [Select]
count = 0
for i=1,4 do
if transpon[1][i]==0 then
count = count + 1
if count==4 then
count = 0

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 08, 2011, 11:02:25 am »
I just solved the problem, it all works nice, i have add the marathon function: every 5 lines you go a level up, and you get a higher score when erasing multiple lines at once.
I used 2*numberoflines if linescleared>1, so 1 line gives 1 point, 2 lines gives 3 points, 3 lines gives 7 points and so on...

Oh, and that's really nice to know, it might be very handy to know, merci om 't met andere woorden te zeggen :)

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:52:12 am »
i'll have a try on that button :) cause it's nice to have..

i also have a problem with the turning of the blocks it seems. i thought i only had to transpose the matrix, but in fact, it doesn't work, cause you only have two positions then. how can i fix this?

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 07:04:13 pm »
they're really nice, like the keypad usage could be very useful :)
Well, the dropdown button might need a bit of time, cause i don't know directly how to implement it, but i'll certainly have a look at it.

untill now, you can speedup with + and -, it doesn't go atuomatically, but it can go to level 20 with a really nice speed, the block is totally down in about 3 seconds, so... :)

and i've also implemented that it checks if the calc has a colorscreen, if not, it uses white and black as background colors, otherwise pink and grey

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 06:35:24 pm »
i finally got it working..and in the meanwhile, i changed the graphics a little bit, now there is a little 3D-piece effect like the real tetris :)

here's a screenshot, but never mind the numbers on the left side, they are only to know some values to debug it.

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:27:39 pm »
yeah, i'm belgian.. i didn't even notice that you could see it on the screenshot :)

thanks, well it's the purpose to make it that way, but it just the beginning to make everything work, and then the lay-out will follow...

and for the code, yeah it is to check if that blocks[][] (that's the matrix that includes the total field) is not 0, i've tried it with ~=0, but it didn't work properly, it wouldn't move anymore...

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:16:56 pm »
voila, and here's a screenshot, thanks to DJ_O

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:13:41 pm »
thanks, i think it will be necessary, wuase it's only my second game..

well, while you're about it, i have a problem, but it might be fised fast. It's in the detection of the obstacles.
Every piece has a different color, and i store them in a table (with subtables so you get a kind of matrix), but when i fill 1 in if it's full (that means a piece is on that place) everything goes well, but when i fill in a number of 1 to 7, each number for a different color, it doesn't work anymore. The code below is for that 1-7 colorcheck...
on.checkleft checks if the left side of the block is free to move to the left

Code: [Select]
function on.checkLeft()
for i=1,fallingblock[9] do
for j=1,4 do
for k=1,7 do
if blocks[i+1+fallingblock[6]-fallingblock[9]+1*(fallingblock[9]-2)][j+fallingblock[5]-2]==k then
stopleft = true
if stopleft then
return 0
return 1
stopleft = false

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:01:33 pm »
the purpose is to clear 5 lines in the first level, and then 6 and.. is it right?

yeah, but i've seen it al quite a lot, and that's what i'm trying to avoid, but i'll certainly put it into it, it's a standard to tetris, so it would be a lack in the game, thanks...

Lua / Color tetris
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:55:48 pm »

i'm quite new to Lua programming (about 1 month, since i had to buy a TI-Nspire CX CAS for school :) ) and i'm making a Tetris game in color. I've already finished the general gameplay, but i want to know if someone has some special ideas to put into it. It might be nice if it wasn't just a standard tetris, but i haven't got the inspiration yet :)

so if someone likes to help: you're welcome!

and can somebody please tell me how to put a picture in this forum, cause i don't really get it xs thanks

Axe / Problems using GDB
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:21:15 pm »

i'm having some problems with the game i'm making. I'm developing a bubble trouble for the TI 84 plus and it runs very smooth.
I've compiled it to play without a shell, and it works. But from the moment i open a random game from mirageOS, some parts of the game (the collision detection) suddenly don't work anymore. It also happens when i compile it to mirageOS, Ion or an app..

I really don't know what's wrong, so please help me... :)

btw, i'm using GDB1 as data storage and about 10 other variables, maybe this is the problem?


Introduce Yourself! / Hello
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:09:40 pm »
hello there

i hope this site is going to help me out of some programming problems, you know..


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