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Messages - Nick

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 80
TI-Nspire / Re: nLaunch: Now for CX!
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:23:38 am »
The TI-Nspire CX Premium doesn't look like that at all.
Shhhhhhhhhhh ! Now everyone will know you have one !
At least I haven't posted any photos about my prototype...
* adriweb runs

Wait, you mean you both have the prototypes of that leaked CX Premium? that  was the one from the slideshow email, wasn't it?
Is it nice?

Casio Calculators / Re: [crosspost] IDE for classpad
« on: April 02, 2013, 03:31:16 am »
Wow, that looks way too awesome to bee true, and it's not even 1st of april anymore...
did that guy you write it himself, or how did he accomplish this?

General Calculator Help / Re: Installing CAS on TI-Nspire CX Non-CAS
« on: April 02, 2013, 03:29:05 am »
It is possible as of yesterday, check it here:

TI-Nspire / Re: z80 emulator for Nspire
« on: March 24, 2013, 04:23:55 pm »

(can i legally put this link here???)
No you can't. Omnimaga doesn't want to have to be linked to any kind of illegal stuff in any kind of way, so please remove the post/link.

Damn,  :ninja:

also, adriweb, please remove the link in your quote too :)

Other / Re: ATtiny85 led matrix clock
« on: March 23, 2013, 11:45:42 am »
Very nice :D By the way nice to see you again. Are you still doing calc projects and planning to update us here? :)

hell yeah I am, I'm working on that memory game tor the TI-Concours, so that'll be finished within one week for sure. After that I plan to take some time to finish all my previous projects (if I can find the energy to do so). At least uno needs to be finished, and maybe some older ones that never really took off, so yeah, I'll have some work to do :)

Other / ATtiny85 led matrix clock
« on: March 23, 2013, 11:20:20 am »

I made this new clock, and thought of sharing it with you guys.
It's running on an ATtiny85 (8pins, 16MHz) IC, which is pretty small.
Using two 74HC595 shift registers (only taking up three wires) and two buttons, you can control the mode the clock displays the time, as well as setting the correct time.
A friend of mine made the aluminum casing, which makes it look very neat.

here's a video of it running:

for more info or files, please visit my website

Other Calculators / Re: Forty-eight hours of programming!
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:00:46 pm »
You need the memory anyway, the only thing you lose is the bytes for linking to the next node, but I guess it's still more flexible than using a dynamic array. I would recommend a linked list, maybe doubly linked? Since deleting between two nodes can be a pretty long job if you use a singly linked list..

Miscellaneous / Re: Post your desktop
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:56:25 pm »
I'd say he plugged a second display into his laptop.
Right, but why 3839x1079, and not 3840x1080? that's what bothers me :)

Miscellaneous / Re: Post your desktop
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:51:35 pm »
Here's mine right now (background always changing) :P

Also, see :D
Nice, but where are those damn last pixels? 3839x1079 aaaaarrrrhghhhhh xp

Other Calculators / Re: Getting an 84+SE!
« on: February 18, 2013, 07:55:55 pm »
I really don't want to burst your bubble, since this is the way all (most) programmers start, but by displaying "hello world" you're still miles away from actually doing what's called programming. It has a lot more into it than just displaying; it is a start though.

I recommend doing as you say, because that's the most simple way to go. Basic is extremely easy to learn, works fine and gives quite a wide range of features. Axe is wonderful, but can be pretty hard at times, so don't jump to that stage after one day, make sure you're completely used to the basic side before you go any further (it should go without any thinking).

ASM is hard, and extremely hard if you even don't really have any basic experience, but it's a nice idea to keep in mind, it might take several years to get to that stage though.

here are some:

and more specifically this one might be interesting:
5.7" of colorful iny tiny lights :)

On the topic of the 7 inch screens, will the calculator still fit in our pockets or pen case like a Nintendo DS or a TI-89?
I'm afraid not, 7" is huge (too huge for a calc imo, I'd rather go with max 5"), it's this big:

while 5" looks like this:

Other / Re: Did you decorate your computer
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:19:17 am »
I dont like stickers :P
Why not?
Kinda for the same reason as Nick; makes it look less orderly :P
But that way you have a moar unique laptop/monitor :P
The only thing I expect from a computer is that it works as it should, and it has to look good while doing so, which means no decals are needed for that :)

Other / Re: Did you decorate your computer
« on: February 13, 2013, 08:25:31 am »
When I buy mine, I always peel them of immediately after I received it, I don't like it when my pc is filled with stickers, it makes it look less orderly imo (it's the only object in all my life that has to be orderly and clean all the time xp )

I can see why you do it, but no, I don't really like it

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:30:28 pm »
if you'd like to draw a check mark, you can use these line drawing codes, it draws the mark like on the image on the previous page:

Code: [Select]
    //line 1 (upper)
    //line 2 (middle)
    //line 3 (middle)
    //line 4 (lower)

edit: you'd have to change it a little of course :)

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