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Messages - PeonHero

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Humour and Jokes / Re: TI employees
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:31:19 pm »
52: You have be a greedy person that enjoys ripping people off, you have to be a person that enjoys selling hardware that costs nothing for hundreds of dollars.

We should make a better company than T.I. that sells "high quality" products instead of high price for low quality. Better calculator design, more functions (including a watch), and programmable in many languages. In fact, we should have a bunch of different model branches. One branch could be for calculators that are MAINLY for math and graphing (only programmable in CompanyNameBasic), another branch mainly for programming, barely any math and yet programmable in any language, like a computer (Except all the commands are accessed via menus, and the codes on the menus change depending on the filetype you make ex. .html .java .etc). I doubt we will start this company. I might start one when I'm older. I might never start the company though.

Music Showcase / Re: Earth Mover
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:21:18 pm »
Holy crap that's a good techno song.... Whoaaa I'm impressed!  :w00t:

Music Showcase / PeonHero - Good Start Rock
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:13:16 pm »
Hey guys, I just wanted to finally post this up somewhere, I made this a long time ago but didn't put it up anywhere.
Song is called Good Start Rock. The animation is just something I made to impress my English teacher back in 7th grade to show her that I could animate videos. I sent the video to her through email, she replied with "What is this?" To which I didn't even reply back. This was my first attempt at animation however, and I sucked :D

My fault and I'm sorry if I wasted 50 seconds of your life. I'm okay with harsh criticism though (used to it), so you can say it was the worst thing you've ever heard, curse words, etc. and I'm fine with that. I hope you enjoy it though. Thank you.

Music Showcase / Re: Shoot Them Down-DJ Eddy
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:04:33 pm »
Whoa keep it up DJ Eddy! This is a great piece of work.

Math and Science / Re: Funny sequence
« on: April 25, 2011, 09:32:15 pm »
Let me try this:

1) Prove that every digit in numbers of this series are either "1", "2", or "3".

 It's impossible that there will be anything above a 3. Why? The numbers are always grouped together in a way that makes it only possibly to get up to 3 of a number.

2) Prove that for every term, the last digit is always 1.

It will always be 1 because the initial number was 1. If the initial number was 2, it will always be two, same with any other number. The first two rows are the most important, since N is defined in the first row, the second row will always be 1N. And after that, you can't get rid of it.

3) Prove that you cannot have 3 3's in a row.

Because the maximum you can have is 2 3's in a row. 33111 will be 2331, 22233111 will be 322331, you need 3 3's to make 333 possible in the first place, but since you will never encounter 3 3's, you won't encounter 3 3's.

4) Does the length of the terms ever decrease? Find the first instance if it does.

No. I've been doing this for 15 minutes on a calculator, it's not possible.

5) Asymptotically speaking, what is the length of each term of the sequence?

I don't know what this question is asking for. It looks like an exponential increase in number of terms in the sequence per row.

6) As the terms grow large, what will the distributions for each digit be?

The terms won't really "Grow Large," since it's all just 1s,2s and 3s. The last digit will always be a 1. And the first digit alternates between 1 and 3 in the later stages. The digits in the center are mostly made up of 1's, with a few 2's and 3's in between. There are always more 1's, more 2's, more 3's, in the next row than the previous one. Etc.

Axe / Re: Specific Tutorials List (Axe)
« on: April 23, 2011, 06:36:48 pm »
Hey, if you are new to Axe, I recommend Kindermoumoute's Axe tutorial. You might have to translate it from French to English, but it is worth it. I think it's the best tutorial for beginners out there.

UberGraphX / Re: UberGraphX - Ubercalculator
« on: April 20, 2011, 08:02:28 pm »
I don't think this can replace a computer, but it can definitely replace every calculator available so far!

Computer Programming / Re: Programming on the Android smartphone
« on: April 19, 2011, 11:09:45 pm »
So far nothing beats the calculator for programming on the go I guess. Laptops are great but not as portable (you can't take them everywhere like calculators), but the TI calculators are amazingly well designed, the buttons are so easy to get used to yet it looks complicated, I love it. It's looks like what a real professional programmer would use on the go, I think people also look smarter / nerdier while they're using it. If they had cell phone capability, web browsing capabilities, able to take pictures and videos, were in color, and you could program in more than just TI-Basic, it would be the best thing ever made (in my opinion).

Maybe it will be made in the future, something like "The Pandora," it would be the size of 2 TI-83s held sideways (like a ds) and you can open it up to reveal a full sized screen as big as a ti-83 and a keyboard as big as a ti-83. It wouldn't have a QWERTY keyboard though because that would take up too much important button space. you would have to alpha-lock just like in the TI calculators to use it, but it would be in QWERTY to make it easier. There would be two analog arrow keys for games (I guess like "The Pandora" except it would be normally hidden under regularly used buttons, and you can flip it from beneath some buttons when you're playing games, and it'll have other buttons under than flip too).

Sounds cool right? I want to make this someday, when I'm in college (I'm gonna start during the summer right before my Sophomore year). In the meantime, I'm going to master learning how to program in PHP, java, axe and ruby (C++ too?) first. I think I'm dreaming too much, but I still think it's possible. I'm just not knowledgeable enough at the moment, I don't feel ready to make something like this, this very second. We'll see what happens 3 years into the future, hopefully the world doesn't end next year though, but then again, a lot of people are going to throw parties... and you know, can't wait for that either...

Other / Re: (MASSIVE) - Google Science Fair COMPETITION
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:01:49 pm »
Hey, how did everyone's project do? My group's project wasn't completed, lol... Next year for sure!

Computer Programming / Re: Programming on the Android smartphone
« on: April 19, 2011, 07:33:22 pm »
Is there any other device that can do this? What other devices are there that a person can program on the run, I only know two things you can program on, TI calculators and android smart phones, any others?

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:15:35 pm »
hahaha The Nestle Hotline is great

TI Z80 / Re: SIr's 3d program
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:04:46 am »
That's a nice program. I don't understand how his parents blocked his internet access however. Can't he use proxies to bypass this?

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:07:15 am »
Classic videos, keep them coming!

Miscellaneous / Re: Clever jokes to 1000
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:26:50 pm »
Hehe I wanna hear some racist jokes, that Juan on Juan was racist in a WAY, but I worded it differently so it sounded not racist.

Miscellaneous / Re: Clever jokes to 1000
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:06:47 pm »
What do you call two people in Mexico playing basketball against each other?

Juan on Juan

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