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Topics - PickleMan

Pages: [1]
Axe / Isn't the 'input' function rather useless?
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:51:49 am »
I don't know much about Axe Parser and TI-83/84s, but when I did something like:

Code: [Select]
    Disp B->DEC,i

and looked at the bytes it printed out, 1 byte tokens were encoded as 1 byte, and 2 byte tokens were encoded as 2 bytes, rather than both being 2.
If this *is indeed* the case, how are you supposed to know where one token ends and another starts if each token is a variable length?

Also, a semi-related question, given a pointer returned from input, how can I draw that string to the buffer?

Axe / Seeding the Random Number Generator
« on: March 10, 2012, 11:29:07 am »
How can I seed the random number generator. I already tried X->rand and it just threw a syntax error.

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