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Messages - Quigibo

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 135
The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:19:43 am »
If you're using your own custom Interrupt, then you're not using Mirage's interrupt.  Therefore there's no conflicts.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:33:40 pm »
They'll be in the next poll Moose.  That one will take particularly long to write though which is why I've been putting it off.  I have to write all those routines from scratch to meet the Axe super-standards.

I've been working on both Axioms and Interrupts and they might both be done by Sunday hopefully.  Just for future reference, I think I will make the interrupt vector table reside in L2 since mirage uses this for its own interrupts but I'm not 100% sure (do any asm programmers know another place to fit the table more tightly?)  Also, writing the Axioms has made me realize the importance of another major optimization that must be done to support the Axioms.  The Parser will have to make a 3rd pass most likely, so that is a 30% in time to compile, but its already pretty fast so I don't think anyone will mind.  The ~20-60 byte decrease to most programs will make it worth it anyway.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:20:18 pm »
Is your calc in Full speed mode?  That would make the delays too short and the key group would not be switched properly.  You have to take it out of full speed mode to use the getkey() command.  Maybe I'll triple the delay next version so that it works better in full.  It's 2-3 more bytes, but its a subroutine so 2-3 bytes total for the whole program.  Any added delay is negligible.  We're talking about 2 microseconds here.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: June 23, 2010, 05:46:43 pm »
Axioms is an SDK for developers to write their own custom Axe commands in assembly.  They would be able to choose the tokens they want to use and an option to change the spellings if necessary.  Users can import the libraries into their programs using the new Axiom() command.  They aren't just slapped into the code, only the routines you use are put into the code just like native Axe commands.  It will support easy things like just inserting a piece of code into the program or more complicated things like subroutines with multiple arguments.  I think it will accelerate the development of Axe commands becasue once some ASM junkies like calc84maniac :P start writing these routines I can basically copy and paste them into the app to support them naively.  Also they can be written to support specific shells such as DCS or MirageOS.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Calling Brave Axe Warriors!
« on: June 23, 2010, 05:40:15 pm »
What about doing a full backup of the calculator?  Maybe that will be able to group the app.

I can try adding a dummy signature to see if it will change anything and yes, I can always export the binary and write a simple program to convert it to the app format, but I'd rather find a way to do it directly.  If it's the calculator that is doing the validating and not the computer (presumably) I might be able to overwrite the checking of the signature somehow.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: June 23, 2010, 05:33:25 pm »
The parser (0.3.1) gives me a 'bad symbol' thing then gives 'unknown err' 'code: 3A24553'.
Is there a table or document anywhere describing what the different error codes mean?
And why won't it compile?

You can't display something and then store it on the same line.  All the ►Something expressions must terminate there.  You need to have them on separate lines:
Code: [Select]
Disp C►Char

Thanks for catching the wrong error message by the way, I'll fix that.

Axe / Re: 4lv gs sprite editor
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:39:20 am »
Runer112 Made one... in Axe.

It won't be compatible with 0.3.x becasue it uses the outdated "SetupEditor" command, but you can either just use the executable or remove it and compile from source.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:24:26 am »
Thank you, I didn't see that!  ;D

So anyway, I decided to pick 3 things that each will take a while and I'll try to include at least one of them in the next version.  I would like to know what people want to see next so I spend my time most efficiently.  I've generally just been doing the easy stuff first, but I realize that a lot of people are getting frustrated with waiting around for certain features and I feel like it would be a good idea if you finally get a say in it.  I mean none of this guarantees I will be able to finish the feature, but at least I'll know what everybody wants.  I'll edit the poll each time I finish one of the features.  I'm still working on other smaller commands on the side too by the way as well as bug fixing and optimizations.

Please Vote!

KnightOS / Re: Feature Requests
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:11:38 am »
Even a well designed system can be unsuccessful if there aren't enough developers making applications for it.  I would therefore say that the feature I would like to see most is a comprehensive guide for developers.  It would also be really convenient if you could have some of your own bcalls that mimic the most common TI-OS bcalls so that people can simply redefine their equates and maybe changes to their header to make their programs compatible with KnightOS.  Its going to take a lot for people to switch from developing from a very popular operating system (the default anyway) to an initially unpopular system.

Axe / Re: Token Display
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:48:09 pm »
I agree, this could be rather useful. But yes, what token to use as a quote?
I will probably use the little "L" that BASIC uses for custom lists.  I don't need any endquote.

Axe / Re: Token Display
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:20:38 pm »
It's been on the wish-list for a while, I have all the routines written already.  They were just commented out becasue I need to get the token data working first so you can actually use the feature.  Like the same way you can do 'A' to get the ascii value, you would be able to use tA to get the token value.  Also, like you can use the double quotes to define a string, I'm going to add some way to define a series of tokens.  That will be especially useful if I decide to add a "Parse" command to execute the token data as BASIC code.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Calling Brave Axe Warriors!
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:15:55 pm »
Just wanted a little follow-up.  Has anyone had any problems?  And has anyone tried to send the app to the computer and sign it?  It sounds like so far, the routine is working great.  The one other thing I wanted to test though was to make sure it gives a memory error if you try to compile an app when you have less that 16kb of archive left over.  Would anyone be able to test that?

Axe / Re: String Help
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:09:13 pm »
I think he means smooth scrolling, not block by block scrolling.  Both can be done with the Copy() command, but when the letters get to the edge with smooth scrolling, they disappear suddenly.  You can fix that by copying the non-text part of the screen to the back buffer, using the Horizontal Scroll command, and then copying the buffer back, but that's more complicated and can't always be done.

EDIT: Ninja'd

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: June 22, 2010, 08:58:13 pm »
I was about to encourage you to learn it alongside BASIC, or as an alternative, but then I remembered I don't really have any comprehensive tutorials yet, just a simple one that already assumes you know BASIC.  I really should update my tutorial one day and expand it to be actually complete, I just haven't had time unfortunately.  The amount I'd have to write seems really overwhelming to me :-\

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: June 22, 2010, 08:26:05 pm »
I've got a feature request.

Would it be possible to make 'checkpoints' in the program editor and be able to jump between them using something like 2nd+Right/Left? Just wondering because my code is getting really long and it takes a while to scroll all the way to the bottom just to change 1 or 2 things before compiling again.

Also, for the Error scrolling, wouldn't it be better to scroll to 7 lines before the line with the error, so that it is at the bottom instead of the top? That's how the TIOS does it. I always have to scroll up to see what I wrote to cause the error.

That's another direction I might be headed eventually.  I might just make full fledged editor improvements to the TI Program editor during Axe Edit sessions like "sprite previews" of hex code, "bookmarks" in the code (which is what you're talking about), maybe a "Condensed View" in which labels have little plus signs next to them that expand and hide the code for each subroutine, these are just ideas I'm throwing out there.  They are all possible with the clever use of Key Hooks.  I'm just not sure if I want to go that far until I finish more commands and features, it might be an Axe 2.0.0 thing.

In fact, I would like to turn this thread into a poll, so if any administrators reading this can do that, that would be great.  After each update, I will edit the poll to list several choices of major features to include in the next update so I can get a sense about what people want me to do first.  Also, while you're at it, could you unsticky the token poll since that's already been resolved.  Thanks!  :)

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