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Messages - Quigibo

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Other Calculators / Re: What is *Pure* TI-Basic
« on: May 19, 2010, 10:52:08 pm »
I think pure-BASIC just means that the program runs entirely from an interpreter without any assembly, additional libraries, hex codes, or the like.  So I would include using asm "helpers" to make your program as pure-BASIC.  Otherwise, that's like saying a program isn't pure basic because it uses lowercase letters since those can't be typed without an assembly helper to enable that option.  Just becasue you can't type it with the TI's keyboard doesn't mean it isn't pure.

Math and Science / Re: MIT courses online!
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:46:31 pm »
Yeah youtube is great.  I watched the entire Linear Algebra series in the Standford lectures before I took the class and it was very cool (great for programmers, it even talks about how jpeg compression works)

TI Z80 / Re: TI Basic Editor
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:03:15 am »
Try this:


Will display single byte tokens.

For 2 byte tokens, you need 2 bytes, so if you were reading from a program pointer, you would check if the token is 2 bytes first, and then if it is, read it 2 bytes at a time and then display it so it has the whole 2 bytes.

TI Z80 / Re: TI Basic Editor
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:53:49 am »
Yup, works in any Fix mode you're in I think.  It will be supported natively soon too :)

I was thinking of in the far future actually overwriting the operating system tokens with axe tokens as an option in the parser, but I don't know how hard that would be.

TI Z80 / Re: TI Basic Editor
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:44:37 am »
Awesome, it looks really promising!

You know there is a bcall for displaying tokens right?  You can display them with Asm(EBEF6049).  If the high byte is zero, it displays it as a 1 byte token, and if the high byte is non-zero, it displays the full 2 bytes as a 2 byte token.  You can get the size of the program with the program pointer by doing this: {P-2}r that returns the size for the program (it comes directly before the start of the data).

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: May 19, 2010, 12:19:02 am »
Don't know yet, but I haven't started optimizing the parser itself, so I think I can make it small enough to fit on one page, at least for the next couple updates.  Probably 0.3 will be the time when I switch to a 2 page app.  However, the parser will not be larger than 2 pages at any point.  If I want to add a suite of helper programs, I will add it as a separate optional app.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: May 19, 2010, 12:00:19 am »
Yeah, I've got that working already now, except there's a really weird bug I'm trying to fix.  The actual sort routine is very small and fast, its only 21 bytes and sorts a 256 element list in about 1/4 of a second in 6MHz mode.  I'll probably make it larger though to handle sizes greater than 256.  I'm using insertion sort.

By the way, the main focus of the next version will be on variables.  I already have Ans saving and loading working, I expect to have strings, real variables, Picture files, and other things like that all readable and writable.  And I'm also going to add the ability to create programs.  It's possible some existing syntax might change but that seems unlikely at the moment.

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: May 18, 2010, 06:56:49 pm »
You use 256 times more than the regular values for the points.  Only when you go to display them do you divide again by 256.  That gives you a precision of 1/256th of a pixel which is more than 2 decimal places.  I'm pretty sure this is what builderboy uses, its a common strategy.

ASM / Re: Weird "Call" command error, please help! (ASM TI-84+)
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:18:17 pm »
Yes, TASM and SPASM should be able to do this.  I have this line directly before the conversion in tasm:

"C:\tasmdirectory\tasm" -80 -i -b yourfile.z80 yourfile.bin

I attached the fully automated batch file I use, rename it .bat.  You'll have to change some of the directories to where you keep tasm and wabbitsign in.  When you click on the batch file, it searches its current directory, finds the file with a .z80 extension (you should only have 1 per directory, the rest should be .inc), copies some temporary files around needed for compiling, compiles it to an app, and then deletes the temporary files.  Also catches and displays errors.

I think spasm might be better for this, I know it comes with a lot of macros and things to make app compiling a lot easier.  You also need a special header for the app.

ASM / Re: Weird "Call" command error, please help! (ASM TI-84+)
« on: May 18, 2010, 04:16:29 am »
This is the line I've got in my batch script:

"C:\wabbitdirectory\rabbitsign" -g yourfile.bin

ASM / Re: Weird "Call" command error, please help! (ASM TI-84+)
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:11:19 am »
It is extremely volatile.  If the user runs any other assembly program its very likely all the data you have stored there will get scrambled.  Even the operating system might clear it depending on where you saved it to.  To actually save data permanently, you need to create an application variable.  The TI bcalls make this fairly simple, I assume you have the developer's guide already with all the information about those things.  But I always do the high score stuff last when I program.  Getting the game working first is much more important.

Axe / Re: [UPDATE] Speed Order Program
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:13:54 am »
It would probably use quicksort since it sorts in place, is simple and small to code, and computes in nlog(n) time.

Axe / Re: [UPDATE] Speed Order Program
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:47:32 am »
I found several, but before I post, could you explain what you're trying to do from start to finish?  It appears you're sorting a list first and then sorting another list the same way as the first one right after?  I know how to sort both at the same time if that's what your trying to do.  Can you give me an example of what input and output should be?

Also, how useful would a sort command be?  I was going to add it later, but maybe I can whip one up for the next version.  It would probably be SortA(ptr,size) to sort size bytes in the array at ptr or you can use an optional 3rd argument SortA(ptr,size,ptr2) to sort the data at the second pointer in the same order as the first.

TI Z80 / Re: Phoenix: Axe Version
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:40:35 am »
@DJ, The change was a very low level change.  Nothing is different unless you were using the command for something it was not meant to be used for (an operation that is not a logical operation like what _player1537 is talking about).  If you were only using truths and expecting a true or false value back then there is no difference whatsoever so just ignore that the change ever happened.

Other Calculators / Re: 16-Level Grayscale
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:31:59 am »
Yeah, I was pretty impressed by the variety of assembly he's done.  Did he just pop up or was he in the community for a while?  He seems too experienced to have just started recently.

EDIT: And by the way, any shade of grayscale is possible.  I can make 256 color grayscale if I wanted to.  The question is, is it noticeable?  I mean, does it really look any better than 8 color?  Can you actually tell the difference between the 11th shade and the 12th shade?

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