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Messages - Quigibo

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The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: December 07, 2011, 05:58:31 pm »
I'll see what I can do about that... I just have to write a mini block parser to make sure everything gets skipped correctly.

Axe / Re: Multiplayer Link-Port Gameplay [Question]
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:02:15 pm »
I'm going to quote myself from another topic about this recently because I think this is the fastest and easiest technique to create multiplayer games:

Quote from: quigibo
Like I always say, linking is easy, but syncing is hard.  Puyo Puyo runs fast because it only needs to send data when a particular "event" occurs (combos).  Event driven programming style is a little different than what you're used to but basically you put the Get() in your main loop so its always ready to receive an event.  Don't forget, Get() doesn't delay or wait unless the other calc is sending something.

You send data by first sending an enumerated event type (1 bytes) followed by the event data (which may be different length depending on the event).  For instance you might need to send a character's position.  This can be done by sending a "X change" event followed by the x coordinate whenever that coordinate changes and a "Y change" event followed by a y coordinate.  The actual transfer speed is about 500 bytes per second maybe.  If your main loop is running at 30fps and don't mind reducing to 20fps that's about 8 bytes per frame of data you can send which is probably enough for a decent subsets of multiplayer games.

Axe / Re: Axe Space Questions
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:53:18 pm »
By the way, I assume you are trying to make a method to access the nth string correct?  This can be done fairly easily by using the [00] terminating character for strings.  The string that comes before the Nth [00] is the Nth string.  So suppose you had this:


You can grab the Nth string (count starting at zero) with this simple subroutine:

Lbl Grab
Return A+Str1

Now calling Grab(0) returns a pointer to "Hello", Grab(1) returns "World", Grab(2) is "Goodbye", etc.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:34:46 pm »
Also, I still get random errors that occur some of the time in my programs, including randomly failing to assimilate pictures into programs correctly.
Are you importing the pictures as tilemaps by any chance?  Because there might still be a problem with that feature 1% of the time.  Also, does recompiling fix the issue?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:17:10 pm »
I'd love to add that but my own error scrolling isn't working yet and I feel I should at least fix that before adding a zstart entry call.  Maybe you can help me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I'm still not exactly sure how the OS handles edit buffers entirely.  It appears to work when instant-scrolling in small programs, but it RAM clears sometimes when scrolling to a spot greater than 8kb into the code.  Its somewhat random and not completely consistent.  How did you do it in zstart?  Do you see anything wrong?  This is the code I'm using:

Spoiler For Spoiler:

   ld   a,(v_PrgmStartPage)
   or   a
   jp   nz,SystemExit
   ld   hl,v_InputName+1
   ld   de,progToEdit
   ld   bc,8
   xor   a
   ld   (de),a
   ld   a,kPrgmEd
   ld   hl,(v_PrgmPtr)
   ld   bc,(v_PrgmStart)
   or   a
   sbc   hl,bc
   ld   b,h
   ld   c,l
   ld   hl,(editTail)
   add   hl,bc
   ld   (editTail),hl
   ld   hl,(editTop)
   add   hl,bc
   ld   (editCursor),hl
   ld   hl,0
   push   hl
EditorLoop:            ;Check if at beginning of program
   ld   de,(editTop)
   or   a
   sbc   hl,de
   jr   z,EditorFound
   ld   hl,(editCursor)
   ld   a,(hl)
   cp   tEnter
   jr   z,EditorFound
   pop   hl
   inc   hl
   push   hl
   jr   EditorLoop
   pop   hl
   ld   a,h
   or   l
   jr   z,EditorMon
   dec   hl
   ld   a,h
   or   l
   jr   z,EditorMon
   push   hl
   pop   hl
   jr   EditorScroll
   res   2,(iy+50)
   res   7,(iy+20)
   res   3,(iy+5)

Axe / Re: ANother noob qusestion
« on: December 02, 2011, 05:01:18 am »
Assuming you're talking about the OS's Pic0-Pic9 and not an Axe pointer name, yes they are the same from a coding perspective.  To the OS, they are a little different though.  When the OS sees a Pic1 it assumes its a picture and will let you use all those BASIC commands on it.  When you use an appvar, the OS will not really let you do much to them and the only place you will see them is in the memory management screen.  Also, appvars will take up more room in RAM since they also have names which are up to 8 characters long.

But yeah, other than that, you can store data to anything and use it just the same: appvars, pics, strings, lists, even the OS vars.  But the best option for regular data is probably the appvar because its invisible to the end user and can't be deleted accidentally unlike a pic or string for instance which will get overridden constantly by BASIC programs.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: "INVALID TOKEN" when compiling
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:44:41 am »
Is there a particular reason you want to use Axe instead of BASIC?  Converting a program doesn't make it any "better" unless you are planning to add features that are otherwise impossible to do in BASIC.  Also, the Axe language is specifically designed for games and has many common routines and functions for this purpose.  But, it leaves out a lot of other things such as high precision math and advanced string manipulation which are uncommon in games, but might be necessary in a BASIC program.

So I only recommend switching to Axe if you're specifically trying to build games.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 01, 2011, 04:41:06 am »
Hmm... I guess that's true.  I'm using the exact same type of optimization for the new bitmap command (which technically you can think of as a 1x1 smooth scrolling tile mapper, and it can actually be easily used for this purpose :P).  Its just that although the routine will be insanely fast, maybe up to a 2 times speed up, it will also be insanely large.  Just the subroutine of the bitmap command is already 210 bytes and the tilemapper would end up at least that size I'm sure.

Thinking about this again, I might make this an offical included Axiom like Memkit because then it could include multiple versions, convenient tokens, and use the Axiom variables for optimization...

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: December 01, 2011, 02:46:39 am »
Two things:

First of all, I have been very busy recently so I've had much less time to work on this than in the past.  But the good news is I'm about to have a week off before finals so I'm going to make a promise to release "what I have" by then.  I've fixed almost every bug reported so far and added some new features, both requested, and some I think everyone will find useful.  So expect either 1.1 or 1.0.6 by no later than Dec. 9 depending on how many more things I add.

Second, I've always wanted to include a tilemapper in the language, at least for rendering and collision detection.  Unfortunately, the reason I haven't added this yet is because tilemapping is so specific to games it would be impossible to find one 'universal' solution for everyone's application.  With every extra 'feature' added to a tilemapper, it just makes it larger and slower which you might not want if you just need something simple and fast.

But now I've decided, why not just ask?  What I want to know is how useful some commands for this would be if you had to have just one routine.   Would you actually use it or would you be required to write one yourself because you need something faster or with more features?  So I'm going to compile a list of features in order from smallest/fastest to biggest/slowest.  I want to know what you use in your current games right now, and what you would plan on using in the future.  Let me know the name/names of your Axe games or even assembly game if you happen to be an asm programmer because the same principals apply.

 Byte tiles (256 tiles per set, 1 byte per tile)
 Nibble tiles (16 tiles per set, .5 bytes per tile)
 Compressed tiles (Some type of RLE or something)

 Static (no scrolling)
 Block (scroll one tile at a time)
 Smooth (scroll one pixel at a time)

 Restrict to buffer (~760 bytes max)
 Any RAM location (~4000 bytes max realistically)
 Any File location (~24000 bytes max)

 Monochrome (1 buffer)
 3-Color grayscale (2 buffers)
 4-Color grayscale (2 buffers)

Sprite Size:
 8x8 (fixed)
 4x4 (fixed)
 Custom (specifiable)

Obviously I can't just make a compressed 4 color grayscale smooth scrolling tilemapper with custom sized sprites read from archive because it would be very slow, a pain to initialize, huge, and take forever to code.  There are some compromises I can make however, such as Monochrome drawing to a specifiable buffer, meaning you can have 2 tile sets and draw them once to each buffer if you need grayscale, but this is a slightly inconvenient representation for sprites because you have to separate the gray layers into different data sections.  So anyway, lets just say if you had to choose some even distribution of features, what would they be?  And would/could you use this configuration in your current games?

Another thing to keep in mind is that because a majority of the time spent rendering a tilemap is sprite drawing and not the tilemapping itself, any speed increase from this routine will be very tiny compared to if you wrote it in native Axe.  Most of the advantage will come from reduced size of code and simplicity of the programming.

My personal preferences are:
Nibbles, Smooth, RAM, Monochrome, 8x8

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [Axiom] Aiming Utility
« on: November 29, 2011, 02:09:51 am »
Yeah.  Nearly every programming language uses (Y,X) and every spreadsheet and math program uses (X,Y).  So I think I'll end up sticking with X,Y just because it optimizes better, and its more consistent with the rest of the Axe syntax when looked at independently of other programming languages.  Iambian used this convention as well.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [Axiom] Aiming Utility
« on: November 28, 2011, 04:39:15 pm »
Yeah, mine is lossy, but its very compact and tiny.  The most I have seen it off is by 4 binary degrees but on average its usually less than 3.  It is exact every 45 degrees.  This is the routine I'm using:

Code: [Select]
.db __ArcTanEnd-1-$
ex de,hl ;de = y
pop hl
ex (sp),hl ;hl = x
push hl
ld a,h ;\
xor d ; |Get pairity
rla ;/
jr c,__ArcTanSS ;\
add hl,de ; |
add hl,de ; |
__ArcTanSS: ; |
or a ; |hl = x +- y
sbc hl,de ;/
ex de,hl ;de = x +- y
ld b,6 ;\
__ArcTan64: ; |
add hl,hl ; |hl = 64y
djnz __ArcTan64 ;/
call $3F00+sub_SDiv ;hl = 64y/(x +- y)
pop af ;\
rla ; |Right side, fine
ret nc ;/
sbc a,a ;\
sub h ; |Reverse sign extend
ld h,a ;/
ld a,l ;\
add a,128 ; |Add or sub 128
ld l,a ;/

The arguments are currently backwards; (X,Y) instead of the traditional (Y,X).  I'm not sure which one I'm going to use yet.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: November 27, 2011, 11:32:50 pm »
Multiply by 2 and it's 8.8 :P

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [Axiom] Aiming Utility
« on: November 27, 2011, 02:26:49 pm »
So basically this is the function better known as "atan2".  That's cool!  I added this recently for the next version of axe.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:58:25 pm »
No, that's why L6 should be the one you do the most drawing to.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:26:59 pm »
The drawing commands are hardwired to the main buffer for extra efficiency and size optimization.  You should plan out your buffers so that the one that requires the most drawing to is the main buffer (which is not always the black layer).  Then use the appropriate DispGraph command to display it.

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