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Messages - Quigibo

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The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:48:11 pm »
The error message "Bad Flash" is unrelated to the sector issue in the previous versions (I think).  That error is only thrown when flash could not be unlocked for some reason.  I don't know what would cause that, it was more of a sanity check.  When do you get the error?
How do you check whether flash is unlocked or not?
Its when the WriteAByteSafe bcall returns nz, which I think means that flash writing permissions have not been enabled properly.  Could it mean something else?  WikiTI doesn't really explain it.

I will fix that too.  Hopefully I'll have another release tonight.

Axe / Re: Reading from Archive
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:30:57 am »
If you're trying to separate code from data to create very large programs with huge levels, Axe has a framework for that using files.  But if you're trying to separate individual executable code, there really isn't a way to do that without some major hacks, and I recommend using assembly for something that advanced.  It would have to involve adding a VERY large amount of bulk to both the routines themselves and calls to them, far more restrictions in the coding (like you can't have one archived routine call another), and it would be incredibly complicated to code.  All of this is regardless of if you use Axe or assembly.

So the question is, do you really need it?  Apps can be up to 16KBs of executable code and the crabcake Axiom allows regular RAM programs to approach 20KB executables.  Moving level data to archived appvars or programs can increase the total size much larger as well.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 14, 2011, 02:39:03 am »
The error message "Bad Flash" is unrelated to the sector issue in the previous versions (I think).  That error is only thrown when flash could not be unlocked for some reason.  I don't know what would cause that, it was more of a sanity check.  When do you get the error?

ASM / Re: ASM Optimized routines
« on: August 11, 2011, 04:02:27 pm »
For your DE_Times_BC, this is one byte more in overhead, but much faster:

Code: [Select]
       ld a,c
       ld c,b
       ld hl,0
       ld b,16
         add hl,hl
         add a,a
         rl c
         jr nc,$+3
           add hl,de
         djnz Mul_Loop_1

You could also call it the more unconventional way with CA_TIMES_DE which saves a byte and is still faster.

Code: [Select]
       ld hl,0
       ld b,16
         add hl,hl
         add a,a
         rl c
         jr nc,$+3
           add hl,de
         djnz Mul_Loop_1

I agree.  And there are many cases where Axe's code is overly complicated due to restrictions and invariants in the language, like the required use of 16-bit numbers and the hl register for instance.  Also, I suspect another reason people might say that is because they don't know ASM themselves, but are still trying to give some advice.

I do think the individual subroutines in the are a good source of knowledge base because they don't require disassembling and they're guaranteed to be highly optimized.  But that fact could make some routines less readable to beginners.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 07, 2011, 06:50:44 am »
Ashbad, I disagree with that view.  You could make the same argument with regular floating point numbers in other programming languages.  When you type 0.7 for a float in Java or C++, it cannot represent 7/10 in binary and must perform rounding.  Does this mean we should instead represent it as some crazy decimal to avoid confusion?  I don't think so, the programer should always be expecting some rounding when doing floating point calculations.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 03, 2011, 04:23:44 pm »
That sounds like more of a problem with the calc itself than a problem caused by Axe.  Booting into test flash mode should be independent of the swap sector.  Its possible some other program could have been confused by the swap sector error and wrote something where it wasn't supposed to, but that still shouldn't prevent booting I think.

It is possible to have problems if you upgraded from 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 to a different version without ROM clearing first, which is probably the cause for anything like that in 1.0.2 or other versions.

But I keep emphasizing that this is still a beta release, so bugs like this are bound to happen.  This one in particular wasn't because of an error I made, but due to lack of knowledge of the OS documentation.  If you want the most stable version, always use the version currently on

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 03, 2011, 04:13:20 pm »
There shouldn't be "unrecoverable damages".  A rom clear should fix it, which unfortunately could mean loss of data if it can't be backed up.  1.0.2 has fixed that problem by the way.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 03, 2011, 01:55:47 pm »
The #If and #End would be super easy to code, but what would be good symbols for those to replace?

Also, octothorpe?  Haven't heard that used.  The convention I use when reading code aloud is:
Code: [Select]
# - Hash
! - Bang
* - Splat
/ - Whack

Its pretty old school from my lisp programming, but I love using it!  ;D

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:09:09 am »
I'll get to fixing this soon.  Hopefully 1.03 will be stable.  Just FYI, ticalc always has the latest stable version.

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:06:28 am »
There is also the new decimal feature in Axe... If you type: 0.53, it will automatically convert the number to fixed point notation, which in hex would be: 0x0087.  Some common operations with fixed point numbers are FP-inverse and FP-multiplication.  Converting from fixed point to decimal is easy: Divide by 256 to get the integer part.  Mod by 256 to get the fractional part (a fraction out of 256).

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:03:56 pm »
You can do Pt-And already with the new Pt-Mask()r command.  Its way more versatile anyway because any situation you use an "And" mask with you're probably doing more than one sprite draw anyway.  The new command bit patterns handle all 3 of the original sprite methods plus transparency:

1 1 = Black (Pt-On)
1 0 = Invert (Pt-Xor)
0 1 = White (Pt-And)
0 0 = Transparent

Miscellaneous / Re: Marathon
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:42:50 pm »
So I finished the marathon yesterday, it was really intense!  Now I see why they call it one of the hardest marathons, there were so many hills, it felt like it was up hill the whole way!  But anyway, I was doing great until the last mile (mile 25) when my legs couldn't hold up my body and I fell.  The volunteers there had me sit down on the side and told me I should rest and I shouldn't run, but I really wanted to.  Every time I said I was ready to run they kept insisting I wasn't ready, at one point, one of them was calling an ambulance.  At that point I was like, no, I'm running, I'll walk if I have to.  So I started walking and one of them was following me.  As soon as he looked away though, I started running to the finish until I finally made it.

So anyway, having sat down for 15 minutes kinda ruined my goal time, but its still a decent time for a first marathon.  I ended up with 3:52, but by my 20 mile split, I was on pace to finish in 3:37.  It was probably due to not getting enough sleep the night before, it was really difficult to go to bed when I wasn't tiered.  It was only a 9 hour day before I got in bed at 6pm to get up at 3am for the marathon.  I maybe only got 2 hours of actual REM sleep, the rest was just lying there trying to fall asleep.

The best part was going across the Golden Gate Bridge, it seems so much taller when you're actually on it.  Also the architecture in San Fransisco was really neat at some parts, but by then I hardly had enough energy to really appreciate it.

Anyway, I'm alright now.  My legs are still sore, but no more than from my training.  I'm just glad I finished :)  I was hoping this would be my last marathon, but now I kinda feel like I should try again at some point.  I already promised my brother that if he runs one, I'll run it too.

News / Re: Omnimaga Contest 2011 Part 1 results
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:29:07 pm »
Congratulations to everyone!  And especially to the winners ;)  It was definitely a nice pack of games we had here.

That's funny, I was just reading this:P

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