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Messages - Quigibo

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ASM / Re: Checking the amount of set bits.
« on: July 07, 2011, 11:41:03 pm »
This is the smallest I could come up with:
Code: [Select]
;Input: a = byte to check
;Flags: z = Exactly 1 reset bit
ld b,a
dec a
xor b
add a,1
xor b

Edit: Nevermind, calc wins!  Although you do have to special case with his, but even with that I think it would still be smaller by one byte.

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:14:27 pm »
To turn off a bit pattern P in a number N, you just or the number with P and then And it with P compliment.  So for an 8 bit value in Axe:

N or P and not(P)

Other Calculators / Recent Bashing Thread
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:02:34 am »
Referring to this.  The topic is locked now, but although I can still post something in it, I'd rather start a new thread since the issues are much broader.

First of all, I don't know how trolls in an offsite IRC channel who clearly don't have an understanding of what they're talking about (thinking Axe was some kind of BASIC enhancer) was relevant enough to the development of the Axe Parser Project: where the thread was for some reason moved to.  I feel like the extra attention a topic like that receives is actually feeding trolling/bashing more than it is helping to prevent.  For that reason, I'm glad the topic was locked.

I was very surprised that even DJ, who is defending omni and its member's work, wrote a rebuttal in all large red ink which I felt was a little rude and ironically was actually reenforcing the negative comments.  I'm not bashing DJ, I completely agree with him, but no one should give into trolls or stoop down to their level.  I think having an always calm, positive attitude and maintaining dignity and respect in situations that are otherwise disrespectful is the best way to fight it.  When someone makes a rude and insulting comment on IRC or elsewhere towards someone else, it is usually hurting their own reputation more than their target's, and feel free to point that out.

Also, there is a very fine line between bashing and having a difference of opinion.  I think the issue above was definitely bashing, but in the past I think a few people have been just a little too sensitive to criticism.  To clarify, criticism is well informed opinion about a piece, coming to a conclusion based on specific likes and dislikes.  By nature, criticism is NOT generally friendly or nice, because you're trying to give an honest opinion.  Things like "This was bad" or "I really don't think it deserved __" or "I really didn't like that" fall under criticism in my opinion.  Bashing on the other hand is usually less informed and judging the work on superficial artifacts perhaps with little, if any, experience actually using it.  It also comes with excessive or inappropriate denouncement.  Things like "It Sucks!" or "I don't think I've seen a worse __" or "You're wasting your time if you download __" would fall under this category.

Sorry for ranting... I don't normally give rants.  But I've noticed this type of thing coming up more and more.

TL,DR: Please stop feeding trolls.  The way to stop trolling is to be better than them.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe dissasembler
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:16:57 am »
An Axe disassembler is nearly impossible for the following reasons:

-You lose the names of Pointers, Labels, and Variables
-You lose comments and code formatting
-You can't tell if specific data was a string, or number list, or sprite, or picture, etc.
-Each new version of axe changes the routines used so the disassembler would have to be rewritten each version
-Peephole opts make it even more difficult to disassemble.
-Axioms, inline assembly, and other things like that would not translate

It is however, fairly trivial to disassemble it to assembly, and then map native Axe routines and variable locations to the assembly program.  But you would definitely not be able to turn it back into Axe language unless you do it by hand or something.

Axe / Re: Axing your mind
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:43:11 pm »
The new rule should be that your code must perform something useful, perhaps in a roundabout or inefficient way.  But it shouldn't just be a bunch of random garbage because there is no fun in trying to decipher something that has no meaning in the end.

Axe / Re: Axing your mind
« on: July 05, 2011, 04:18:12 pm »
Fixed the bug, it was simply skipping over it by mistake thinking it was }.

By the way, another syntax obfuscation you can do is that Axe doesn't usually differentiate between } and ) so you can sometimes use them interchangeably.  Sometimes you can't though, especially with r modifiers.  Try this: sin(5}

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:50:45 am »
I don't think it will ever be "Finished".  Its going to stay alive for a long time, the 1.0.0 will just be the largest, most improved, programming-style changing update to date.  If I ever fear the Parser is starting to die due to real life stuff or boredom of working on the same project for so long, I will definitely pass it on to another programmer to continue, I wouldn't leave you guys hanging. :)

Humour and Jokes / Re: Best. URL. Shortener. Ever.
« on: July 04, 2011, 06:22:40 pm »
I still like this better.  XD

Agreed, that's the one I always use.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: July 04, 2011, 02:26:04 am »
Well whatever it was, both versions work now.  I even undeleted something just to be sure.  That disassembly makes me think it had the asm pointer off by 1 during the 2nd pass, so when it was doing the substitutions it was overwriting actual instructions rather than the instruction's argument.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: July 04, 2011, 01:26:04 am »
Works fine with the new version, so whatever bug that was I will assume is fixed now.

Miscellaneous / Re: Post Your Cave
« on: July 03, 2011, 05:25:30 am »
That's probably too big.  The entire height of the wall is only about ~28 post-its so unless I can find smaller ones, I'm going to be limited to tiny sprites.  Other things I was thinking of were pacman, a tetris game, and space invaders, but they don't have to be video games.  I've seen some other really cool artwork.

Miscellaneous / Re: Post Your Cave
« on: July 03, 2011, 12:38:47 am »
So... I just moved in a week ago to my new apartment.  The walls are hideously white and boring however and I'm not allowed to put nails in the walls so I can't put up any artwork.  Not that I have any anyway...  So instead, I've been working on this.  I've only done 2 so far, but eventually all 4 walls will be covered in them:

Spoiler For Spoiler:

Yes, those are post-its.  Ideas are welcome, I need some more. :)

ASM / Re: Rectangle Drawing Routines
« on: July 02, 2011, 10:27:49 pm »
Well, there's always the Axe rectangle routine (see p_Box in from developers folder).  I'm not sure if it's more efficient than yours or not because it depends on what size/speed tradeoff you want and I haven't measured the size and speed of your routine.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: July 02, 2011, 02:18:38 pm »
Let just say that all this speculation is for me to have already implemented and you to find out, but I can assure you its quite sugary syntactically ;) The entire language standards have changed, but its still almost completely reverse compatible.

I'm almost done, I can feel it!  I Only have about 5 items left on my TODO list out of about 40 new features.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: July 01, 2011, 08:12:19 pm »
Yeah, I realize its not needed much now, but its going to become VERY necessary for another feature I'm adding:  ;D

Spoiler For Spoiler:
WARNING: Awesomeness may cause explosion of brain.  Do not click further!
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Last chance, you've been warned!
Spoiler For Spoiler:
I'm serious now!
Spoiler For Spoiler:
*.* *.* *.*Lambdas!!!!*.* *.* *.*

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