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Messages - Quigibo

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The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:18:07 pm »
I wasn't aware of that bug actually I will fix all of these.  The open quote thing, I can understand an accidental bug there since I just changed the way the parser interprets static inline data, but the X,Y reversal thing must have been there for a while, I never noticed it.  I'll probably upload to ticalc later anyway though since the next release won't be for a couple weeks.

Axe / Re: How do you write a string to the basic variable Ans?
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:26:49 pm »
Did you try that on the calculator though?  It should substitute it for $04,$75,$00 like I do with picture variables, lists, and other OS variables.   Tokens in quotes don't always map to the original token values if they don't have corresponding ascii values.  But I suspect that it isn't working for some reason since no one seems to be using it.  I'll have to fix that next version.

Axe / Re: Importing picture variables?
« on: November 29, 2010, 08:28:16 pm »
No.  They can be any size that's a multiple of 12, larger or smaller than the screen.  In fact, pictures created by StorePic on the calculator are actually only 63 rows long and pictures created on the computer with TI's software are 64 rows long.  I have no idea why TI decided to do this...

Axe / Re: Importing picture variables?
« on: November 29, 2010, 08:24:08 pm »
And if you're unsure what size the picture is, since it could be either one or something else, you can use {X-2}r to return the size of the picture where X is the pointer to its data.

Axe / Re: How do you write a string to the basic variable Ans?
« on: November 29, 2010, 08:20:30 pm »
By the way, isn't Data(4,TAns,0,0) simply "Ans" in quotes?  That should work, if it doesn't then its a bug I need to fix.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: November 29, 2010, 04:47:12 pm »
DelVar can be used to help avoid Max Symbol, if I understand right. :)
No, that was gotten rid of several versions ago becasue no one used it.  Now, its used for its more intuitive purpose which is to delete OS variables.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: November 29, 2010, 04:31:27 pm »
I will probably do that; have a pointer in the app that points to a special parsing routine so that external programs like DCS can automatically know where to jump into the app to "externally" use Axe without having to quit the original application.  This is something that Kerm would have to add to DCS, and I'm sure he would if you request it, but I haven't added that functionality to Axe Parser yet.  However, its definitely planned.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: November 29, 2010, 04:16:07 pm »
Yes, that reduces symbol count.  You can also reference things relatively, like Str1+8 for instance instead of making a new static pointer, its the same size in the executable either way since it gets optimized.

By the way, anyone find any bugs yet?  I know for a fact that about 1% of the time when you absorb an OS picture variable from archive as a tilemap, the data can get slightly shifted.  This isn't a new bug, it was in the older versions but no one has reported it yet.  I can fix it but it'll be quite slow to parse when it absorbs tilemaps.  (the noncontiguous rom structure is so evil) I'm going to upload to ticalc soon so I just want to make sure there aren't any obvious bugs.  The things I changed most were things having to do with archive, app compiling, backups, and the compile menu if you're looking for bugs.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Latest Updates (***DO NOT POST HERE!***)
« on: November 28, 2010, 05:51:02 pm »
Axe Parser
Delta 0.4.6

No new commands, but a lot of new features.

New Features:
  • Direct key support for the [On] key using getKey(41)
  • Added new Axiom Tokens (but they aren't usable yet)
  • Static data can be stored to variable pointer
  • Pressing alpha-character jumps to program in compile menu
  • Selector wraps around in the compile menu

  • Fixed bug that made some invalid syntax become comments
  • Fixed Elseif bug
  • Added new auto-optimizations
  • Automatic backups only after finishing compile with no errors
  • Compiling to apps always attempts a defragmentation
  • App signature improved and resignable on-calc with external program
  • Fixed program menu bug after manual backups
  • Manual backup key is now "Alpha"
  • Fixed sector boundary reading bug when reading large source from archive.

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: Anti-Virus
« on: November 28, 2010, 05:30:15 am »
If you just use the Internet more safely, you shouldn't need an Anti-Virus software.  I haven't gotten a virus or malware for years.  And the last time I ever got something I removed it manually, which I believe is the only safe way to do it.  The anti-virus industry is really a scam in my opinion.  They're generally worse that the viruses themselves because a lot of them are bundled with malware, they are incredibly difficult to uninstall completely, they can reduce the performance of the computer, its just not the type of thing I would ever want.  Using the system tools and quick google search is enough to figure out how to remove anything.

Other / Anyone use Logisim?
« on: November 28, 2010, 05:12:49 am »
Have you ever wanted to build your own computer?  And by build your own, I mean from scratch... literally wiring logic gates and registers together.  Its really fun actually, I just finished a project for school where I had to not only build my own instruction set architecture, but then use that machine language that I created to write an assembly program for conway's game of life and then run it in the simulator.

Its really rewarding.  I remember when I first learned to program BASIC on the calculator and it felt cool I could actually program the thing.  And then I learned assembly and I though it was cooler that I was actually writing the lowest level of machine programming.  But then we had to use Logisim and now its even cooler to actually wire everything together to create your own instruction set!


Its relatively easy to use and its in java so it will run on any platform.  I dare someone to try to make a z80 CPU!  Its actually much harder than the architecture I created since mine had a single sized, single clock cycle instruction set for simplicity, similar to ARM.

TI Z80 / Re: Xeverion
« on: November 28, 2010, 04:44:29 am »
Its not that I'm too busy (although that might be part of it).  Its mainly because the app compiling is VERY dangerous.  The only reason I understand how the code works now is mainly from BrandonW's help.  There are a lot of very tricky bcalls and formalities that TI uses when jumping around the flash pages.  Its already hard enough to allocate a single page for apps, but allocating 2 pages is really tricky because it sometimes involves swapping sectors if I remember correctly.  The point is, I could do it, but I would need a lot of help to make sure there are no rom corrupting bugs (which are really nasty).  Even if I did get it to work, it would still be data-only for the second page unless I create some kind of new syntax for off-page calls.

I do plan to make more of the code open source after the next few releases including the application compiling, error scrolling, and other potentially useful sections.  Tomorrow I will have a new update, I rewrote all of the archive reading code which took me about 4 days.  I'm not sure if there will be any new commands, but I fixed a lot of bugs, safety, optimizations, and looser syntax.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:57:18 pm »
Also, I have another request/question: When you use InData(), the data is zero-terminated, but it seems that the 0 is included in the data to be searched: For example, if A=0, and you ran InData(A,Data(1,2,3,0)), it would return 4...Is it supposed to be like this? I think it might be better if the 0 was not included in the data to be searched...

Exactly.  You generally don't want to search for the zero case.  Usually what you do is handle that separately and then when you're sure the byte is non-zero, then use the inData() search.  Although you can search for it if you don't mind it being part of your data since I don't treat zero as a special case.  The reason it's setup this way is because I'm trying to use the smallest code with the fastest speed, and this was most efficient.

TI Z80 / Re: "Maxwell's Demon" Port (Axe)
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:53:48 pm »
Oh wow, I didn't even realize that's what it was actually called. :P

Fun game though!  One idea (but it would be a hard difficulty) is to have a vertical and horizontal slider, so 4 regions and 4 colors/shapes of balls.

Axe / Re: Questions: DiagnosticOff and Goto
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:05:44 am »
Not if you disable it.  But its on by default.  You just sometimes don't notice it in some asm programs because it depends on the commands you use.

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