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Messages - Runer112

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73] 74 75 ... 153
Gaming Discussion / Re: A Challenge
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:23:08 am »
That ball challenge was such a pain until we figured out the secret :P

So easy ;)

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 03, 2011, 03:26:07 pm »
The #If and #End would be super easy to code, but what would be good symbols for those to replace?

I had two ideas for this:

  • The first and most obvious solution would just be to make 3 unrelated tokens the tokens for #If, #Else, and #End. The tokens under VARS → Table... could be useful for this, as it's a menu containing exactly 3 unused tokens. #ElseIf would probably just be a combination of #Else and the normal If. This method would have the advantage of looking nicer with Axe-tokenized code, but they would look pretty confusing without Axe token replacements like in SourceCoder.

  • My other idea would be to replace IS<( with #If and just use the normal Else and End. This would have the advantage of looking just about as good in something like SourceCoder and being easier to type on both platforms. However, the lack of hash marks preceding Else, ElseIf and End might be undesirable.

Other / Re: Unlimited Detail!
« on: August 03, 2011, 11:37:24 am »
The technology is very real, and this company isn't the only one experimenting with it. The only reason the videos this company is releasing make it seem unreal is because they never state the downsides of their rendering engine. To name a few:

  • Models built with voxels instead of polygons are incredibly large. If everything you saw in that video had the data density that they claimed, it would probably take up many terabytes, if not petabytes, of storage.
  • Following from the first point, they probably get around this by using repeated structures, and lots of them. If you look at the wide, sweeping views, you'll see what I mean. The world looks like a big tilemap. I think the wilderness of a game like Oblivion looks much more realistic and is more immersive than this, and I wouldn't be surprised if Oblivion's landscape takes up a fraction of the storage space as well.
  • Repeated structures cannot have individual entities be easily rotated, scaled, or otherwise modified, so they'll all look exactly alike. Which largely explains why the tilemapped landscape looks as bland as could possibly be.
  • Do you see any animated entities? I do not, and this seems like a big flaw. Animating polygons is easy and just consists of moving a few hundred points along paths. But animating a few million points along paths? This is something that the rendering engine, no matter how powerful, can assist with.

This is a very interesting technology and I cannot question that it produces astounding graphics. But in its current state, it has a few large problems that haven't been solved, so I don't think it's ready for use in real products yet. My hat goes off to the first company to make an immserive landscape like that of Oblivion (my favorite game ever if you haven't guessed yet) using voxels that contains less than 25GB or so of data.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 03, 2011, 11:03:19 am »
No, I think an actual #If is still necessary. There could be labels or data defined inside the subroutine that other parts of the program need regardless of whether or not the if statement is executed. And regardless of that, I think it's a good idea to continue the pattern of preceding compiler commands with an octothorpe.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:57:15 am »
Technically, yes, it should be preceded with an octothorpe. The question is do we want to make a new token for #End, which probably wouldn't be as obvious to find as End and wouldn't make as much sense without token replacements.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:09:16 pm »
It's an If statement that is evaluated at compile time, only compiling the code inside the statement if the condition is true. One scenario in which it would be very useful is debugging. You could put something like this in your code to easily enable or disable a bunch of debugging outputs and not have the debug code bloat your program when you're not debugging.

Code: [Select]

.Some of your program

#If °Debug
Disp A►Dec,i,B►Dec,i,C►Dec,i,X►Dec,i,Y►Dec
While 1
EndIf getKey(0)

.The rest of your program

You could also use for many other things. To name a few:
  • To include different versions of a block of code and easily toggle which one is enabled
  • To make compile options if the piece of code is going to be used by others and you want them to easily modify it to suit their needs
  • To use optimized code if a define has a certain value

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:55:19 pm »
That does work Quigibo, but it's unnecessarily slow and bloated if the only logic they require is AND.

Also, in response to this:
I'd like to have a debug macro (#Debug / #Release) and #Debug(code) would mean the code is only executed in debug mode, or something like this.

I've always wanted a compiler feature like this, but what would be infinitely more useful is #If. It could handle debug stuff and much more, like easily changeable compiling options. For instance, my old raycasting project had to have like 8 different copies of the source for slight rendering variations. #If would allow me to combine them all into one and make working on such projects much more manageable.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:05:03 pm »
Oh wait, you're right. This is a really bad bug then, it could completely break programs. O.O

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:00:28 pm »
Well that's a whole other problem entirely. Axe 1.X seems to have problems identifying invalid tokens and throwing errors upon reaching them. As an extension of this problem, if you use an invalid token that Axe does recognize as invalid but you have included an Axiom in your program, it takes Axe a good few seconds upon reaching the invalid token to finally throw an error.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:31:27 pm »
The increment/decrement operators (++/--) seem to be "invalid tokens", if used with memory locations/curly brackets (haven't tested variables).

I just tried it myself, you are right. It only seems to occur with one-byte constant pointers, though.

It's probably worth clarification that although parsing only fails with one-byte increments/decrements at constant pointers, all increments/decrements at constant pointers are afflicted with a problem. It seems that somehow all the routine references were shifted one position according to the number of r modifiers. If you specify n r modifiers, the parser will look for the routine that would correspond to n-1 r modifiers. So the one-byte increments/decrements fail because there is no routine for -1 r modifiers, but although the other two do not error, they look to the wrong routines.

Axe / Re: Routines
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:31:39 pm »
Someone asked for subtring and instring functions like those in TI-BASIC. So I made an Axe library with those two routines! Here's a quick summary of each one:

  • SUB: Creates and returns a pointer to a substring of another string.
    • r1 = String
    • r2 = Start (1-indexed)
    • r3 = Length (1-255)
    • Notes: The 256-byte section of memory starting at $8000 is used as the substring buffer.
    • Example: SUB("HELLO WORLD!",7,6) would return a pointer to "WORLD!".

  • INS: Returns the 1-indexed position of one string in another, or 0 if not found.
    • r1 = String
    • r2 = Search string
    • [Optional] r3 = Start (1-indexed)
    • Notes: The optional starting position in the string being searched should not exceed the length of the string.
    • Example: INS("HELLO WORLD!","A") would return 0.
    • Example: INS("HELLO WORLD!","WORLD") would return 7.
    • Example: INS("HELLO WORLD!","L",5) would return 10.

The Axe library is attached below. To use it in your program, simply send this to your calculator and include "prgmSTRLIB" in your program. I tested it a bit and think it works perfectly, but if not, please inform me! :)

Axe / Re: Instring(, and Sub( in Axe
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:23:14 pm »
Here are some implementations I whipped up to act just like the TI-BASIC string functions. The instring function even has the optional third argument! ;D However, note that the substring function should probably not be used to create substrings over 255 characters long, and definitely not 0 characters long. Also, the optional third argument for the instring function should not be longer the length of the string being searched. But other than that, they should work perfectly!

You can get a bit more information about the functions and download the ready-to-go Axe library here.

Code: [Select]
  and 0?{r?+?8000}
Return ?8000

 If -r?
 Return!If {?r?}
 If Equ?String(r?,r?)
  If {}
   Goto INL
Return r?-r?+1

The app version might need to disable interrupts, but why would the program version need to? Both Axe's and the OS's interrupt handlers back up the page in the $4000-$7FFF bank and restore it upon returning.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: July 25, 2011, 02:53:41 pm »
Also, a bug regarding short-circuiting a chain of ORs (or NORs). Omitting parentheses around the inline if statement chain somehow results in the first line inside the If statement being parsed as if it's at the end of the If statement line. For instance, this:

Code: [Select]
If A?,B

Is parsed like this:

Code: [Select]
If A?,BPxl-On(A,B)

Quigibo, you read my mind. I was about to make a post with code for commands that deal with archived variables to work with variables in RAM too, but you added that in Axe 1.0.2 before I could finish! However, I'll make a post anyways because my p_GetArc routine is smaller. :P I also have a few other things.

p_GetArc: 7 bytes smaller.

Code: (Old code: 76 bytes) [Select]
.db __GetArcEnd-1-$
push de
jr c,__GetArcFail
dec b
inc b
jr z,__GetArcRam
ld hl,9
jr z,__GetArcName
ld l,12
and %00011111
jr z,__GetArcDone
cp l
jr z,__GetArcDone
ld l,14
jr __GetArcDone
add hl,de
bit 7,h
jr z,$+7
res 7,h
set 6,h
inc b
ld d,0
inc e
inc e
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ld (hl),b
ex de,hl
and %00011111
jr z,__GetArcStore
cp CplxObj
jr z,__GetArcStore
inc de
inc de
jr __GetArcStore
ld hl,0
pop de
Code: (New code: 69 bytes) [Select]
.db __GetArcEnd-1-$
push de
jr c,__GetArcFail
dec b
inc b
jr z,__GetArcRam
ld hl,9
jr z,__GetArcName
ld l,12
and %00011111
jr z,__GetArcDone
cp CplxObj
jr z,__GetArcDone
inc l
inc l
jr __GetArcDone
add hl,de
bit 7,h
jr z,$+7
res 7,h
set 6,h
inc b
ld d,0
inc e
inc e
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ld (hl),b
ex de,hl
ld h,b
ld l,b
jr __GetArcChkFloat
ld hl,0
pop de

p_ReadArc: Bumping an old request for larger but drastically faster archive reading routines. The routines would need to modified slightly to allow for reading from RAM as well, but that should be no problem. I would understand if you didn't want to add the app version, but the program version is immensely better in my opinion.

And on the topic of stuff that involves port 6, I think it would be nice if the archive byte reading routine avoided using a B_CALL for a massive speed boost, especially for code compiled as programs:

p_ReadArc: 18 bytes (2x) larger, but ~1400 cycles (!!!10x!!!) faster

Code: (36 bytes, ~142 cycles) [Select]
.db __ReadArcEnd-1-$
ld c,a
in a,(6)
ld b,a
ld a,h
set 6,h
res 7,h
dec a
and %00000011
add a,c
out (6),a
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
bit 7,h
jr z,__ReadArcNoBoundary
set 6,h
res 7,h
inc a
out (6),a
ld l,(hl)
ld h,c
ld a,b
out (6),a

p_ReadArcApp: 36 bytes (3x) larger, but ~1050 cycles (4x) faster

Code: (54 bytes, ~396 cycles) [Select]
.db __ReadArcAppEnd-1-$
push hl
ld hl,$0000
ld de,ramCode
ld bc,__ReadArcAppRamCodeEnd-__ReadArcAppRamCode
pop hl
ld e,a
ld c,6
in b,(c)
ld a,h
set 6,h
res 7,h
dec a
and %00000011
add a,e
call ramCode
ld e,d
inc hl
bit 7,h
jr z,__ReadArcAppNoBoundary
set 6,h
res 7,h
inc a
call ramCode
ex de,hl
.db rp_Ans,__ReadArcAppEnd-p_ReadArcApp-3

out (6),a
ld d,(hl)
out (c),b

p_CopyArc: Modified to allow for sources in RAM.

Code: (Old code: 22 bytes) [Select]
.db __CopyArcEnd-1-$
pop ix
pop de
ex (sp),hl
ld b,a
ld a,h
dec a
and %00000011
add a,b
set 6,h
res 7,h
pop bc
jp (ix)
Code: (New code: 28 bytes) [Select]
.db __CopyArcEnd-1-$
ex (sp),hl
pop bc
pop de
ex (sp),hl
or a
jr z,__CopyArcRam
push bc
ld b,a
ld a,h
dec a
and %00000011
add a,b
set 6,h
res 7,h
pop bc

Also, I'm not sure why I just realized this now, but why don't the 8-bit logic operations on variables just load the variable into a instead of de to save 2 bytes?

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