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Messages - Runer112

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 ... 153
Hmm I see what you mean... perhaps the mask rotation/logic is wrong in my routine? I wanted to send the program you posted to wabbitemu so I could debug the mask and logic computations at each step, but wabbitemu refuses to accept your program... And I don't see anything obviously wrong with my mask or logic.

Is 71 cycles between outputs still too fast for your calculator perhaps? I don't notice any strange black and white lines on my calculator, which has a good LCD driver. The only lines I saw were the diagonal light and dark stripes that are inherent in any unsynced grayscale routine. Can you perhaps elaborate on the problem?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: May 22, 2011, 11:29:08 pm »
I personally vote for another pass. That would solve the problem, wouldn't it? For me, even massive programs still compile in only a few seconds. I think giving up an additional second or two would be acceptable to allow for more free program structure.

Row-major 3-level grayscale? I already made one of those, it was just slower and a bit larger than the current routine so I didn't think you'd want it. It's 4 bytes larger and about 8000 cycles slower than the column-major routine I posted above, but here it is:

Code: (70 bytes, ~66541 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __DispGSEnd-1-$
ld hl,plotSScreen
ld de,appBackUpScreen
call $0000
push af
ld a,$07
out ($10),a ;many cc into
ld a,(flags+asm_Flag2)
sbc a,a
xor %01010101
ld (flags+asm_Flag2),a
ld c,a
ld a,$80
push af
out ($10),a ;74cc into, 71cc loop
ex (sp),hl ;waste
ex (sp),hl ;waste
rrc c
ld b,12
ld a,$20
out ($10),a ;71cc into
push af ;waste
pop af ;waste
inc bc ;waste
dec c ;waste
ld a,(de)
and c
or (hl)
inc de
inc hl
out ($11),a ;72cc into, 71cc loop
ld a,(hl) ;waste
djnz __Disp4Lvlloop
pop af
inc a
bit 6,a
jr z,__Disp4Lvlentry
pop af
out ($20),a
ld a,$05
out ($10),a ;83cc into
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__DispGSEnd-p_DispGS-8

General Calculator Help / Re: Which color palette is better?
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:03:56 pm »
No, it was not. I eventually plan to pick it up again, but not right now.

I don't think this topic is a good idea. People will see the results, and if their project was not voted for much, they will be discouraged and possibly give up.

I'm back, and this time with screen update routine optimizations! I've used 71 cycles as the target minimum delay between port outputs, because that's the number that you said worked for your calculator with a bad LCD driver. If you want these routines to target 72 or 73 cycles between port outputs instead, that's an easy modification for the first two routines. The grayscale routines could be harder.

EDIT: If you're going to use any of these, make sure to actually test them first.

EDIT 2: I previously didn't have an optimization for p_DispGS, but after more closely inspecting the routine, now I do!

p_FastCopy: 1 byte and 1548 cycles saved.

Code: (Original code: 46 bytes, ~59389 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __FastCopyEnd-1-$
ld hl,plotSScreen
ld a,$80
out ($10),a
ld c,-$0C
call $0000 ;Safety
push af
ld b,64 ;7
ld a,c ;4
add a,$2C ;7
out ($10),a ;11
ld a,(hl) ;7 (waste)
inc de ;6 (waste)
push af ;11 (waste)
pop af ;10 (waste)
ld de,12 ;10
ld a,(hl) ;7
add hl,de ;11
out ($11),a ;11
djnz __FastCopyLoop ;13/8
ld de,1-(12*64) ;10
add hl,de ;11
inc c ;4
jr nz,__FastCopyAgain ;12
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__FastCopyEnd-__FastCopyAgain+3
Code: (Optimized code: 45 bytes, ~57841 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __FastCopyEnd-1-$
ld hl,plotSScreen
ld c,-$0C
ld a,$80
out ($10),a ;??cc into
call $0000
push af
push hl
ld a,c
add a,$2C
out ($10),a ;many cc into, 73cc loop
inc de ;waste
ld b,64
ld a,(hl) ;waste
inc de ;waste
dec de ;waste
ld de,12
ld a,(hl)
add hl,de
out ($11),a ;71cc into, 71cc loop
djnz __FastCopyLoop
pop hl
inc hl
inc c
jr nz,__FastCopyAgain
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__FastCopyEnd-p_FastCopy+11

p_DrawAndClr: 2 bytes and 1548 cycles saved. Pretty much the same optimization as above.

Code: (Original code: 47 bytes, ~59389 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __DrawAndClrEnd-1-$
ld hl,plotSScreen
ld a,$80
out ($10),a
ld c,-$0C
call $0000 ;Safety
push af
ld b,64 ;7
ld a,c ;4
add a,$2C ;7
out ($10),a ;11
ld a,(hl) ;7 (waste)
inc de ;6 (waste)
ld de,12 ;10
ld a,(hl) ;7
ld (hl),d ;7
ld (hl),d ;7 (waste)
ld (hl),d ;7 (waste)
add hl,de ;11
out ($11),a ;11
djnz __DrawAndClrLoop ;13/8
ld de,1-(12*64) ;10
add hl,de ;11
inc c ;4
jr nz,__DrawAndClrAgain ;12
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__DrawAndClrEnd-__DrawAndClrAgain+3
Code: (Optimized code: 45 bytes, ~57841 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __FastCopyEnd-1-$
ld hl,plotSScreen
ld c,-$0C
ld a,$80
out ($10),a ;??cc into
call $0000
push af
push hl
ld a,c
add a,$2C
out ($10),a ;many cc into, 73cc loop
inc de ;waste
ld b,64
inc de ;waste
dec de ;waste
ld de,12
ld a,(hl)
ld (hl),d
add hl,de
out ($11),a ;71cc into, 71cc loop
djnz __DrawAndClrLoop
pop hl
inc hl
inc c
jr nz,__DrawAndClrAgain
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__DrawAndClrEnd-__DrawAndClrAgain+11

p_DispGS: ~4847 cycles faster! This is more of a bug fix than an optimization; the old routine copied 13 columns!

Code: (Original code: 66 bytes, ~63507 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __DispGSEnd-1-$
call $0000
push af
ld a,$80
out ($10),a
ld (OP2),sp
ld hl,flags+asm_Flag2
rr (hl)
sbc a,a
xor %01010101
ld (hl),a
ld c,a
ld l,appbackupscreen&$ff-1
ld sp,plotSScreen-appbackupscreen
ld a,l ;4
ld b,64 ;7
add a,$21-(appbackupscreen&$ff);7
out ($10),a ;11 Into loop: 59 T-states
inc l ;4
ld h,appbackupscreen>>8 ;7
ld de,appbackupscreen-plotSScreen+12;11
ld a,(hl) ;7 Loop: 61 T-states
rrc c ;8
and c ;4
add hl,sp ;11
or (hl) ;7
out ($11),a ;11
add hl,de ;11
djnz __DispGSLoop ;13/8 Next Loop: 60 T-states
ld a,l ;4
cp 12+(appbackupscreen&$ff);7
jr nz,__DispGSNext ;12
ld sp,(OP2)
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__DispGSEnd-p_DispGS-2
Code: (Optimized code: 66 bytes, ~58660 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __DispGSEnd-1-$
call $0000
push af
ld a,$80
out ($10),a ;many cc into
ld (OP2),sp
ld hl,flags+asm_Flag2
rr (hl)
sbc a,a
xor %01010101
ld (hl),a
ld c,a
ld l,appbackupscreen&$ff-1
ld sp,plotSScreen-appbackupscreen
ld a,l
ld b,64
add a,$20-(appbackupscreen&$ff-1)
out ($10),a ;113cc into, 71cc loop
inc hl
ld h,appbackupscreen>>8
ld de,appbackupscreen-plotSScreen+12
ld a,(hl)
rrc c
and c
add hl,sp
or (hl)
out ($11),a ;71cc into, 72cc loop
add hl,de
djnz __DispGSLoop
ld a,l
cp 12+(appbackupscreen&$ff-1)
jr nz,__DispGSNext
ld sp,(OP2)
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__DispGSEnd-p_DispGS-2

p_Disp4Lvl: 3 bytes larger, but ~7693 cycles faster! Extra bonuses: updates in row-major order for cleaner grayscale AND works with any pair of buffers! :w00t:

Code: (Original code: 79 bytes, ~78433 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __Disp4LvlEnd-1-$
call $0000
push af
ld (OP2+2),sp
ld a,$80
out ($10),a
ld sp,appbackupscreen - plotSScreen
ld e,(plotSScreen-appbackupscreen+12)&$ff
ld c,-$0C
ex af,af'
ld a,%11011011
ld hl,flags+asm_flag2
inc (hl)
jr z,__Disp4Lvlskip
add a,a
ld b,(hl)
inc b
jr z,__Disp4Lvlskip
ld (hl),-2
ld l,plotSScreen&$ff-1
ex af,af'
ld a,c
add a,$2C
ld h,plotSScreen>>8
inc l
ld b,64
out ($10),a
ld a,(hl)
add hl,sp
xor (hl)
ex af,af'
cp e
ld d,a
ex af,af'
and d
xor (hl)
out ($11),a
ld d,(plotSScreen-appbackupscreen+12)>>8
add hl,de
djnz __Disp4Lvlloop
inc c
jr nz,__Disp4Lvlentry
ld sp,(OP2+2)
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__Disp4LvlEnd-p_Disp4Lvl-2
Code: (Optimized code: 82 bytes, ~70740 cycles with 3-cycle LCD port delay, excluding p_Safety) [Select]
.db __Disp4LvlEnd-1-$
ld hl,appBackUpScreen
ld de,plotSScreen
call $0000
push af
push hl
ld a,$07
out ($10),a ;many cc into
ld a,%11011011
or a
ld hl,flags+asm_flag2
inc (hl)
jr z,__Disp4Lvlskip
ld b,(hl)
inc b
jr z,__Disp4Lvlskip
ld (hl),-2
ex af,af'
pop hl
ld a,$80
out ($10),a ;76+cc into, 71cc loop
push af
ex (sp),hl ;waste
ex (sp),hl ;waste
nop ;waste
ld a,$20
out ($10),a ;71cc into
ld b,12
ex af,af'
ld c,a
ex af,af'
ld a,(de)
xor (hl)
and c
xor (hl)
inc de
inc hl
out ($11),a ;71cc into, 77cc loop
djnz __Disp4LvlLoop
inc bc ;waste
ex af,af'
ex af,af'
pop af
inc a
bit 6,a
jr z,__Disp4LvlEntry
ld a,$05
out ($10),a ;73cc into
pop af
out ($20),a
ret c
.db rp_Ans,__Disp4LvlEnd-p_Disp4Lvl-8

Also, I'm going to bump a few old optimization suggestions. They may have been skipped because Axe couldn't support them at the time, but in case it can now or in the near future, I'll make sure they aren't forgotten. And I'll throw in a new optimization that would also require an upgraded command parser.

And as a side note, would it be possible to reformat DS<() so that the variable is reinitialized to its maximum value at the End? That way, 3 bytes could be saved by having both the zero and not zero conditions using the same store command. For example:

Code: [Select]
ld hl,(var)
dec hl
ld a,h
or l
jp nz,DS_End
;Code inside statement goes here
ld hl,max
ld (var),hl

Now that you have absolute jumps implemented:

Code: (Original code) [Select]

.db 13
pop de
ex (sp),hl
pop bc
ld a,(de)
dec hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld a,b
or c
jr nz,$-8

Code: (Optimized code) [Select]

.db 12
pop de
ex (sp),hl
pop bc
ld a,(de)
dec hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
jp pe,__ExchangeLoop ;or is it po?

Code: (Original code: 27 bytes, ~220 cycles) [Select]
.db __DKeyVarEnd-1-$
dec l
ld a,l
and %00000111
inc a
ld b,a
ld a,%01111111
djnz $-1
ld h,a
ld a,l
and %00000111
inc a
ld b,a
ld a,%10000000
djnz $-1
ld l,a
Code: (Optimized code: 23 bytes, ~259 cycles) [Select]
.db __DKeyVarEnd-1-$
ld c,l
dec c
ld a,c
call __DKeyVarMask
ld h,a
ld a,c
and %00000111
inc a
ld b,a
ld a,%10000000
djnz $-1
ld l,a


Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: May 21, 2011, 01:49:54 pm »
Actually, the slowest Axe command (that won't freeze the calculator altogether) is Pause 0, which would take about 220 million cycles. That's a bit over half a minute at 6MHz. ;)

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:13:26 pm »
To get around this bug in the meantime, just make sure your constant won't trigger any constant auto optimizations. The simplest way to ensure this is to always enclose the constant in parentheses when you use it. This will cause some unnecessary code bloat, but when the next version of Axe is released and hopefully addresses this issue, you can remove the parentheses.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:07:30 pm »
There appears to be quite a fatal flaw with user-defined constants. If a user-defined constant is used as the operand in an operation that wouldn't qualify for any constant auto optimizations, the code will be compiled correctly. But if the operation would be turned into a constant auto optimization (e.g. any constant less-than/greater-than comparison), the parser gets confused. It parses the code as the normal, unoptimized command, which would still work if that was the only flaw. However, because of what I can only guess is the remnants of some sort of debugging code, the constant is replaced with 0x9001. :P

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:55:31 am »
You can divide by 256 about 500,000 times a second, which is one of the reasons why inflating variables by 256 is the preferred method of increasing accuracy. My guess would be that drawing 2 massive rectangles every frame can't help.

EDIT: The second block of code you posted should run at virtually the exact same speed as the original block of code. Are you sure it actually sped up? And if so, did you make any other changes to the code?

EDIT 2: I think the program appearing to run slowly is just an illusion caused by your object moving at slow speeds. It gets about 40 frames per second, the object is just in the same position in many frames because it is moving slowly.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:31:46 am »
The flipH() command has a problem. I think when I was optimizing it, I got confused about which register pair held a pointer to what and ended up using an 8-bit increase for the sprite input instead of the sprite output. Please change inc l \ inc de to inc e \ inc hl.

TI Z80 / Re: My explosive contest entry
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:27:53 am »
Thanks for mentioning the horizontal flipping issue. I've found the problem and will make a bug report post about it immediately.

ASM / Re: [83+/84+] Minimum safe LCD delay?
« on: May 19, 2011, 03:13:17 am »
That's without ALCDFIX applied, right? Because unless I'm mistaken, the point of ALCDFIX is to add delay to out instructions such that the LCD driver will be able to keep up with an ~66 cycle loop on any calculator.

And are you sure those numbers are right for your calculator? Because when I inspected Axe's grayscale routines, I noticed that the 4-level grayscale routine dips down to 67 cycles between two out instructions at one point (between column setting and the first output to the column). Shouldn't that cause problems then?

ASM / [83+/84+] Minimum safe LCD delay?
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:40:43 am »
What's the minimum number of cycles at 6MHz that should exist between LCD outputs to be safe on just about any calculator? I think I recall someone in IRC suggesting 66, which is what Ion's routine uses, while routines used in Axe are closer to 70. And how exactly might things like the LCD delay port, bad LCD drivers, and ALCDFIX affect the timing that should be used in such a routine?

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