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Messages - Runer112
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« on: March 31, 2014, 07:33:52 pm »
The fact that an Axe source file starting with two periods (a subprogram/library) doesn't show up in the compile menu is intentional. That way, you don't have subprograms and libraries cluttering up the compile menu, since it doesn't make sense to compile either as a standalone executable.
Just include prgmLIBNAME as a line in your main program and the library will be included and compiled with your main program.
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:37:03 am »
They are shrouded in a cloud of possibilities. Which are endless, but what I think is a good example is needed for each one with all possible arguments.
I think the descriptions speak for themselves. The examples for most commands would just be pretty pointless anyways, like Pxl-On(95,63), Pxl-On(40,20)r, Pxl-On(7,0,L1). And the arguments could be colorized to make sence of what is required for the command to work and whats not.
Signatures are colorized, the colors just represent different syntactical elements or data types. And every valid form of each command is shown, so what's required for a command to work is for it to be of one of the given forms. Some commands leand themselves to this in the descriptions but some do not. One such example is pxl-on and then you have Bitmap which gives you the options but doesnt tell you how to make bmp in the option.
I thought it was pretty straightforward, a pointer to the bitmap width byte, followed by the bitmap height byte, followed by the image data in the standard, row-major format, with each row padded with 0 bits at the end if necessary to fill a whole number of bytes. Here's a post I made on Cemetech giving an example. If any command's syntax isn't clear, just ask.
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:01:38 pm »
As I have been going throughout this forum I see a major difference between the forum for TI-BASIC & Axe. The key is in the way people have responded to the different types of programming problems. Now I'm not saying axe parser is anything like the syntax of ti-basic, its not. What happens is the forum for tibasic need only be searched to find out how to do something. But in this forum I see a common problem with the answers people give.... 1) read the manual 2) a link to something that may not even be in axe, with the promise its similar
I can't say I've noticed this. If people do this, then they're being somewhat rude. I certainly try not do it myself, or if I do tell the asker to look at an external resource, I tell them exactly what part relates to your problem and how. I generally see others providing helpful answers as well. What I find even worse than that is when someone responds with the irc chatbox and doesn't put the solution on the topic.
I know I tend to try to provide programming help over IRC a lot more than on the forums. That's usually because I can quickly and interactively solve the problem with the person experiencing it, working out any issues that may arise as they come. But if you'd prefer a solution be posted on the forums, just ask! I'm sure most people would be happy to oblige. Why if the syntax for a simple command such as bitmaps not even mention that you need a header... I dont think that thats good documentation for a command.
It certainly does: Draws a bitmap to (X,Y) on the main buffer, back buffer, or specified buffer respectively. The bitmap data should have in order: width (1 byte), then height (1 byte), then the rows of the image padded with zeros to the nearest byte. Mode 0 is "Pt-On" logic and Mode 1 is "Pt-Change" logic. Mode 0 is used if unspecified.
Now I'm certain that the command list has no single mention of what you have to do to make tilemapping work...
As others have said, tilemapping is an algorithm that a coder must implement, not a built-in feature of the language. Therefore, I wouldn't expect it to be described in the language's documentation. Also as others have said, basic tilemapping implementations are described and provided in a number of tutorials on the site. Finding them now is just a bit trickier, since the new site removed its explicit index of tutorials, which I agree is not a great situation. and on top of that most of the tutorials never even say that you have to use hexadecimal notation for your tilemap declaration pointer.
You don't have to use a hexadecimal string to include data, but it's certainly an easy way. The hexadecimal data inclusion syntax is present in the command list, and it appears in numerous fully-explained code examples in the documentation (Documentation.pdf). Also included and documented in both is another common way to include data, Data(). I think that when we do have such a small community of axe users we should maximize the potential for understanding how it works. As ive thought about this alot... how about a more verbose command list.
What kind of verbosity are you looking for here? As far as I'm concerned, the Commands.html file does exactly what it's supposed to do, providing succinct but complete explanations of what each individual command/operator/syntactical element does.
« on: March 16, 2014, 07:12:34 pm »
Since every Axe coder and their grandmothers were making Flappy Bird clones, I decided I should get mine out of the way. Naturally, I had to try to make a very optimized version. So I present to you a complete implementation of Flappy Bird, weighing in at a fairly petite 647 bytes! (when compiled for Ion) ![]( Partially because I'm lazy, and partially because I knew it was already a good, working implementation, I started with a compact Flappy Bird implementation that Matrefeytontias was kind enough to let me steal borrow. That weighed in at 898 bytes and didn't have scoring, so I'm pretty happy with myself for managing to cut out 250 bytes while also adding scoring. That said, I think Matrefeytontias created graphics and coded his whole version from scratch in just over half an hour, which is very impressive. My adjustments took about an hour and a half. Source and compiled programs attached.
« on: March 15, 2014, 08:09:16 pm »
Is there any way to add some sort of "suspend" to the program editor? Press a button and you're at the homescreen, where you can math out that constant you need, and then press it again and you're back where you were.
Now that's an idea I could really get behind.
« on: March 14, 2014, 07:29:15 pm »
You guys know you can turn of MathPrint, right? That severely reduces the number of "bugs" caused by MathPrint. And I put "bugs" in quotes because with MathPrint off, I've never seen it causes any issues itself. I think the issues are caused by programs like Omnicalc expecting certain things to be a certain way, but they changed with the MathPrint OSes.
« on: March 14, 2014, 07:15:52 am »
if thepenguin can make a 2-page app, he can make a 3- or 4-page app too right?
What's the point, then? It seems like all it would do is get rid of two physical applications and their menu entries without saving any archive space, which seems like a lot of work for not much benefit. And then things would start getting messy with multiple versions of zStart for people who do and don't want Omnicalc, people who do and don't want Symbolic, etc.
But everyone wants MirageOS libs, no ? It allows to run every single program (except maybe 20).
If there's leftover space in a two-page version of zStart, I can definitely see the point of adding MirageOS libraries. I just wouldn't be in favor of adding a page primarily for it (in that case, just use the original app!). But I believe TheCoder1998 was asking about consuming Omnicalc and Symbolic, which would in all likelihood need most of two pages for themselves, which I'm not as keen on and is what that quote was supposed to address.
« on: March 13, 2014, 08:42:21 pm »
maybe they don't take up the full space
I believe they more or less do. if thepenguin can make a 2-page app, he can make a 3- or 4-page app too right?
What's the point, then? It seems like all it would do is get rid of two physical applications and their menu entries without saving any archive space, which seems like a lot of work for not much benefit. And then things would start getting messy with multiple versions of zStart for people who do and don't want Omnicalc, people who do and don't want Symbolic, etc.
« on: March 13, 2014, 07:21:23 am »
I'm not sure about the whole gray comments thing. You'd need to be constantly updating the screen for the gray to look solid, which means allocating about 2/3 of CPU time just to grayscale updates. Not only would that result in a pretty noticeable slowdown of the editor, but it would probably have a large (negative) impact on battery life, as well. And then there's the implementation difficulty, too.
« on: March 08, 2014, 07:24:37 pm »
I would recommend SourceCoder. Simply upload the image and voila, tons of output formats, one of which should be plain black-and-white image hex.
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:58:37 am »
This emulator only emulates original Game Boy games, as in the original 4-color grayscale ones (although they can be colorized with fixed palettes).
« on: March 06, 2014, 01:03:35 pm »
I've never actually used PrettyPrint. What about it is better than MathPrint?
« on: March 06, 2014, 12:51:42 pm »
It's certainly doable. But I'm guessing that most people aren't too concerned with integrating such features natively, as they already work fairly well as simple parser hooks and MathPrint is a decent enough replacement for Symbolic. Finding someone with the intersection of motivation and OS patching/hooking skill (unless that someone is you) could be tough.
« on: March 06, 2014, 12:48:07 pm »
I'd say copy calc84maniac straight over to yellow.
« on: March 03, 2014, 06:35:39 pm »
I would love this feature. How impossible would it be to import something like MathJax? Some guy seemed to know how to do it.Or just pick something that's already designed for SMF2.
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