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Messages - Runer112

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 [28] 29 30 ... 153
You know, I think it would be cool if you made a program (for DCSE8, of course) that could recognize the splash screen or something, and you could browse the ones you have in the apps section.

Seems more appropriate for KermMartian to add the ability for DoorsCS to list and launch applications, rather than for application designers to have to create dummy wrapper programs. I've pestered him with this feature request slightly, but so far to no avail.

It has always bothered me a bit that Cemetech echoes post notifications in chat whenever I make a small edit to touch up some wording or spelling. And on the flip side, it bothers me that I can make a substantial edit on Omnimaga without people noticing it.

What if a checkbox was added to the edit screen that allowed you to specify that an edit is an important edit? If it is unchecked, the edit goes through with no notification in any chat; if it is checked, an edit notification is produced, and perhaps the thread is also bumped.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:35:58 pm »
Could you somehow hook into cursor movements and code insertions/deletions to keep track of the line the cursor is on? Either logical line or physical line (without/with wrapping)?

EDIT: And on the topic of interesting thoughts about lines and wrapping, to what degree can you control how/where tokens get displayed? It might be neat to have a code editor that doesn't wrap lines, and instead uses arrows or ellipses to indicate additional code to the left or right. I wouldn't be surprised if this is practically impossible, but I just thought I'd throw it out there. It would actually make indentation possible to understand!

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: March 01, 2014, 09:56:33 am »
Is it possible to have a scrollbar in the program editor?

I imagine that counting the number of lines that a program occupies (taking into account wrapping) is an expensive operation. Combined with the fact that this is a pretty superficial feature, I'm probably going to guess that it wouldn't be a very high priority. :P But who knows?

But if you wanted the ability to know approximately where you are in a file, perhaps I can suggest an alternate, possibly less expensive solution? It might be potentially possible that the "PROGRAM" text at the top of the editor can be replaced with a line number display, perhaps of the form "Ln ????" or "???/???" (the second number is the total).

Oh, and on the topic of modifying the title line in the program editor, what about an option to go DCS-mode and remove it entirely?

Other Calculators / Re: Flappy Bird - ClrDraw
« on: February 28, 2014, 11:37:30 pm »
Note: a double return shouldn't cause this issue (or any really), so if your fix was to remove one, I don't think that actually fixed it. :P

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« on: February 25, 2014, 08:18:12 pm »
Skin/screen questions/comments:

  • Is there a reason why the 84+CSE screen does not use the source 4:3 aspect ratio?
  • Related to above, can the 84+CSE screen be accurately placed onto the calculator?
  • Now that skin scaling is a thing, can we lose the unnecessary gray border space around the calculator in the skin? It would allow for the emulator to be scaled up larger. Perhaps you could even go full Y2K and make the window just a floating calculator.
  • What scaling method do you use to render the screen? Because the black and white calculator screen upscaling at sizes other than 200% is... not great. Perhaps upscale the image to a multiple of 100% size with no interpolation that is at least as large as the target resolution and then downscale to the target resolution? And could we get the faux LCD individual pixel pattern back?
  • EDIT: Also, the detached LCD for black and white calculators seems to have some problems now.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:57:58 pm »
It would definitely be neat to have a feature like that. Fitting such a feature into the already-overflowing Axe though... that's another story. Also, I have absolutely no clue how the catalog hook works so would't really know how to do it myself.

I believe that, partly for this reason, Quigibo tried to assign most commands to tokens that are found in menus so they could be quickly reached once you learn their location.

TI Z80 / Re: Flappy Bird by Josiah W
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:17:09 pm »
Also, every

Code: [Select]
If E<<0
can be optimized like that :
Code: [Select]
If E.32768
.it is the plot   .   token

(this is mainly a speed optimization, don't know if it will save some bytes).

Anyway, seems pretty good  version of Flappy :P

The fastest and smallest way to check if a number is negative is this:

Code: [Select]
If E//32768

Random side note: The idea of //32768 is a bit unsettling to me, because technically you shouldn't be able to perform a signed 16-bit divide by 32768 because 32768 isn't a valid signed two's complement 16-bit number.

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:07:16 pm »
Isn't there a way to,simply call sub_mulFast instead of sub_mul ? Apparently axioms always compile in #ExprOff mode, no matter what the state of optimization is when they are parsed.

No, Axioms can't explicitly call the fast version of the command. And yes, a quick test seems to suggest that subroutines referenced by Axioms will default to the slow version. However, it also seems that my suspicion that using a native Axe command that calls the underlying subroutine in an #ExprOn section somewhere does result in the Axiom referencing the fast version, so I guess having a dummy call in the Axe source to a command that uses the underlying subroutine would be a workaround.

I'm not sure if this is a problem that is reasonably fixable, but I'll look into a more permanent solution.

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: February 19, 2014, 08:27:32 pm »
Does using #ExprOn in a program affect axiom too ?
I mean, if an axiom use the axe multiplication and the program calling axiom command have #ExprOn, does the multiplication will be optimize for speed too ?

That's a good question... Honestly, I'm not sure. If I had to guess, I'd say that because of how Axioms are parsed, it would depend on the optimization state at the end of the main source program. Either that, or it simply ignores the optimization state (although if you use multiplication yourself in a speed-optimized block, that should force the Axiom to as well).

TI Z80 / Re: [AXE] TIcoin
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:34:33 pm »
Perhaps you simply want Asm(EFE542)→R ?

Computer Projects and Ideas / RunerBotPlaysPokemon
« on: February 17, 2014, 11:38:50 pm »
Following the popularity of the sweeping TwitchPlaysPokemon fad, RunerBot wanted to get in on the fun. But it wanted more control over the inputs so decided to control a game all for itself! Of course, it's just a stupid bot and doesn't know the strategy of playing Pokemon, so it isn't very good and provides randomized inputs. But it's very fast, and currently playing three runs at once, each at about 30x speed! Will it ever make it to Viridian City in one of them? Who knows!

Watch RunerBot supply pseudorandom inputs to three runs of Pokemon Red at a collective speed of over 9000% here:

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:08:23 am »
I don't think that gives me quite enough information to know what's going on. Can you provide the Axiom itself, and perhaps a source program that includes it which triggers the compile error?

I had trouble sending Pokemon Silver, as well. But I pulled out the good old silverlink and sure enough it worked, although it took about half an hour.

TI Z80 / Re: [AXE] TIcoin
« on: February 16, 2014, 04:17:09 pm »
I did think about that and I'm considering about putting in a hidden appvar to stop that from happening ... if there is a will there is a way.

Not really. I assure you, if you hide data anywhere on a calculator, I can find it. And an important factor that makes cryptocurrencies work is that no one rogue entity has more computing power than the validation network. When the validation network is just one calculator, anyone has more computing power than that.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't continue with your idea. You'd just have to accept that it will always be susceptible to cracking if a user with a fair amount of knowledge so desires to crack it.

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