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Topics - Sorunome

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 13
Computer Projects and Ideas / 1TB USB Stick
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:59:43 pm »
Looks like a company managed to make a 1TB USB-Stick!
SO WANT, lol
Well, the 1TB USB stick shall be on market in Q1 2013, they have already released the 512GB version which already costs $1337 O.o (Do they know about 1337 O.o)
Let's see how much the 1TB stick will be....
Oh, and here's the link:

Computer Projects and Ideas / HP CodeWars
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:48:31 pm »
Hey Guys,
Over my school I found out that HP is hosting a programming competition in March, I'll probably be participating and I wanted to give you guys the chance to do so too!
Here's a link:

Web Programming and Design / Web-Clock
« on: January 06, 2013, 09:53:17 pm »
Another random thing i suddenly started working on.
A web-clock!
It will be easy to embed into websites, easy to change size etc.
Many parameters.
Digital clock, analog clock, binary clock and real binary clock. With settings
I'm very good at describing my projects
Anyways, here's a sneek-peek:

Web Programming and Design / Slideshow creator
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:40:17 pm »
Hey, I made a slideshow creator already some time ago on my website. I just noticed that i didn't create a topic about it yet :P
First of all, the creator is located here:
The GUI is IMO rather simple to use.
So, the version thing: You select the slideshow version, if it is set to newest it'll auto-update once i make a new version

To use it on your website just simply copy-paste the embed code

For people on a forum who wanne do it with bb code, you need to do stuff like this: [slideshow]<stuff>[/slideshow] -> <iframe width="100%" height="600px" src="<stuff>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>
Let's poke omni admins to add dat XD

A IMO cool feature is that you can load the slideshow to edit it via embed or via bb code.

It is programmed in HTML5 canvas :D (exept version 1.0, lol, but dat one sucks and IDK if it is working at all)

v2.2: Changed preloading, only preloads the first 7 images, once you interact with it it'll start preloading the others
v2.1: Fixed a gallery bug and added a fullscreen button
v2.0: Far better design, got rid of the crappy old one, all images preload
v1.0: Created


Miscellaneous / New Years Story
« on: January 01, 2013, 12:31:35 am »
Some of you may have noticed: There was again a story on IRC! This is starting to become Omnimaga tradition! :D
So, for all who missed it, read below:
Omnimaga New Year 2013 Story!

(20:45) 1: On a silent night in Omnimaga, a certain wizard appeared.

(21:00) 2: He didn't look like a wizard, though.  Just a small child with a small, but dangerous gift.
(21:15) 3: Suddenly, the storm picked up. The #omnimaga channel users dropped one by one.

(21:30) 4: The fatality rate was shocking. The wind blew harder and harder.

(21:45) 5: A sinister ssss-ss-ss-sssssss filled the air. Then everything went black.

(22:00) 6: Nobody could see anything. An eerie hum filled the air.

(22:15) 7: Everybody waited anxiously, not knowing what would happen, their futures in the air.

(22:30) 8: Suddenly, everyone's lights went out. In the dark, everybody could see the wizard holding up the dangerous gift.

(22:45) 9: "FREEZE!", he said. Nobody moved. Everybody was frightened.

(23:00) 10: Suddenly somebody had to sneeze. The wizard acted immediately!

(23:15) 11: He opend the gift without any hesitation, and suddenly the room was filled with loud noises and light.

(23:30) 12: Creppy words filled the room. "We are coming!" "Time is up for you guys soon, HAHAHAHA!!" "THE GAME!!" "RICK ASHLEY!" "BLUE AXE WIELDING LOBSTERS!" "EMAG EHT!!" The faces of all Omnimaganians were pale.

(23:45) 13: Suddenly, the wizard began to laugh. Everybody thought he was going insane.

(24:00) 14: All he wanted to say was: "Happy New Year!"

(24:01) 15: Thanks for the great year! We wish everyone a joyful, safe, and programming-fulled happy New Year! This brought to you by Sorunome and alberthrocks! Full story available here:

Humour and Jokes / A little prank on Derpy
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:53:46 pm »
Well, what happens if you decide to play a prank on Derpy Hooves?

Site Feedback and Questions / BB Code bug
« on: December 25, 2012, 11:51:49 pm »
Hey, this bb code isn't working O.o the main url part jut gets censored out, just noticed when editing O.o

here's nobbc:

Computer Projects and Ideas / Sorunomes IRC Bots
« on: December 22, 2012, 06:08:47 pm »
Ok, I thought I'd make now a list of my IRC bots........
Well, first, all the bots that reply with the nickname Sorunome are then as a plugin for my self-programmed plugin manager
sooooooooooo let's go!

@axe <command>
.axe <command>
Searches in the readme, .axe is pm
Advanced (still buggy):
[@.]axe (prgm|app|fusion) <command>
Outputs the size

@<lib> <command>
.<lib> <command>
Searches in Basic libs. put as <lib> all to search in all libs

@gram(|mer) <command>
.gram(|mer) <command>
Again, searches for the command

@basic <command>
.basic <command>

complicated, check out my other topic about it
it is for managing omnomirc pm over efnet

Test received

[>@]google <phrase>
First google result

THIS BOT IS SILENTED ON #omnimaga, you can still use #omnimaga-spam
@bf <code>
The output of brainf*ck code (for input: put all your input afterwards seperated with a space, so ,.,. hi outputs hi)

uses google to search omnimaga, so i just a shortcut for >google site:omnimaga


pings a website, works like, only timeout time is one minuet, lol

@calc <stuff>
it uses sympy, so if you want to know how to use it look up how to use sympy
only variables declared so far are k,n,x,y,z if you want any more, poke me

@ddg <stuff>
Look up stuff on duck duck goes api!

Well, that's it already (i think)
If you have any questions ask
I will update this list

Computer Programming / Lua mysql problem
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:03:00 am »
Hey, i encountered a problem with lua and mysql
a huge problem, with unicode characters.
On mysql everything is set to utf8, seriousley everything, but when carching 'em through lua they get '?'
and sending SET NAMES utf8; craches
here's my code:
Code: [Select]
env = assert(luasql.mysql());
con = assert(env:connect("<username>","<database>","<passwd>", "localhost"));
--conn:execute("SET NAMES 'utf8';");
cur = assert(con:execute("SELECT * FROM axebotcommands WHERE LOWER(plaintoken) LIKE '%"..args.."%';"));
--cur = conn:execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%';");
row = {};
results = {};
for i=1, cur:numrows() do
row = cur:fetch(row, "a"); --a
table.insert(results,row["token"]..": "..row["message"])
it would be epic if somebody could help me.

Humour and Jokes / The other Guys
« on: December 15, 2012, 08:16:22 pm »
Hey, anyone seen it and got rickrolled? XD
happend to me yesterday
* Sorunome hides

Miscellaneous / Hobbit, anyone?
« on: December 15, 2012, 08:10:15 pm »
Hey, i already saw the Hobbit in the movies, and i find it awesome!
How about you guys?
Oh, and i didn't read the book yet

Reuben Quest / Reuben Quest Axe Remake
« on: December 15, 2012, 06:04:15 pm »
Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening
The game is done! Grab info here:
Spoiler For old:
i am remaking it
i'm serious
i don't have too much to show yet but screenie will come soon
As in NOW

BTW, you lost the game
No kidding
you did
even thought you don't know you did you still did

Spoiler For game:
So, i started on a new project and i thought i'd make first a little game out of it as games are fun :P
So, the first one who gets to guess correctly can get beta tests of the game. For sure. Also during development if they want.
So, hint: check my recent activity on omni, if you can count 1&1 togeather you should be able to guess it correctly.
Sorry DJ_O, Juju and jacobly, as you already know what it is you cant participate :P

Other Calculators / Impossible O.o
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:50:25 pm »
Is it zStart or Axe or how did this just happen O.o two apps with the same name O.o
os 2.43

Humour and Jokes / Lord of the Rings 4: The return of the Ponies
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:18:27 pm »

Computer Programming / Decompile .exe
« on: November 27, 2012, 07:53:54 pm »
First, i hope this is the right section to post :P
Ok, so, I want to decompile a exe patch for a game, or look into all the files stored in it or something like that.
The game is trackmania :P
And i wanne do that because i wanne patch it in a very similar way that existing patch already does.
The exe talked about can be downloaded here (to big to attach):
Can somebody please help me?

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