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Messages - Sorunome

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The Axe Parser Project / Re: Some super crappy Axe code...
« on: August 25, 2016, 04:57:24 pm »
The only thing i can think of right now is, instead of using *128 and /128 the 8.8 fixed point numbers i talked about, it gives you instant access to either the number with the fraction part or only the integar part, no bit-shifting at all is needed (which is what /128 does)

ASM / Re: 83+/84+ Free Ram Areas
« on: August 25, 2016, 04:47:27 pm »
You should add that to the tools menu :)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello to everyone!
« on: August 25, 2016, 04:44:57 pm »
Hello coops, welcome to omnimaga! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here you can post progress about your projects and show them off once they are done. Here you can ask any axe questions.

Looking forward to answering some questions! :D

ASM / Re: 83+/84+ Free Ram Areas
« on: August 25, 2016, 03:42:21 pm »
So I took this table and parsed it with regex into some php-usable data. You can see the result here:
it's not only finally looking like an actual table, but at the top box you can just enter any address or label and you'll jump to it.

Entering address as HEX:
 - just typing hex
 - or prefix with $
 - or prefix with 0x

Entering address as BIN:
 - prefix with %
 - or prefix with 0b

Everything else will be treated as a label, the first match will be used (case-insensitive). (e.g. "edit" will jump to smallEditCol ($8177))

If that exact address isn't present it'll jump to whatever row contains it

ASM / Re: 83+/84+ Free Ram Areas
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:02:19 pm »
Bcalls seem to change $83EB on the 84+ calculator, however changing it doesn't do anything bad.

Should we maybe make this table some seperate page or somethinga nd keep it up-to-date with new information?

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:59:27 am »
Actually that's still super strange for me... just tried my last axe program and it wasnt reacting on ZOOM or TRACE? xD
How could it be that Axe is better than ASM  especially ince Axe is written in asm? O.o
That is because i did a certain optimization that axe doesn't do to prevent these issues. However that also results in longer&slower code

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:43:20 am »
Whatfor do you support Y=, window, zoom, trace and Graph, too ???
Isn't it much simpler to use teh arrows, 2nd to interact, mode for menu and del to leave? (and now Alpha for item)
It's because of the way the hardware is set up. The keys are grouped into multiple keygroups, where you can check the keypresses of each keygroup.
the top row + 2nd + mode + del is a key group and the arrow keys are a key group. I check both simutainiously, thus i can't differentiate between f2-f5 and the arrow keys, which is fine since nobody uses those anyways xP

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:37:36 am »
Then use ALPHA to trigger/use the currently equipped item? ;)
Probably want to add a <none> for people that dont want to always have item equipped...
Also you shoud add a "current weapon" menu where you can equip any weapon you already unlocken :)
That would add another level of complexity to the move engine....currently it only knowsof Y=, 2nd, mode, del and the arrow keys. WINDOW, ZOOM, TRACE, GRAPH act as arrow keys

EDIT: Actually using alpha sounds like a very good idea, i'll try nevertheless

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:33:08 am »

people are gonna think its a bug if you cant drink while walking...
You should rather only make drinking possible using the MODE item menu (2nd isnt in use there yet - just select bottle and use 2nd to drink) ;)
That wouldn't work with items such as the hookshot or bombs, though.

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:20:57 am »
Thanks for your bug-hunting!
Little bug report:

- There's no message telling you whenever you received some stuff (bottles, ticks, pickaxes, ...)
That is why you read the dialog ;)
Still there sometimes are none at all xD So you should maybe add it anyways :)
As discussed on irc, you are already told what you recieve via the dialog

- could you probably deactivate this automated walking around / dodging of objects for all interactive stuff like switches? They're hard to target like that...
That's why you hit 2nd while approaching a target, you won't auto-align to walkable areas then.
everytime I release the 2nd key it then asks if yi wanted to drink my stupid water...
probably still auto-deactivate for interactive objects? ;)
I haven't thought that one through, occupying one key with two functionalities....what do you think? Maybe only be able to use the item while standing still?

New bugs:
once you break the rocks blocking the nortern path but leave the screen by walking around, its blocked again.
That is because the engine isn't state-aware. Same goes for shrubs - you destroy them and re-enter the tilemap they are back.
However, as I saw these rocks as a major keypoint in the story i manually added a switch so that they stay gone :)

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 25, 2016, 08:42:30 am »
Couple reasons why I think you should just be able to walk in:
  • That's how pretty much every RPG I've seen do it (think Pokemon).
  • It's pretty unlikely that you would "accidentally" run into the door
  • Less thinking for the player, more playing :D
Also those graphics are gorgeous :D If I may offer a suggestion though, I'd add a space between the first dash and the I in "–Items–" in the menu header. There are two empty pixels between the s and the second dash, and only one between the first dash and the I D:

Thank you! I'm also in favour of walking into doors, i just thought i'd make a poll. As already discussed on IRC it's not very easy for me to just add a space, as I use a custom monospace font as TIOS routines are kinda frozen for me all over the place.

Thanks for your bug-hunting!
Little bug report:

- There's no message telling you whenever you received some stuff (bottles, ticks, pickaxes, ...)
That is why you read the dialog ;)
- Walking one window west there is that house - it got messed up text parts in the dialogue
- the first house in the forest (south, then east) has a bg in dialogue, too
Yeah, gotta hunt down that sucker
- you should add a "back" bottom, too, if yu accidentally skipped one part of the dialogue
Actually i'm against that, again, you gotta read dialogs! (Also, zelda games don't have that :P)
The thing is extremely hard to go backwards in the string to display text as i have basically no idea in the code where it came from.
- While walking around, enemies spawn. But they also keep spawning while walking against a wall (auto-level by pining down the key works!)
- you should force the player to release all keys before walking again after a battle (auto-level)
done and done
- could you probably deactivate this automated walking around / dodging of objects for all interactive stuff like switches? They're hard to target like that...
That's why you hit 2nd while approaching a target, you won't auto-align to walkable areas then.
Fighting in general:
- there's no message telling you that you won, fighting screen just disappears
- Also no message what you got (won a dollar, got some EXP?)
- The LEVEL UP message is shown right above the attack loading bar - should move the text up like 5px...?
- After displaying the LEVEL UP you should add a forced break of at least 1 second... it sometimes isn't even shown if you keep pressing a button after fighting
The battle engine isn't exactly done yet...
Fighting the spider Boss:
- after having won there's no message telling you that, its just over...
- ! after having won the screen is not reset to display the forest - you still see the battle screen but see yourself walking around on it O.o (With colission stuff from forest active again). Only fixed when leaving the current screen by blindly trying to find that little forest path at the bottom...
- after having won and left the screen (and everything is back to normal) you can just walk back to the axe and fight again - the spider isn't gone
done, done and done
by the way I love the game  :love:

TI Z80 / Re: Video Conversion Thingie
« on: August 25, 2016, 07:19:27 am »
This is looking awesome!
About your python script (it probably uses the file reading/writing functions i made you some time ago, right? :P) Anyhow i'd recommend replacing this:
Code: [Select]
def readFile(file):
  a = []
  f = open(file,'rb')
  b =
  while b!=b'':
    b =
  return a
def writeFile(file,a):
  f = open(file,'wb+')
with this:
Code: [Select]
def readFile(file):
  with open(file,'rb') as f:
    a = []
    b =
    while b!=b'':
      b =
  return a
def writeFile(file,a):
  with open(file,'wb+') as f;
As you can see, there is no need for an f.close() as the statement does that for you, that also guarantees that the filehandler gets closed in the case of an exception in that block

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Some super crappy Axe code...
« on: August 24, 2016, 09:52:00 am »
Here's some stuff on 8.8 fixed point.

The basic idea is that you have a two-byte variable where one byte is the integer part and the other byte is the fraction part of your number.

here you can see available stuff.

So, I made a little demonstration program for you to show off what it can do!

Code: [Select]
2.1 -> A
A^2^r -> A
Disp {°A}>Dec
Disp {°A+1}>Dec
So, what this should do is multiply 2.1 with itself and display the let's see them! (2.1 * 2.1 = 4.41)

It displays "102" and "4". As already mentioned, with 8.8 numbers one byte represents the integer part and the other one the fraction part. so our {L1+1} clearly gets the intiger part.
What about that 102 though? Well, that is correctly the fraction part! 102 / 256 = 0.398... so ignoring the fact that the calculator works in binary and we think in decimals, thus some weird rounding errors can appear, it is spot-on!

So, what's the good thing? You can go ahead, store fixed-point numbers, do normal math on them, compare them with your known operations as long as everything is fixed point. Keep in mind that means you'll need to do e.g. something like A > 5.0 instead of A > 5.

Now, when displaying the sprite you only want the integer part. So only the upper 8 bit of the number. So we need the pointer of the variable °A and need to fetch the byte at °A+1, thus {°A+1}

Am I being clear? :3

EDIT: So axe has a way to fetch the pointer of a variable that i didn't know of, e.g. °A
I adjusted the examples accordingly

EDIT2: If you use it a lot you can define a custom variable to get the integer part quicker:
Code: [Select]
°A+1 -> °AH
<do 8.8 stuff with A>
AH^r returns now the integer part of A
Which is equivalent to
Code: [Select]
<do 8.8 stuff with A>
{°A+1} returns the integer part of A

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Some super crappy Axe code...
« on: August 24, 2016, 09:21:24 am »
Let's see....

Instead of
Code: [Select]
Repeat getKey(15)
. code here
This does (almost) the same (almost becasue the loop will get run at least once, which is irrelivant in your case) but is smaller&faster:
Code: [Select]
While 1
. code here
EndIf getKey(15)
The reason for that is that while 1-loops are way simpler to implement in asm.

If I understand it correctly you are using *100 so that you have greater precission on your numbers? If so, it might be a good idea to switch to Axe's 8.8 fixed point variables for greater performance: See The commands.html at advancedMath for more information (and ask if you have any questions!)

As for code-flow, i'd recommend against using the ":" token and instead use a new line, IMO at least it results in code being more easily readable, that's up to you, though.

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben 3 teasers / change / stuff
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:10:21 am »
wait a sec... Your house is a cave ??? O.o
Nah, it's just my testing-house for such stuff, like the sign to the left of it unlocks me all items currently, you know, for debugging :P
I really like the animation, it's perfect! It's liek telling you "You are entering a new world/room/...
And I also like the speed btw... you shouldn't make it any faster :)
Awesome, thanks!
Any more opinions? :3

EDIT: Does anybody have some good sprites for inside a house?

EDIT2: How should you be able to enter a house? Walk into the door or face the door and hit 2nd? (Added poll!)

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