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Messages - Sorunome

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 591
News / Service migration
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:06:22 pm »
Due to our provider (Ubiquity) being sold to LeaseWeb we have to migrate all of omnimaga and it's services to a new server within about a month and a half. Because of this there might be some short service outages occasionally, we are doing our best to keep these to a minimum. You can find a roadmap below:
Omnimaga Server:
  • IRC services (done!)
  • IRC services website (done!)
  • IRC server (done!)
  • Misc. websites running on the server (done!)
  • OmnomIRC offline for a bit (done!)
  • Website (done!)
  • OmnomIRC online again (done!)
  • link shortnet (done!)
  • IRC bot (done!)
  • IRC map (done!)
  • misc. checking if everything is moved (done!) Server (also hosts some services):
  • IRC server (done!)
  • IRC Bots (done!)
  • Email Server (done!)
  • Websites (done!)

Not-so urgent things
  • Find new stats for UnrealIRC 4

Update: The old servers are already offline, we are only running on the new servers now. Seems like everything went by smoothly!

Grammer / Re: Grammer 2-The APP
« on: June 04, 2016, 02:12:21 am »
wow, this is some quite awesome news! Did Mx. Burch have the source otherwise or did they re-write it?

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 20, 2016, 02:11:15 am »
So, I updated omnomirc now, stuff /should/ be working, but who knows....
Soo.... What did you specifically update? stuff is confusing me. ???
oh, sorry, the back engine is using now that skin stuff mentioned above, the end user shouldn't notica a difference, though.

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 19, 2016, 04:23:51 pm »
Unfortunately I just noticed that the updating didn't go as planned, I changed how lines are stored channel-wise and the conversion didn't work for some reason for PMs, that is why, as a precaution as else they might be visible via the log feature, I had to delete all the PM logs from the database. That were something like 3k+ lines of PM that are gone now, I am sorry for that :(

However, don't be afraid of using PMs, as new messages sent do indeed work as expected, it was only an issue with converting... :(

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:50:54 am »
So, I updated omnomirc now, stuff /should/ be working, but who knows....

Also,  the WYSIWYG editor shouldn't be experimental anymore, if the option for that was showing up, what is up with omnomirc o.o

General Calculator Help / Re: Transferring files
« on: May 17, 2016, 03:36:55 pm »
Have you tried using a different USB port / rebooting?

General Calculator Help / Re: Transferring files
« on: May 17, 2016, 03:09:13 pm »
Which program are you using on the computer side?

TI Z80 / Re: Floatlib
« on: May 15, 2016, 05:02:40 am »
That is looking quite awesome, great work as usual xeda! ^.^

TI Z80 / Re: This is the Only Level
« on: May 13, 2016, 05:25:08 am »
Totally missed this. Wasn't this a flash game at one point? I remember playing something like it. Still awesome.
yes, it was. Fun little game ^.^

TI Z80 / Re: Danger zone
« on: May 11, 2016, 01:38:29 am »
well, everything in ramsould be gone on a RAM clear, so nope.

TI Z80 / Danger zone
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:07:11 pm »
It is next to impossible for you to brick your calc without unlocking flash and some other advanced stuff.
The worst that can happen is a RAM clear.

OmnomIRC Development / Re: Stretching for OmnomIRC 3
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:01:19 am »
You probably just meant for it to switch styles to support horizontal view better.
Yes, probably.

However, the current skin is quite broken due to how it grew historically, it's just a mess all over.

Anybody want to help on writing a new one? As the core is seperated etc. you don't have to have any idea at all as to how things are working in the background, all you'd need to do is write the front-end page thingy, the omnomirc.js core takes part of the reset :)

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 07, 2016, 01:44:56 pm »
The option to make it its own window would be nice! (So I can look at the chat while I am doing other things)
Here you go
Wait, that link is still working?

For once, there is a "Full View" link in the top-left corner, it leads here:

Also, anyone want to help with the front-end for that FB-like thing?

The only skin available currently is the current one that you use all the time :p
Well, it's probably just me (yet again). All I get on my FF 42.0 is this (green face <att. below>). Sooo, no lobster s**t (unless it got green-ish  :P)
Yeah, that is how the `lobster`-theme is looking like. IDK, if you think of a better name i can re-name it :p

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 06, 2016, 03:59:05 am »
So, what do you guys think?
If I understand it correctly, it seems to be a 'pretty' idea. However, you are talking about 'skins' (and lobsters, hehe) and I don't see any screenshots? :P
The only skin available currently is the current one that you use all the time :p

However, this system would easily allow writing a skin to make it look like a facebook-chat with a bottom bar and stuff.

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC changelog and suggestions
« on: May 05, 2016, 11:53:21 am »
So on the client-side I started detaching back-end and front-end, so that I can easily add a different "skin" and have OmnomIRC look different far beyond from what CSS has to offer. Or perhaps make it so that it renders its stuff into a shadow-dom instead of an iframe, because why not?

So, this is how it's working:
I called the default skin `lobster`, because why not? Anyhow, `skin_name.php` in your root, e.g. `skin_lobster.php`.
This file needs to be in the namespace \oirc\skin (adding `namesapce oirc\skin;` to the top).
Inside this file there need to be three funciton definitions, getPage(), getOptions(), getAdmin(). They each return a page definition associative array, for normal chatting, the options page and the admin page respectively.
The page associative array looks like the following (everything is optional):
Code: [Select]
html - (string) the HTML content
title - (string) the title of the page
head - (string) additional stuff that goes into the head
favicon - (string) the favicon of the page
js - (array) a file-thing array (see below)
css - (array) a file-thing array (see below)
The file-thing arrays have either a string as value, which will be simply the filename to include, or an assoc array with more options (all optional):
Code: [Select]
type - file / inline, defaults to file
file - filename or js/css content respectively
minified - true/falls, defaults to false. If set true, make sure that your file is named .min.js or .min.css while in the `file` parameter you put it without the .min (as in extended settings you can disable minified files)

The OmnomIRC javascript core is alredy included by default. It looks like the following:
To make a new instance you call `new OmnomIRC()`, e.g. `var oirc = new OmnomIRC();`
Code: [Select]
oirc.OMNOMIRCSERVER - the URL to the central server, which is
-> loggedIn() - true if logged in, else false
-> fetch(callback,checkLoginOnly) - fetches settings off of the server with a callback, optionally only the checkLogin
-> net() - returns the network ID
-> getNetwork(id) - gets the network object of the id
-> getPmIdent() - gets your PM identification
-> getWholePmIdent(uid,network) - gets your PM ident combind with that of another user
-> nick() - gets your nick
-> guestLevel() - gets the guest level (0: deny, 1: view, 2: chat)
-> get(name) - get from the local storage
-> set(name,value) - sets the local storage
-> getJSON(url,callback,async=true,urlparams=true) - get a JSON page
-> post(url,data,callback,async=true,urlparams=true) - do a post request to a page
-> get(name) - gets the option
-> set(name,value) - sets the option
-> getAll(raw = false) - gets all the options
-> current() - returns true if the instant is the current one, else false. Used to fetch only one single tab of all running instances.
oirc.channels: (i is channel index, s is channel name)
-> load(i,callback) - loads the channel i
-> join(s) - joins the channel s, but does not actually load it. Think: Open Tab
-> joinPm(name,'',callback) - joins a PM channel
-> part(i) - parts a channel, either i or s can be specified
-> getList() - gets a list of all joined channels
-> getHandler(i,b64=false) - gets the handler of the channel as used by the backend
-> current() - gets the object for the current channel
-> setChans(array) - sets the current channels, it is highly adviced to only use this to re-sort the channel array
-> highlight(i) - highlight the channel i or s
-> add(user) - adds a user to the channel with the userobject
-> remove(user) - removes a user from the channel with the userobject
-> send(s)
-> send(callback,s,channel=current) - send a message to the server! / commands will also be parsed
-> internal(html) - sends an internal message, e.g. for error output
-> val() - get the input box value
-> val(s) - set the input box value
-> parse(s) - parse a string to add colors etc
-> name(s) - parse a nickname
-> highlight(s) - parse highlighted stuff
oirc.connect -> (callback) - connects to OmnomIRC
oirc.disconnect -> () - disconnects from omnomirc

ui helper functions

-> addWarning(file,object) - adds a warning
-> addError(file,object) - adds an error
-> init($errors=$('#errors'),$warnings=$('#warnings')
-> changeLinks() - changes all the links on the page to add the network parameter, to prevent that clicking links lands on a different page
oirc.initinput -> ($elem=$('#message'),wysiwyg=false) - initializes the input bar with tab-complete and old messages support. WYSIWYG defaults to false as it actually replaces the <input>-element with a <span> one and thus the skin needs to be programmed to support that

oirc.onerror(file,object) - error
oirc.onwarning(file,object) - warning
oirc.onmessage(parsedName,parsedMessage,lineObject,loadMode) - a message, it has been already parsed for the various types, parsedMessage is an array of elements
oirc.onmessageraw(lineObject,loadMode) - the unparsed message. Note that if you use this that oirc.onmessage will never trigger!
oirc.onuserchange(usersArray) - the userlist has been changed, you'll probably want to re-draw the userlist!
oirc.onchannelchange(channelArray) - the channels have been changed (e.g. new tab), you'll probably want to re-draw the tabs!
oirc.onchanneljoin(s) - please join the specified channel!
oirc.onchannelpart(s) - please part the specified channel!
oirc.onsetval(s) - overrides oirc.send.val(s)
oirc.ongetval() - overrides oirc.send.val()
oirc.ontopicchange(s) - the topic has been changed, have the parsed topic!
oirc.onnotification(message,channel) - time to make a notification!

So, what do you guys think?

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