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Messages - Spenceboy98

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 39
Casio Calculators / Re: [LuaZM] pFighter
« on: April 21, 2013, 08:15:05 am »
This was a fun game a while back. Glad it was ported and I like the static effect.

You should add a color mode, since, after all, the PRIZM is a color calc :P

I could try. I will when I get home from church today.

As for the global variables, I don't think I'll change those(I don't really know how, plus I'd probably end up screwing it up :P).

Casio Calculators / Re: [LuaZM] pFighter
« on: April 20, 2013, 06:31:23 pm »
wowow, looks great! Downloading it right now. :)

Thanks! It wasn't too hard to port(commented out the code to draw arcs). I had to center everything. I hope you enjoy it!

Casio Calculators / [LuaZM] pFighter
« on: April 20, 2013, 03:12:56 pm »
Ported from adam Tree's nFighter to LuaZM(with permission). In this game, you have to destroy your enemy. There are bonus's too. You shoot them to collect them. B is bullets, S is score, and F is fuel. Try not to run out of bullets or fuel or it's GAME OVER.

You can use arrows or numpad to move. Use [5] or [SHIFT] to shoot. [x^2] to restart.

Here's the cemetech download:

I will upload it to Omni archives soon.

Other / Re: Google Glass
« on: April 11, 2013, 04:00:23 pm »
I heard about this a while ago and thought it was cool. I wonder how much they'l cost...

This reminds me, I have a friend in 11th grade who works for Google(he hacked sony or something so they hired him).

Other Calculators / Re: TI-Concours - last days to subscribe !
« on: April 10, 2013, 04:15:23 pm »
Hmmm... 8th place... is the score 87 good?

Also what is the "Status" that has the question marks underneath?

Other Calculators / Re: TI-Concours - last days to subscribe !
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:35:15 pm »
TI-Basic z80 results (round 1) will be published on the 8th or 9th of april.

I'm waiting... ;) :P

Casio PRIZM / Re: [fx-9750GII] MClite - MCL for Casio Calcs
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:26:12 am »
I like this. :) It works on my Prizm. :D

News / Re: New mViewer CX 3.2 adds JPEG support
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:00:43 pm »
Dang. That's amazing. :) I wish someone would make something this awesome for the Prizm. :P Makes me wanna get an Nspire.

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] KarRace
« on: March 31, 2013, 04:10:30 pm »

Now the game starts with the speed equaling 0. You press [2ND] for power(thinking about doing [ALPHA] for brakes and [^](UP) for temporary boost). Now the other player(s) keeps going if you stop(note: there is no real track, so opponent just loops around screen).

Things to do(in no particular order):
1. Fix wheels so the stop when vehicles stop :P .
2. Figure out how to do a track with multiple checkpoints.
3. Checkpoints(in #2, but saying it anyways).
4. Timer to time player(won't be too hard unless you guys want actual seconds which I don't know how to do).
5. Finish title screen(put the title in the title screen, polish it, etc).

Any other things I missed? Any suggestions?

I also made it so that when you put power it goes up slowly, but you can't really tell because it's so fast. Any ideas on how to make it any slower and noticeable?

Web Programming and Design / Re: Lua/HTML5 Web Interpreter
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:48:09 pm »
It works for me in Opera 12.14, I can't move the windows though.

Also added a sample browser and some small fixes. (Hope you don't mind I've put your ball program in there Spenceboy98.)

I don't mind. :) Looks good so far. :D

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] KarRace
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:39:28 pm »
...I might slow down the speed up...

I think an interesting idea might be to turn it into more of a racing game, Lotus Turbo Challenge-style. Holding 2nd will accelerate the car (releasing it will slow the car down) and you have to make it to a checkpoint within a certain amount of time, that sorta thing. Adding multiple cars would be cool, too. It looks really pretty, the car sprites are exceptionally well done (did you draw them yourself? Seriously, they're gorgeous!) it just feels like a slow avalanche game right now. You could even have power-ups that would let you shoot a car that's in front of you or temporarily upgrade your bumper to absorb shocks from bumping into other cars, that sorta stuff. You could maybe even have the other cars turn slightly while they come down. Anyway, the animation and everything looks great, you've done a great job so far!

EDIT: Oh, and i second not breaking 83+ compatibility!

Hm... good ideas. I might actually make this into a racing game(it's called KarRace, so...).  It probably won't take me much to take out the speed up and add acceleration. I would make more sprites, but I don't want to make the size of the game too big :P(and yes, I created the sprites myself, thanks :)). I was thinking about doing powerups at the beginning, but I have it so that if there is an "on" pixel in front of the car, it is a crash, so I am not sure how I would implement it.

Does anyone else think I should do acceleration instead of speed up after a certain amount of time?

I had an idea similar to this, but I'll let you tackle this one as it seems you have nailed this on. My idea was loosely based off of the handheld sega mcdonald toy, "Sonic Speedway".  Which is similar to you game in a sense. This game was based off the game "Sonic Drift" which I was also thinking of porting. Maybe consider this while planning your game?  Overall it's looking good!

I might check this out another time. Thanks!

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] KarRace
« on: March 30, 2013, 09:03:14 am »
You should add some cars that goes the wrong way every now and then as the race progresses. :P

Yeah. I should make it more difficult as it goes too. :P Maybe I should have a car that looks like it's rotating(like it's swerving). That would probably be too much work to do all those animation frames. If I did do this, do you think that I should keep the regular car that goes by like you're passing it? I probably would need to, so it is not the same thing over and over.

I might slow down the speed up so that maybe I could do multiple speed ups. I'll see what I can do about that.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Weird/funny pictures thread
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:31:38 am »
Here's some magic for you:

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe] KarRace
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:42:35 pm »

Not a very large update, but it is one. I had to start from an older version(got deleted from my calc a while back), but I got it back to it's latest state(I had to redo the animation frames and other stuff). Plus, it shows your score back to you when you crash.

Also, do you think it seems too slow at first? Should I make it faster? Use Full?

I was in 6th grade when my friend Tristan who I sat next to on the bus showed me his TI-BASIC game called Choose. I was fascinated and I started learning TI-BASIC from him and his tutorials. After that school year ended, I didn't have a calculator of my own, so I had to wait for 8th grade to come around, when they give out TI-83+'s. That's when I started my Choose game called Decide. That year, for Christmas, I got my TI-84+SE and I transferred all of my programs from my school calc to it. I was skeptical about the calc websites at first, but in January 2012 I joined Cemetech. Around a month later, I joined Omnimaga. I've been learning C for the Prizm, Axe, and more BASIC ever since.

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