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Messages - SpiroH

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 51
Well, nowadays we are going thru so many mutations, namely transgender, war in europe, economic and environment struggle all around the globe that i guess you're just hitting the nail where it hurs the most, ie making us ready for what is coming next; meaning we don't need to wait a 1000 years... Well done (as usual)!

TI-Nspire / Re: nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-nSpire
« on: September 03, 2022, 09:03:59 am »
Uh, thanks! Neuron health is one of my priorities at this time indeed.
Join the discord. It's much more updated. The link is in his post.
Sorry but I disagree. Omnimaga is still the oldest and the best platform to exchange programming experiences  :P.
Please do keep posting here!

TI-Nspire / Re: nSMM - Super Mario Maker for TI-nSpire
« on: July 14, 2022, 08:56:50 am »
Hi Chalex,
Please continue on the good work, it helps your neurons stay healthy, and maybe invite others to do likewise.

TI Calculators / Re: Downgrade ti-nspire cx II T
« on: October 22, 2021, 03:08:03 am »
Hi and welcome to Omnimaga!
I'm afraid it is not (yet?) possible; Check here for the latest on ndless issues:

Other Calculators / Re: Darkblasters: A new graphical TI-84+/SE BASIC RPG
« on: September 22, 2021, 09:05:20 am »
This looks great indeed!
I wonder, would it be possible (not too hard) to port it to the 'TI-84 Plus CE Color' to show us some of the game "true colors"?

Other Calculators / Re: Darkblasters: A new graphical TI-84+/SE BASIC RPG
« on: September 09, 2021, 04:35:03 pm »
It's official: The game is called Darkblasters and all maps are now implemented and linked together. There are over 390 rooms to explore in 6 different areas and the game takes a little under 5 KB so far.

Battles are not included yet, so they just show a monster with the screen flashing then exits.
It does look very entertaining!
Please keep up the good work.

Other Discussions / Re: Omnimaga turns 20 years old!
« on: September 04, 2021, 09:07:57 am »
Oh yeah by the time I got the idea about the Omnimaga name ...
And I was 15. ^^
Thanks! So, you're the Omnimaga man!
It's about time to sort something new out, though :P

Other Discussions / Re: Omnimaga turns 20 years old!
« on: September 02, 2021, 03:57:41 pm »
Well, it actually did a bit less than 8 hours earlier, so I'm a bit late :P but today is the day Omnimaga is turning 20. Lots of calc sites are celebrating rounded-up anniversaries lately :O
That's really amazing! congratulations to you and all the (then) Omnimaga helpers.
Do you still recall how you came up with the idea? How old were you then?:P

Other / Re: New House, New Network
« on: March 09, 2021, 09:14:43 am »
Uhm, very interesting indeed.
You are giving me some ideas about speeding up my net connection too. How expensive is that (~ 1GBit) for you?
I wonder, does the dog go online using the system76 laptop lying on the floor? :P
Thanks for having the trouble to put it together for us.

TI-Nspire / Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: February 14, 2021, 03:03:43 pm »
Some more little questions...
Anybody know if the F1 key, which is HELP works if one puts some correct Help file with the proper name in the proper place, or does it point to some website page that is no longer there?
Now, when one presses F1 to get Help, a page shows which says "This Page can't be displayed."
Help File? see attached file (actually 3 files due to Omnimaga size limitations) for a v1.79 HelpFile.
Oh and thanks for the kind words.

TI-Nspire / Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: February 13, 2021, 03:41:07 pm »
So, you just rename the .tcc file as .bin?
Nope! That is an OS initialization flash file.
First you need to start kArmTI with that .tcc file and then press 'I' to generate a ready-to-go .bin flash file.
See attached a pdf I wrote about 9 years ago. Should help you out, but you do need to read it!
Let us know when you managed to start it up.

TI-Nspire / Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: February 13, 2021, 07:28:01 am »
Hi TheWind777,

It's been a while since I last touched kArmTI.
To your point, I've just tested this version ( and it appears to boot just OK.
I think you can still download that flash file from here:

I did not yet test the newest versions of the TI-OS, but it does not surprise me at all that things won't run smoothly. TI is watching us you know...

 1. In BootOptionsDlg make sure to check the 'Force App exit' after choosing a new flashfile.
 2. You may need to zap the kArmTI registry key, as mentionned in the first post.


News / Re: Happy Holidays Omnimaga
« on: December 25, 2020, 04:25:43 am »
It has been a remarkable 2020 indeed. I think this picture sums it up quite well:

Let's hope the BUG will be fixed coming 2021!

Reuben Quest / Re: Reuben Quest: Lost Between Times [Color Remake]
« on: December 12, 2020, 09:01:57 am »
Uhm I can see Soru on Discord, I thought she was gone because she got busy, but that ain't true  :blah:.
BTW Merry and Safe Christmas to all Omnimagaers.

Music Showcase / Re: For those who like techno music
« on: February 07, 2020, 09:37:20 am »
I like it. Kinda of reminds me of long uncertain journey into the wild west...

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