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Messages - SpiroH
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« on: September 05, 2012, 01:18:49 pm »
Hi, i'm announcing (yet) another version, v1.30 of kArmTI for testing. Hopefully we should have: 1. Better usb communications (and less debug clutter on the console). 2. A Host tree to allow dragging items from the CalcList onto a Host's tree folder. 3. A picture previewer pane (normally hidden below the host's pane). I'm positive some of you, specially the picturephiles, will appreciate it. Ah, for those (me included ) i've also added a picture popup (same size as nspire's lcd) when a picture-file item on the host's listctrl (.png, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .ico, well, a lot...) is right-clicked. 4. As per Franz's suggestion i've also made the QuickKeys dialog modeless as opposed to modal. Actually, it was a real pita to carry it out after these (roughly 2) months. There may be some new glitches here... (Yep, "not all that glitters is..." that easy.) Hope it works and you enjoy it, SpiroH
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:06:44 pm »
if you have a real the calculator (and Torio surely has at least one) Well, I had a Ti-89... It was lent to me by a friend but next year we are going to different schools so I won't be able to keep it. Your solution was clever but I can't use it, sorry. However, it gave me an idea which worked ! For those who are interested, here is the method to send files from VTi to a computer ...
That's great news. Perfect! i'm glad you've sorted it out by yourself, after a few hints. That's what brainstorming is all about! With a simple question you've started, i would say, a little storm and...
« on: August 28, 2012, 09:11:44 pm »
"/1=boot1.img.tns /MC /PB=boot2.img.tns /PO=TI-NspireCAS-" the emulator crashes, in the dialog box "Choose Language" Please check it with the TI-NspireCAS- OS clickPAD
I admit we have a problem with the new v1.29 version, that occurs during the os installation phase. I didn't notice it because i use already prepared flash files. Sorry for any inconvenience. I've tested with version v1.28_v1, which you can find here kArmTI_V1.28_v1 and it works fine. It's the version pre-USB explorer. Well, new things, more changes and potentially new bugs. That's just normal life, i gather. I'll try to fix it asap. Thanks. EDIT:Probably, in the meantime, the bug has been fixed. Please check kArmTI_v1.29_v2.
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:23:46 am »
I guess VTI offers a workaround (or should i say roundabout), if you have a real the calculator (and Torio surely has at least one), check this: a bonus, i've attached 2 shots from the emulator i use (2.5 bet6). It's quite good you know,imho, albeit a bit oldish i also agree. See if it helps, P.S. Not that i want (or even dare ) to contradict the master DJ_O or anything, but ...
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:44:24 pm »
Forgive me, but i'm just curious. Are you already back on earth (France) or are you posting aboard a plane?
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:13:46 pm »
WOW, working great - many thanks SpiroH!
Thank you too! A clever idea making the horizontal/vertical layout automatic, I guess you've used the ratio window width/height>1 ==> horizontal, right?
What else could it be ? But is handy, isn't it? People (not you!), in general, take some time to realize the utility's power, i guess, or maybe they're just enjoying the sunshine . Cheers,
« on: August 27, 2012, 04:41:12 pm »
It was a noob question indeed . Thank you! PS: And just by coincidence this was my hundredth post, not bad eh?
« on: August 27, 2012, 04:30:04 pm »
Hi, I see this is still alive. Good and congratz to Torio! I would like to test the game but i have a problem. Is there any archive utility that archives all data files in the in POKEMON folder in one go? They are so many and is really a pita to do it one by one. Sorry if this is a noob question. Thanks.
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:55:16 am »
Here is a follow-up version of my USB Explorer that you might find handy to use on occasions. How does it look? Well, it will try to match the type of skin you're using. Either vertical or horizontal. So, one of the following or both if you switch skins . What can you do with it? I'm not going too much into details because you should be able to figure it out by yourself (a lot of clever guys around the place). Basics:On CalcTree (context-menu/toolbar): 1. Create Folder; 2. Delete Folder On CalcList (context-menu/toolbar): 3. Rename a Folder or File; 4. Delete File(s) - multi-selection also possible. 5. Copy Files using Drag&Drop from the CalcList to the target Folder on the CalcTree. To copy file(s) do the following: 1. Make sure the target dir where the files are to be copied to is visible on the CalcTree. 2. Select the file(s) in the CalcList and drag them over the drop-target folder on the tree (which becomes high-lighted). 6. The normal file operations (send/receive) between Nspire and Host still work but were already explained before. Short: just use D&D. 7. Other: On the Nspire's side there's a vertical splitter that let's yout adjust the width of tree vs list. The toolbar is shared: 3 buttons on the left-side operate on the calctree the 2 buttons on the right operate on the caclist. Except for the refresh buttons, the toolbar replaces the context-menus. This is still a work in progress but i hope you can already enjoy some of its features (as i correct some minor bugs), SpiroH
« on: August 24, 2012, 03:40:08 pm »
Amazing how fast such a discussion can develop these days. if a ".." is included in the file pane, then clicking on it would move the user up one folder. it might be easier for some, while the tree view would be for others, so there's no reason not to include it.
In this particular issue, I tend to agree more with shimbs's approach. Besides, the host's tree although not visible is already there behind the browse button. The reasons i'm not too keen (at this moment) on a host's tree are the following: 1. The host's folder (in my simple approach) is not (yet) supposed to change that often. I agree, it would be handy to have a host's tree (in a more mature version) because it would simplify the mirroring the nspire's contents on to the host, eg: for backup purposes. 2. Yet another tree requires more space on the dialog (form). 3. Higher flexibility has to be weighed against development effort and time. I gather I'll follow the simpler step by step procedure and then if/when it works well change a bit the GUI. 4. The important thing is that the underlying communication software is reliable (which still needs improvements), the rest can be adjusted a bit later. Thank you all for the various contributions.
« on: August 24, 2012, 09:18:43 am »
So if you would ask me, I would even suggest to remove this leftmost column showing only the folders, and use just 2 columns: one for Nspire and one for Host. The folders should simply be integrated into these 2 columns (as every usual filecommander today does it), being displayed at the top of the filelist, and if you go into a folder then there should just be a '..' at the top of the list which brings you back to the parent folder.
Thanks Franz for your useful comments. The 'previous dir' ('..') thing is a good idea and i intend make use of it! However, i think the tree gives a much faster (random not sequential!) access to the target dir (too much double-clicking is old-fashioned by today's standards), so i might just keep it. Cheers,
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:15:14 pm »
Do I need additional materials such as the OS and stuff?
Thanks for your interest. Yes you do. Please refer to the first post and follow the documentation links. Anyways, I'm not sure if this is wrong with karmTI or with the underlying nspire_emu, but it's happened quite a few times now. The keyboard randomly loses connection to the emulator and I can't control anything with it. Mouse control still works and using the keyboard in other open applications work. It's quite inconvenient...
Some time ago Wayne detected a similar problem and i have cross related it to a possible mviewer/ndless stdio lock-uk, but i'm still not sure about the very origin of the keyboard connection loss (post:;msg=252286). If it ever occurs again (and certainly it will) my suggestion is the following: would you please try to establish some correlation between the application you're using (whether it runs on top of ndless or is ti's native software) and the keyboard connection loss. That would perhaps help to establish some clues. 'Random connection loss' is rather vague. Of course, we would all be much happier after this flaw is pinpointed. At this time, that's all i can say. Is not much, but is some feedback. Great idea indeed, unfortunately not easy to use on a netbook. A horizontal layout (Nspire and host windows side by side) would be nice.
Hi Franz, I can see you're logged in. So here goes something for you: Do you like it? Wait just a little bit longer... Cheers,
« on: August 21, 2012, 04:09:41 pm »
Thanks SpiroH, your new version is very comfortable now! About your USB-Explorer: ...A horizontal layout (Nspire and host windows side by side) would be nice.
Hi Franz, Nice to hear from you again! I'm glad you like the new Skin Editor (v1.07). About the USB Explorer horizontal layout, well that shouldn't be a problem . Right now i'm busy with higher priority personal stuff. My youngest daughter is applying for a place at the university in another city, so i must go there hunting for rooms. It shouldn't last long i hope. Regards,
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:25:19 pm »
Just tested, it's awesome
Thank you! I will try to improve it a bit though. Skin editor (v1.07): Before i forget about it (and as promissed sometime ago) i've decided to publish a new version on my skin editor (v1.07), done earlier this month but then suspended when i switched to kArmTI todo the more absorbing USBLink development. Summary of the new Features: I - General G1. Only two views: Keys Position and Keys Arrangement. LCD is treated as a (special) key. G1. MultiPane StatusBar II - Position View (KeysDlg) P1. A ListCtrl showing the Keyname and its Skin Rectangle P2. A checkbox for easier visualization of the defined keys. P3. NDEFs keys do not show up anymore on the list. III - Arrange View A1. Block-Move with mouse and keyboard A2. Change First (VK_SHIFT) and Last (VK_CONTROL) element inside Arrange-Rect with keyboard A3. Extra Align options: Middles, Centers, Make Samesize A4. Undo/Redo support IV - Instructions/Warnings: W1. In Position view to move the keys with the keyboard, we first need to setfocus to mainview (eg: clicking the MainFrame caption or hitting a handle of the sizing recttracker). By default focus is set to the KeysDlg. This makes the key's selection (better) visible and also possible with the keyboard. It seems we can't have both (position control with the keyboard and good selection visibility on the keysdlg) at the sametime. W2. In Position view changes are only commited after a validating right-click whereas in Arrange view the commitment is instantaneous although we have the Undo/Redo possibility. I'm afraid it will never become a finished product, simply because it's not possible. We always miss some unimplemented feature... That's the main reason i'm making it public now. Maybe some of you who still care about skins will find use for it and/or will report some bugs. Have fun,
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