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Messages - SpiroH

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TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 04, 2012, 12:51:43 pm »
Franz: Thanks for the support you're giving out. That's much appreciated.

I've been doing some thinking over the /k3 or /k4 dilemna. Looked further into /k4 and it seems quite difficult to achieve satisfactory performance from the current status of the touchpad emulation.
At least it will never be comparable to /k3. So i guess we'll have to wait until somebody (Goplat?) comes up with a better touchpad emulation. Because this sort of work must really be carried out
inside the emulator engine and that requires quite some expert knowledge, effort and time. Of course, this is only necessary if you plan todo extensive graphic work. Otherwise, i reckon the current functionality is already sufficient for quite a large number of uses, as you know...

So, i went a bit further with the /k3 version, trying to replace/simulate most of the wrongly mapped key-functions. That's what i'm showing you in v20. Now it should (?) feel a lot more like the /k4 experience.
For fun, also added some cosmetic things: 1. Color distinction for left-click, right-click and key-click; 2. Right-clicking on the LCD screen sends an 'ESC', which is useful to quickly dismiss popups, for example.

Hope is better than previous v14/v15.
Here you go (beta!):


PS1. Do not pay too much attention to my 'app's versioning style'. Sometimes is not very coherent. And this is not yet meant for production  ;D
PS2: I didn't take into consideration your last post:
I've now read a bit through the Nspire manual
Actually, only read it now. As you know, i've been away for sometime. But, as this is a live process i'll get back to you and try to answer asap .

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 03, 2012, 01:35:05 pm »
Ok, here are the results of my short tests:
So at the moment I can't really decide which version I like more: v14 is better for the touchpad usage and v17-2 has this very comfortable right-click feature.
A v14+v17 would definitely be the greatest! :D
Yeah, so do I. I'll do so more testing and when i have some free time I'll comeback. Right now, as in last sunday,  i'm busy with exams, ach you know it, only so well, how long it takes...

BTW, I've found a strange behaviour when I use the 'off' function (ctrl+home/on):
it shows "Saving..." for a few seconds, and after this many functions don't work correctly anymore, e.g. the cursor-keys.
Nothing very 'strange', that's about 'normal' behaviour. We just assume the calculator is going 'off' that's why it is 'Saving' its current status to restore it when the 'on' key is pressed.
I wouldn't bother too much if the cursor keys seem to be working, that only means the 'off' state is not (yet) being properly detected. So, not to worry at this stage (cosmetic issues).

Thank you for all your tests,

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:25:25 am »
Franz: I've been playing in my eeepc with v14 and i must admit the touch+feel while moving the cursor on the screen is so much better, faster and smoother than with the real touchpad /k4 driver. Basically this means that the /k3 emulation is much better. So, now i perfectly understand your point! Also /k3 is not a real touchpad but rather a keypad with some extra cursor keys. Totally different hardware (and emulation)!

Btw, before i made the switch back to /k4 (reasons i've explained before), i had already started experimenting the right-click functionality on a v15 (follow-up of v14) which i'm posting for you to have a go (here many functions-keys are still missing when compared to v17) . Let me know how it works for you. My tests on a eeepc 1000H (also win7/1.6GHz) seem to be satisfactory. Yes, you were correct about the right-click stability problems on the netbook. I will try to improve it.  I'm afraid (?) we need to allow enough time for the emulator to complete the previous operation before interrupting and ask for a new one.

v15   (alpha right-click):
v17_2 (more stable?):


PS: Proceeding with v15 is always a possibility. So, i'll think it over, nothing is closed, but at some some point we need to make a decision for time is not elastic.

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 02, 2012, 06:41:08 pm »
OS is Win7-Starter, CPU is any Atom, frequency is 1.6GHz (I believe?), but if it's not too busy it automatically switches down to 1GHz (not sure about it without looking into the manual).
But I can't imagine that this speed would be of any interest!? Shouldn't this just be a simple matter of key-press/key-release events for the mouse button?
Thanks, I do think speed can be an issue. But, as I have a similar specs netbook, i can test it and report later.
I couldn't imagine which keys are still free (and make sense) for such an assigment.
Not in a netbook, for sure (simply use the mouse). But in a normal pc-keyboard you still have the 'numeric block' keypad keys. Just a thought.
Well, if /K3 works much better than /K4 (as it seems in v14), then I would say /K3 is the better choice. ;)
I guess that's my fault that i couldn't explain why i do not support the /K3 solution. Firstly, I surely would prefer it because that would be the 'least effort' and most realiable solution (eg, no changes to the emulator's code). Unfortunately, not all keys and most notably key-functions available in /k4 also exist in /k3. As i said in a previous post, eg, the 'pad' had to be emulated by sending a 'ctrl'+ 'stuff' sequence. I don't want to do that for every function of /k4 that is missing in /k3. And i've noticed that there are quite a few. That's my justification, it's not just for the 'hell of it';). Anyway, i do agree that when a solution works we should stick to it. However, it should only last until you have one that offers you better functionality. Hope to have that soon.

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 02, 2012, 06:15:04 pm »
i don't think you should waste your time on the diagonal keys.. you don't even need them anyway
it would be much more useful to get the mouse working (live on screen or the touchpad by e.g. right clicking on it), because then we could emulate it as we really do on the nspire
so i say, spend your time figuring out how to implement the mouse, instead of the diagonal arrowkeys
The intention is quite a good one, but that still requires quite some work to properly emulate the missing touchpad functionality.

so you actually changed the emulator itself?? รถ nice work, glad you got it working after all your spent time :)
and that third one is genius! it's extremely useful, since that was one of the disaster things about such emulators (those [ctrl]/[2nd] keys), this will make it a lot more easy and friendly to use.
Sometimes i just get too carried away with the code discussion that i simply forget to answer to kind remarks. I'm doing it now. ;)
Thank you for nice comments and support,

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 02, 2012, 05:56:28 pm »
Well, I'm using a usual netbook. Now I've even connected an external mouse, because usually I work with the internal mousepad and I thought maybe this mousepad-button (for right-click) would be the reason. But the problem exists also with the external mouse.
What i'm asking is what os (eg. win7/xp) and cpu frequency? Anyway, of course i believe you, but i'm positive it's a simple matter of adjusting some time delay. I'll surely look into it.
Everytime program delays are inserted, these need to be tested against several hardware platforms, before being released to "general machine". Of course, you know it!
The diagonal arrow-keys (I guess you mean with the mouse on the touchpad) are working fine, but this worked already with the version v14 yesterday, so that's not new in v17.
Yes, i meant the mouse on the touchpad (sorry about that). I didn't bother yet to assign keys to these diagonal movements, but i plan to do so.
The 'new' thing here is that in this version(v17) i'm using internally the touchpad=/k4 and not 'cheating around' with the 'touchpad prototype =/K3' to emulate the desired /K4.
What's really 'new' is that the nspire_emu code (v0.60) had to be a bit modified to support the diagonal movements for the /K4 keypad. And as i said earlier, /K4 is much better documented than (/K3), which is ' dead' and imho should only be used as a last resort.

I'll come back,

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 02, 2012, 05:12:52 pm »
I've tried your right-click feature but unfortunately it's working very unreliable.
That's very weird indeed, because the implementation is rather simple! What system are you using? In my system it works flawlessly!
And BTW, unlike yesterdays version I can't move diagonally now anmore by pressing 2 cursor buttons on the PC-keyboard, with v14 this still worked.
Why do you need to press 2 cursor buttons? Is that also a problem? Normally, that's not supposed to move diagonally! You need to assign a specific single key not 2.
Anyway, you can always stick to v14, if you prefer it, until these problems are sorted.
What about the diagonal arrowkeys? That's really the new thing but you didn't mention it? Did you try it?

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 02, 2012, 04:21:31 pm »
Hi SpiroH,
Hi Franz & Co,

Maybe today we have some good news (for a change):
1. I've managed to dig into the emulator's touchpad code and have implemented the missing diagonal-arrowkeys movement support. So, now the touchpad=/K4 should also support them.
2. Why do I insist on using it? Because the 'touchpad proto' is not (well??) documented and is NOT fully compatible with the current touchpad we see on ti-nspire cx pictures.
Meaning, what you see above the keys, is NOT really what you get. That's not what we want.
3. As a bonus, i've also implemented some mouse right-click support to fire the 'blue-functions' above the keys, without having to press the 'ctrl'. It's quite handy.

I'll leave the code here for you to test and tell me if you like it.

Surely, I'll hear from you soon. Again, thanks for all your nice comments/reviews,

PS1. It's been around a week and we've made quite some progress...Yeah, sometimes 'small is really beautifull'.
PS2. Yes, I'll port 'these' improvements to kArmTI (asap) when i find the time, not this week for SURE.

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:06:26 pm »
I've now made a few more tests (also with kArmTI and the original nspire_emu) and the situation with the cursor keys is indeed a bit confusing!...
Lately, I've been quite busy...

Touchpad + Diagonal keys :
1. 'Houston, we have a problem': IMHO, there is a glitch with the nspire_emu. It doesn't emulate the diagonal keys correctly when the keypad is set to 'touchpad=/K4'.
Technical details are a bit involved. In short, the keypad matrix uses 3 extra 'rows' for the new touchpad.
2. No, I did NOT forget the bottom-left diagonal key. The thing is, when you press it you don't get any answer from the calculator emulator.
Meaning, that matrix combination is simply ignored. That's why..., I hate useless keys!
3. Simulation of the diagonal keys is not that easy as it seems at first: most probably you'll get a 'staircase effect' (horrible to look at).
4. My workaround to the above problem: The keypad matrix layouts of 'touchpad proto' and 'touchpad' are somewhat similar (but NOT equal!).
Because 'touchpad proto' handles the diagonal keys work correctly, i thought i could 'cheat a bit'.  So internally ('under the hood') i've decided to use the 'touchpad proto'.
However, unfortunately the 'pad' key does not work! Here i did some 'key sequence simulation' to try to emulate the 'pad' function.

I guess it's usable. SpiroH_V14-Beta:


PS1: I really think nspire_emu is a great emulator with many hours of hardwork by Goplat, for sure. However, one shouldn't forget that it is not the real machine, but is sooo much cheaper (that counts i gather!).
So, please do not raise your expectations above a certain reasonable level.
PS2: Are diagonal keys really that much useful?

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:02:07 pm »
Franz: Follow-up with a few touches.

1. Diagonal keys seem to work fine with ClickPad but not with TouchPad. Why i dunno? It doesn't depend on the os, but rather on the keypad.
I wasn't sure. I've tested both keypads with the color cx version. It doesn't make much sense to have them in SpiroH. Anyway, i've put them back again, just in case..
2. Red-marks removal when multiples keys are pressed at the same time. Hope it's fixed now.
3. Added support for the monochrome Os's (touchpad only!).
4. Removed the '/K4' from the emulator args. Makes no sense since there's no choice of keypad.

Download: SpiroHv13_2

Tiny bits that eventually will help to get there.

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:33:44 am »
I will try to explain in more detail:
1) Toolbar: yeah it's just a quick shortcut to some of the menus functions.
2) Multiple keypresses: I didn't explain it very well, sorry, because it requires to many words (and I was hungry!). Now that i've had some lunch, let's do it. About the diagonal keys:
   a) I've removed those because they don't seem to be used at all in the new CX' Os (at least i've not noticed anything and i don't have a cx to test it), but they used to work in previouses versions of the OS. You can check that with kArmTI loading a previous OS.
   b) So, i've replaced the keyboard keys (eg: VK_NEXT) that used to be mapped to the diagonal cursor keys, to do the 'thing' (pc-keys mapping) you've asked for.
   c) Finally, you can notice, in previous versions of SpiroH that simultaneuos keys presses were disallowed, because thay were leaving behind 'red marks' (not very nice looking, one has to admit). Now, when you're playing games, you DO really need to press the cursor keys and, say the jump key, at the same time. That's what i mean by multiple keypresses. In SpiroH_v13 there shouldn't be any 'red mark' left visible, when the keyboard keys are both released. So, is more a cosmetic thing, not really adding new functionality. But the looks sometimes do matter.

Hope it's clearer now,

PS: I can see you're magnetically busy, so am i in the classes, what a coincidence.

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: May 30, 2012, 07:19:15 am »
A big thanks also to Goplat for his emulator engine, because without his great work there won't be any GUI version at all! :)
Sure! I second that, of course.

Yet another release with fewer (i hope) bugs:
1. Better keypad handling, specially for gaming  ;) (multiple key presses).
2. A fancy toolbar (?)


No much, but maybe worth a look.

Be Happy,

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:15:15 pm »
Ok, tested now version 1.2 and everything is working as I wanted it
Many thanks for your collaboration too!
Now, I've got to eat something.

TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:36:54 pm »
Back again, trying to sort out some of your requirements (which btw make perfect sense to me!)
1. key mapping stuff.
2. my eeepc numeric keys seem to work fine!? Do you use Fn+NumLk to use the numeric keypad?
Please try the next version SpiroH_v12-beta and report when you can.
3. Skins: Let's take some more time. It's not really high priority stuff, just nice-looking, oh well...that can wait.


TI-Nspire / kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:27:16 am »
Franz, thanks again for your feedback.

1) LCD not properly sized:  Status: Fixed!
2) Beep Horror:
My BAD, sorry about that, but i always work with the computer sound muted.  Most of times i find it very disturbing. That's why i didn't notice it.  Status: Fixed.
3) Skins: To read an external skin file is not a big deal (i use that in kArmTI).
I was thinking to keep 'SpiroH' simple, but i may change opinion if some artists willing to contribute pop in the band wagon. I'm challenging you to draft a skin for this emulator and then we'll try to dress it up.
A skin is basically a set of rectangles for the keys and the LCD.

Here is the new-beta minus 2-bugs: SpiroHv11_2

Until next round,

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