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Site Feedback and Questions / The work of your team...
« on: September 08, 2008, 11:39:13 pm »
Whenever I pass by something on the internet that really wows me, I always make it an effort to track down the creator/s of it and try to thank them for their gift to the world: You guys are no exception.

Looking for more TI-83 games on youtube (Trig class is getting rather, how shall I say.. bland :( ) I ran across your video ad.

I was simply blown away by not only the games, but the music and the visuals of the video itself. I do not plan on becoming a regular of this community (I do not have much coding knowledge to contribute), but I would just like to say that you guy's are a truly talented group of people!

Keep up the good work Omnimaga!  :D :D

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