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Messages - Ti-DkS

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Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: January 23, 2011, 08:10:59 am »
Okay... Then I'm looking for people interested in working on the Metroid Chozo Mission project ;D. I wanted to find :
- a good physics programmer to fix the remaining bugs,
- a programmer to help me finish the engine (mainly ennemies movement),
- a graphic designer to help me finish samus' sprites and some others,
because I have not the time I had had before to code :-\ and I wanted to achieve it for those who wanted to play it :D

It remains to do :
- maps,
- ennemies movings,
- some animations,
- some sprites,
- the menu,
- some bugs to fix !

Is anybody interested ?

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:58:36 am »
Don't worry !! I'm still here ;-) I will resume the development of my Metroid I stopped during christmas hollydays because I thought about resuming it after back to school but there was loads of work since. I think I will find the time now ;D I apologize but during hollydays I found the time to fix some bugs and I lost my progress : I have now the previous version (these I shown to you last, so it isn't a big problem).

You could have seen I connected to omnimaga before and I have a question : Is a mode 7 engine source code released yet ? Because I looked on the web and on omnimaga and I found F-zero's one, what is very impressive, but without the source...

Axe / Re: 24*24 sprites?
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:09:37 pm »
Hi ! For my Metroid, where my Samus' sprites are 24*24 ones I display 4 8*8 sprites in square shape. At the moment it's the faster way I found... :D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 12, 2010, 06:11:08 am »
Yeah I know for physics ;) and at the moment my map is compiled with the engine but I will put them in an appvar when the engine will work !
And yes I know about Builder's physics knowledge but I will try to fix that by myself before disturbing him if it doesn't work :)

Edit : A little screenshot because I know it is better than lines and lines of text :) It's the today's screenshot so don't worry about all strange things you could see (I've removed left/right collision because caused many bugs and I'm trying to fix it with other little things ;D). Because I had'nt had much time, it's a map with an only room but room transition works perfectly and items too ! I will post a screenie of that later ;)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 11, 2010, 04:41:07 pm »
It takes 800 bytes (uncompressed) and I will probably code a compression algorithm later (maybe rle...). In my game, room size is unlimited and don't make the game slower if they are big anyways :) Because of it is an app I don't think it takes so many RAM. My engine currently weights 8000bytes and my rooms (4) weights around 1000bytes...  :D But it remains loads of work on the engine :( : there are many physics bugs I'm trying to fix !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 11, 2010, 06:21:47 am »
Yes it will !! It's why I coded it (like my own sprite-to-hew prog. ;D )
I made a 40x20 tiles room (16x16 px by tile) to fix bugs remaining and I'm now working on it !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 10, 2010, 04:41:56 pm »
Thanks ! I think you too ;D

MCM : finished coding a map creator/compiler !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 10, 2010, 12:40:50 pm »
You don't looked as well :) I sometimes post in others topics but I havn't too much time :(

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 08, 2010, 12:03:49 pm »
To avoid to broke the beautifulness of the game I will post screenshots only when I will have fixed my sprites :) At the moment, Samus always looks at the same direction and hatches too. It will try to fix that soon ;)
After that I will post screenshots !!

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 07, 2010, 02:59:22 pm »
.: Updating tiles and some other stuff :.

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 06, 2010, 04:42:59 pm »
Thanks for your answers :) I've tried to compile some code : it takes more time and I must reset my ram else when I start my prog it freezes. Except of that, all is perfect ;D
ยค Another bug width doors fixed !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:26:47 pm »
Okay !! Don't worry I will certainly not stop my project because of an error like that. I though it was only a 16kb limitation for programs but isn't it possible to fix it in the OS like what was do for xlib ? However this project will not die and I'm working on my hatches now ;) but it still remains to me to fix my favourite ennemies ;D
Question : is there other Axe's limitations ? It will be better if I know them :) And how could I stop doing this after all efforts I made for this game ?

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 06, 2010, 12:07:12 pm »
Yeah but I've now the biggest bug I ever had had : I think it is an OS or an Axe bug.
I was compiling my code and all worked perfectly but when I tried to launch my game I saw the "ERR:INVALID" message. Thinking it was an error of the OS I tried firstly to archive more datas to leave more free space, but it don't worked (of course  :( ). Then I decided to compile as an app an no as a nostub prgm and it worked perfectly  :banghead:
The problem is to code it is much more easier to be able to compile fastly your code w/o create an app, writing it and always defragmenting after seeing the code is buggy  :-\

Does anyone have encountered this bug or know how I can fix it ??? I can't continue coding with this issue  :(

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 05, 2010, 04:07:26 pm »
I'm trying to make the better game I can because it is Metroid ;D Maps will be as huge as possible keeping a good and coherant storyline :) You will see... ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: December 05, 2010, 11:26:20 am »
Hey ! I know this map !! It's yours ;) I will see when I will code the real map, not the test map :) I'm fixing some bugs on my room transition and I will work on the menu after that !! For ennemies, I've already fixed these following samus, but I wanted to do ennemies who walk around the room infinitly like them : or them . How can I do that without making my calculator exploding because of the amount of calculations  ???

And thanks to all of you for your support  :D

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