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Messages - Ti-DkS

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Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 26, 2010, 04:22:16 pm »
Good luck man ! Any problems/questions yet ?

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 26, 2010, 04:20:06 pm »
Yeah, and I hate rewriting again and again ;) There was too many bugs on my previous program but they are fixed yet. As I said it was the first time I done it and it is and will be the last I hope :)
Ps: I don't take care of my program size because for me, game beauty must be considered above size  (if it isn't too excessive regarding game quality) ;)

[FR] Hors-Sujet / Re: Recensement (Qui parle français?)
« on: November 26, 2010, 12:24:25 pm »
Moi je pense plutôt que c'est parce que omnimaga est la communauté native de l'axe.
C'est mon cas ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 25, 2010, 05:28:40 am »
It was the first time and it is probably the last I will do that ;) But the former version was too buggy to continue :(

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 24, 2010, 02:57:50 pm »
Then good luck in your learning ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:12:04 am »
@scout david : there are maybe easy to fix because it is possible to find bugs easyly but it takes a lot of time to fix them : they can demand you to rewrite all of your code :( (because of misplaced bytes for example) :)
@ Dj : don't worry, when I've rewritten my prog I fixed many of them ;)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:11:44 pm »
tile-reading lags, bullets not desappearing outside of the screen, collisions with nothing, walking through some walls, earthquakes dues to view calculation in some areas, doors coming from nothing (or from heaven), etc, etc ... ;D

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:44:00 am »
Also glad to see new progress on this project :D
Yes but it is currently a great code clearing and I'm fixing many bugs which aren't visible on the screenies, so I will post one when I will finish to fix all the issues, and when it will be anything new ;)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 22, 2010, 04:32:30 pm »
totally ;D and I've increased the falling speed, but gravity will come later ;) I'm working on hatches now !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 22, 2010, 04:24:32 pm »
@Ashbad_Alvin : that's true ;)
@DJ : all collision detection is done by the tilereading based method ;D there isn't any pxl-test in my code !!

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 22, 2010, 05:51:41 am »
It's what I do (2 groups and a backup on my laptop !) don't worry about that ;) (I've read your topic ;D )

¤ core : rewritten
Fixed :
¤ hatches displaying issue
¤ hatches collision bug
¤ left scrolling bug
¤ bullets desappearance issue
¤ tile detection issue
¤ ceiling collision bug
Added :
¤ kneeling dwn mode
Working on :
¤ hatches opening&room transition !

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:35:29 pm »
Yeah, it's the right syntax :) I've tried {}r function and it works ;)

¤ rewriting the core :)

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 21, 2010, 01:26:16 pm »
Good luck with Ti-Basic learning ;D It isn't so difficult, then if you are a little bit concentrated you can learn it quickly. The longer to have is experience I think ;)

Metroid: Chozo Mission / Re: Metroid Chozo Mission
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:01:50 am »
you can't sleep because I'm across the hall staring into your soul.
Maybe ;D

I will do dynamic lists but if I understand pointers, this example : X->{L1}r will allow me to use all X>255 (FF) and X<65025 (FFFF) ?

Axe / Re: (HELP) Ridley Bomber
« on: November 21, 2010, 03:51:08 am »
Yes but xLib is a good way to draw tilemaps or sprites easyly in Ti Basic, even if the app size is 16k, right ;) ? It is very useful !
Kanak, I advice you to try this because that library doesn't require any more skill to be used  (just knowing Ti-Basic :) )

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