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Topics - Ti-Programmer

Pages: [1]
Calculator C / Ndless SDK Setup Linux
« on: March 26, 2013, 04:47:36 pm »
Ok, so I made the decision to go ahead and start learning C for nspire, because I like c++. Yea, I know the two aren't so close, but some things carry from one to the other.
I've gotten the setup nailed down sortof, I've run into a problem though...

Code: [Select]
me@mygatewaylaptop-NV55S:~/nspiresdk/projects/helloworld$ make
nspire-gcc -Os -Wall -W -marm -I /home/myhome/nspiresdk/ndless/include/ -c hello.c
nspire-ld hello.o -o helloworld.elf
/bin/nspire-ld: line 54: cd: /bin/../system: No such file or directory
make: *** [helloworld.tns] Error 1

I went with the linking option, making links in /bin to point to the correct files, and nspire-gcc runs just fine. I do have the bin folder in my path now though, so I've got it dually covered. There is a /home/myhome/nspiresdk/ndless/system, there is no /system. Something might be wrong with the linked files, I might have to just remove them.

My makefile I stole from the samples given, here it is:

Code: [Select]
GCC = nspire-gcc
LD = nspire-ld
GCCFLAGS = -Os -Wall -W -marm -I /home/myhome/nspiresdk/ndless/include/
OBJCOPY := "$(shell which arm-elf-objcopy 2>/dev/null)"
ifeq (${OBJCOPY},"")
OBJCOPY := arm-none-eabi-objcopy
EXE = helloworld.tns
OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))
vpath %.tns $(DISTDIR)

all: $(EXE)

%.o: %.c
$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $<

$(EXE): $(OBJS)
$(LD) $^ -o $(@:.tns=.elf) $(LDFLAGS)
mkdir -p $(DISTDIR)
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $(@:.tns=.elf) $(DISTDIR)/$@

rm -f *.o *.elf
rm -f $(DISTDIR)/$(EXE)

and if you want source code, its really simple, I took the helloworld sample.

Code: [Select]
#include <os.h>
#include <nspireio2.h>

int main(void) {
nio_console csl;
// 53 columns, 29 rows. 0px offset for x/y. Background color 0 (black), foreground color 15 (white)
nio_InitConsole(&csl, 53, 29, 0, 0, 0, 15);
nio_printf(&csl, "hello world!");
return 0;

This is probably quite a simple solve, but I don't know my way around the nspire complier/linker yet.


If you're looking for a 24/7 server hosted and administered by a guy who loves minecraft as much as you do, you've come to the right place. Our staff is looking to provide you with an interestingly vanilla experience. Our server is a multiverse server with four main worlds--Survival, PvP, Adventure, and Beta. Descriptions for all worlds are provided in the server lobby.

A Few Rules:
  • Don’t be stupid/bigoted.
  • No cheating of any kind. This includes x-ray, flying, or any mod that gives you a pvp advantage.
  • No leaving random patches of water/lava on the map, 1x1 towers, nor obscene block art.
  • No racism, spamming, or excessive language. Fight with your sword, not with your mouth!
  • If we give you power, don’t abuse it. IF.
  • Respect the Admins, they are your superiors.
  • Admins abide by different rules--the will of the superadmins.
Age informtion:
  • If you are not at least 16 years of age, please do not join.
  • If you are suspected of lying about your age, you may be subjected to random verification over teamspeak 3. We are trying to create a mature playing environment, so we ask that you please be willing to comply if you really want to play here.
  • Excessive nagging, hideous spelling/grammar, or just all-around annoying behavior might put your age in question. Please use common sense, and remember you are supposed act like an adult.
  • Do not rage or throw the usual 12-year-old fits about losing all your stuff or being killed. Suck it up and move on.
  • We are all adults, but this is also a game and we like to have fun and joke around. You must be able to take jokes in chat, some fooling around, and adult subjects. We are not the chat police, if you don’t like someone's comments, use the /ignore feature.
Some Notes:
  • We use anti-xray to hide ore and chests from cheaters.
  • Damage to blocks by any kind of explosion (TnT, Creeper, etc) and fire spread are disabled; the world will regenerate itself.
  • We have in-game clans and a party system to facilitate cooperation and private chatting.
  • There is land protection/claiming on this server, we need to experiment with it before it is made available to the public. Raiding is allowed.
  • We have a very small and simple spawn lobby only meant for safe spawning.
  • Most maps’ difficulties are set to normal.
Server Hardware:
Intel i-7 870
16gb DDR3 Ram -- 10240MB (10GB) Dedicated
2TB Harddrive


Please note: Do NOT update your client right away when Mojang releases updates. We do NOT update to dev builds often. We need our plugins to work, and for that we must wait until all have updated to a stable version.

Also note: We recommend Misa’s Realistic Texture pack (http://www.minecraft...ated-11jan2013/). Our adventure map was crafted using this texture pack, so it captures our ideas best.

Not sure if its against the rules to post here. If it is, please remove this post or move it to off-topic please. Thanks!

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Ubuntu 11.04 + Ipod +Sync
« on: August 19, 2011, 08:59:16 pm »
I have Linux Ubuntu 11.04 :woot:
I've used it for about a couple months now, but i have been using linux for a while.
I have a question/problem.
Why does the iPod sync take forever on m4a files? (or now, its gotten to any file, i think.)
and does anyone else have to wait 7 hrs to sync ~300 songs?
and has anyone fixed this problem?

(Ubuntu 11.04, Ipod 2g 4.2.1, jailbroken)

Computer Usage and Setup Help / How to get tilp running
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:56:20 pm »
Hello, I recently tried to install tilp and it failed giving me an error "TICONV not found in pkg-config"

I've attached a textfile of the log...

SirCmpwn verified that I have all pakages installed over the internet, so how do I install tilp.

OS: Fedora 15 CD version not DVD
(i don't know how to attach a file...)

Introduce Yourself! / Hey, I'm Ti-Programmer
« on: July 13, 2011, 01:54:01 pm »
I'm Ti-Programmer,

I own a ti-84SE, ti-89, ti-86, and ti-Nspire + 84 keypad.
I know ti-basic, and multiple computer languages (mostly c++).
I was researching nspire lua and stumbled here, looked cool, and I joined.

And I mainly use Linux, though i also have windows.

and a question about this forum, do I have to post 40 to get sig ability? (I know this board doesn't count.)

Idk what else to put.

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