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Messages - TravisE

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News / Re: Casio Prizm - Color graphic calculator
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:11:19 pm »
The really old TI-83's actually used a physical Z80, coupled with some fancy memory mapping hardware to let it access all of it's "ROM". While this doesn't really apply to our example since the memory isn't Flash, the concept is similar. TI just found cheaper ways to implement these schemes. They kinda ... stuck with us.

I figure that this information is only valid for your good ol' Ti-73's, TI-83+/84+(SE)s and perhaps a select few other calculators. You'd have to ask around for how the Ti-89 calcs work, though I think they work in a similar way. The Nspire is completely different and ... well. I'm not the person to ask.

I don't know whether they used a physical Z80 or not, but the TI-85 and 86 also used similar paging schemes. The 85, IIRC, used paged ROM (RAM was just 32K and not paged), and the 86 used paged ROM and RAM. The 81, being the first TI graphing calculator and very primitive compared to its successors, had no paging at all—it was just straight 32K ROM + 8K RAM, IIRC.

I'm not for sure how the 68K calcs are mapped, but I believe that the whole memory map (RAM, ROM, and ports) is “flat” without paging since the address size is much larger. (At least, I didn't have to deal with bank switching when writing programs like Flash Archive Undelete, which scans the whole archive portion of flash, so that at least isn't bank-switched). Someone more knowledgeable would have to answer this for sure, though.

News / Re: Casio Prizm - Color graphic calculator
« on: October 11, 2010, 03:58:22 pm »
I don't think this calculator is very programmable.At least not for any big shot labor intensive programs or high quality games. Reasons:
1.Not enough memory(8MB)
2.Games won't be very fun on such a small screen. this applys for all calculators.

Both the memory and LCD specs already exceed many of the other graphing calculators out there now, and the existing calcs have some pretty fun games despite the hardware limitations (though this is a subjective thing that depends on one's opinion). I don't see this as necessarily being an indication that programmability won't very good. We'll just have to wait and see what the details are.

I don't think the screen size will be too much of a problem, either. If I understand correctly, it's even bigger than the original Nintendo Gameboy/Gameboy Color, and that didn't stop there from being lots of enjoyable (to me, at least) games for those platforms. Add in color, and the effective resolution is in some ways even higher since strategic use of color can create the illusion of there being more detail using fewer pixels. I feel, though, that graphics aren't everything when it comes to a fun game—the actual gameplay is what matters most.

61 KB RAM seems fairly low and may be a problem for highly advaced games, but that's assuming the unit really has that amount as an absolute maximum. It's possible that there may be additional “hidden” or system RAM that can be used, at least by ASM or apps (assuming they are supported).

News / Re: Casio Prizm - Color graphic calculator
« on: October 09, 2010, 11:41:46 pm »
I just noticed something: SIX SOFT KEYS!  Goodness me, S.A.D. would have been awesome for this.  That lack of a 6th soft-key on the Ti-83+ is really handicapping my soft-key menus.

I didn't notice that. So it's kind of like the HP calcs, which also have six soft keys.

One thing that would have been cool is if they had arranged the alpha keys like the HPs do, so that you can still enter numbers without switching out of alpha-lock.

News / Re: Casio Prizm - Color graphic calculator
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:22:29 pm »
Just wow. I've always heard people say that color on a calc is overkill, let alone full color, but it's hard to resist! I'd definitely want to keep an eye on what the development capabilities on this thing are. For me personally, that's the #1 criterion for choosing a handheld device.

TI Z80 / Re: Axe Cuberunner
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:14:47 pm » should be fixed now. Evidently a software update caused the HTML-updating service to somehow not restart automatically like it should have. :)

Other Calculators / Re: Best TI-89 (Titanium) Shell?
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:19:15 am »
My main “shell” that I've been using for the last several years is mainly just a combination of kbdprgms and a fairly simple TI-BASIC pop-up menu system that uses dialog boxes to configure the commands (TI-BASIC on the 68K has a function that can run strings containing TI-BASIC code in text form, which makes pure-BASIC shells on this platform a bit more useful than the ones on the Z80 calcs where the programs have to be manually edited). The drawback is that I have to add programs to the list manually, but I personally don't add new programs to my calc that often so it works fine for me.

If you don't mind using the Home Screen, another idea might be to use Complete, which adds auto-completion with pop-up menus, which makes typing out commands and folder/program names less tedious.

I still want to know what "line 1111 emulator" meant...
It's a common assembly error- I don't know what it actually means, though.

I think it's named after the 68K opcodes that start with the bits 1111. I've read that these were designed to be opcodes for a math coprocessor, but the 68K had a feature where, if no coprocessor was installed, the opcodes could instead automatically call OS functions that emulated the coprocessor in software. AMS doesn't use them for this purpose, so I think its handler simply triggers this error when such an opcode executes. (Incidentally, TIGCC/GCC4TI has an option that allows programs to use these so-called “F-line emulator” opcodes as a way to call subroutines and ROM calls using very small code, but at a sacrifice of some speed.)

Command Post Plus also has crash protection/recovery, though it's actually intended to be a development tool (it has a hex editor and some nice features that occasionally come in handy for C/ASM development).

Calculator C / Re: Issues with \0 character
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:31:03 pm »
My guess is that memcpy is smaller or faster in your program if you're absolutely sure that the source and destination regions to be copied will never overlap in memory (such as when you have two separate buffers for source and destination). If they can overlap (like when you insert/delete bytes in the same buffer and want to shift everything after up or down), then memmove should be used instead.

Calculator C / Re: Issues with \0 character
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:21:27 pm »
Yes, strncat assumes 00h is a terminator. It does take a length as a parameter, but this is only used to ensure that it doesn't overflow the destination buffer (it will just truncate the string if it would go over). memcpy should do what you want—copying the actual number of characters you pass to it without caring what they are. As mentioned, you'll need an extra variable of some sort to keep track of the actual size of the data in this case.

Miscellaneous / Re: Birthday Posts
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:58:46 pm »
Happy birthday to our dear file archiver TravisE!

Thanks, guys! (now that I finally managed to come across this thread :P)

Calculator C / Re: Issues with \0 character
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:50:52 pm »
I don't know what code you're using to write the arrays, but in C many of the string-manipulation library routines treat byte 00 as indicating the end of a string. If you're using any of those, you'll probably want to switch to using the functions that instead write x bytes instead of using \0 as a terminator.

TI-BASIC / Re: Why never to use Goto.
« on: August 14, 2010, 06:06:42 pm »
I also remember the days when I used to use Goto all the time. I also ended up having to figure out myself what was causing the TI-BASIC “memory” error on the Z80 calcs. What's ironic is that it actually had the reason listed right in my manuals where the error message was explained, but I ignored it because I misunderstood and thought it was wrong—I thought it meant that any time you use Goto in a loop, it would immediately give that error, which of course it doesn't. :P The fact that it has to be done repeatedly before that happens and the manual didn't make this fact clear caused it to be a long time before I finally figured it out.

This was also around my old DOS QBasic programming days, and I remember causing memory leaks at first by using Gotos in terrible places in my code on that platform, too. :D Later, I discovered how to add debugging code that would print the amount of memory remaining and was shocked watching it decrease steadily the whole time the program ran. In QBasic, it was rarely a real issue, though, because there's so much more memory available on a PC compared to a calc.

Over time, as I read programming books and experimented with different styles, I gradually used Goto less and less. These days, I pretty much never use it at all—it's become natural for me to write code without using it.

There is just one exception currently—in recent C programs (i.e., TIGCC) I do make very occasional use of Goto when dealing with dynamic memory allocation, which is otherwise a ridiculous pain when it comes time to properly free up that memory (especially on the 68K calcs, where nothing cleans up after you and the memory is lost forever until RAM is reset!). Without Goto, I would have to repeat the cleanup code many times everywhere, wasting space and giving countless opportunities for hard-to-reproduce bugs/memory leaks to hide (and making the code actually harder to read). In this particular case, I think Goto is okay because the alternative is far worse.

So I consider Goto as being kind of like alcohol. There's nothing wrong with it as long as you use it responsibly and don't get carried away.

General Calculator Help / Re: TI-89 language localization apps
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:47:58 pm »
I'm not sure if this would have any relation to the problem described in this thread, but I remember having some initial stability/lock-up problems with my TI-89 Titanium when I first bought it back around 2006–2007 or so, even before I even installed any of my own stuff on the calculator. Apparently, one or more of the preloaded flash apps must have been the culprit since these problems stopped as soon as I deleted most of them, and it never came back since (and I've used it regularly from that time all the way up to now).

I remember some crashes when deleting flash apps, but I think this was due to other factors which I don't remember clearly—maybe something like attempting to run TSRs without having the necessary patch installed or something.

As others said, if it doesn't act up anymore, it's probably nothing to worry about. Also, in my experience, it seems to be a good idea in general to only have loaded on the calculator what you actually plan to use (especially where things like flash apps and TSRs are concerned) to reduce the chances of weird conflicts and such problems.

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:37:34 am »
This program looks pretty cool. :) I've made a note to myself to take a closer look at it when I get a chance.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes (NSFW)
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:36:00 am »
This one gave me a laugh:

04 10:26:15  * ztrumpet wonders if Meishe has checked the games yet
04 10:26:45 < meishe91> Ya I have :P I couldn't really follow a lot of it. Granted I was really tired...but ya :P
04 10:26:47 <@ztrumpet> checked the code, that is =)
04 10:26:50 <@ztrumpet> =P
04 10:27:02 <@ztrumpet> Some of it is, well, just hard to read
04 10:27:11 <@ztrumpet> I reccommend Spike Doom first
04 10:27:17 <@ztrumpet> it's the easiest to read
04 10:27:31 <@OmnomIRC> <Art_of_camelot> THE GAMEs?
04 10:27:36 < meishe91> Ya, I think the hard part is that some commands you use I don't completely understand.
04 10:27:39 <@OmnomIRC> <Art_of_camelot> :p


04 16:21:04 <@DJ_Omni> [11:26:08] * @ztrumpet wonders if Meishe has checked the games yet
04 16:21:07 <@DJ_Omni> GODDAMNIT!
04 16:21:12 <@DJ_Omni> There's more than one, now?
04 16:21:23 <@DJ_Omni> how many times do I lose this time?

Other Calculators / Re: so will ti-cares care???
« on: August 02, 2010, 05:22:59 am »
I've found getkey useful many times for non-game programs that need a more advanced UI than just menus and input lines could provide. But it is interesting that the older Z80 calc manuals I have actually suggest video games as being an application for the getkey function.

Another thing I always thought was kind of funny was how the function reference in the back of my TI-89 manuals has an example for the NewFold command (which creates new folders) where it creates a new folder called ‘games’. :)

So TI was definitely aware of the idea of playing games on the calc and knowingly allowed it on all those models. But it seems that the Nspire is the one model that they don't want games and third-party programs to be available on.

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