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Messages - TravisE

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Miscellaneous / Re: A Formal Explanation for Today's Events
« on: June 19, 2010, 07:18:27 pm »
These kinds of issues truly are unfortunate due to the damage they do, especially since not everyone is apparently aware of anger's extremely scary habit of transforming people into who they aren't outside of their will. And thanks to human nature, this makes it almost natural to assume acts like these are being done intentionally out of malice.

And I'll also admit that it was tempting at first for me to feel the same way. In my case, though, given other things I had already seen plus personal experience (such as the fact that real-life situations aren't these nice, simple clear-cut “this is a good guy, this is a bad guy” kind of stuff that you see in cartoons and fairy tales), I remembered that I really needed to wait until I had a better idea of what was actually going on.

Unfortunately, I don't think much can be done about people who don't realize this (or worse, do and refuse to believe it). But what really counts in the end, I think, is that DJ Omnimaga does eventually recognize when he's gone over the line and goes back and tries to make things right and try to prevent similar occurrences, which is probably about the best anyone can really do in this situation.

I am finding that learning this is helping me handle these sorts of events much better since I've found that when they really do seem wrong or unreasonable, they're not actually meant and get worked out. So I no longer get as worried as before.

Other Calculators / Re: The return of my files on
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:37:29 pm »
Oops, sorry, I didn't even think about that. I think it's fixed now. Also, sorry I forgot to check back to this thread for so long. Looks like it's time for me to enable email notifications for replies now. :)

Miscellaneous / Re: Where Did Your Name Come From?
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:10:38 pm »
I've never been good at coming up with names, so my usernames are always based on my real name, usually first + last initial (like on this forum).

I would have done the same thing with my nick when I first came to EfNet last summer, but I thought of another idea with the username ‘mha’ that Magnus on always seemed to use. I figured that might have been first letter of first name + first two letters of last name, so I tried the same thing with my name and got ‘tev’, which I kind of liked, so I ended up sticking with that.

I didn't really do much prefixing in my Z80 days. One exception later on with the 85/86 was that I started naming subprograms beginning with Greek characters to keep them out of the way, at the end of the list. Other than that, I just gave them names related to what they were.

Other Calculators / Re: The return of my files on
« on: May 31, 2010, 07:48:28 pm »
News articles updated. Let me know if there are any errors. :)

TI Z80 / Re: TI-81 Linking
« on: May 31, 2010, 07:14:25 pm »
I think it all depends on how the circuit board is wired up. If the contacts where the link port have traces that are connected to the CPU in some way or another, then it's quite possible; otherwise, you're going to have to do some delicate electrical hacking to attach it to the CPU, if it's practical at all.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Real life: tool-assisted speedrun
« on: May 30, 2010, 03:27:29 pm »
It would be funny if someone did a more elaborate TAS IRL though and not in first person view so he can do stuff like going through walls and floors to parody tool-assisted speedruns :P

That's what I was thinking. Real-life “glitches” would be really interesting and fun to see. :D

Other Calculators / Re: The return of my files on
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:25:22 pm »
I can re-add the links to the files in the news articles (though it would help if someone could give me the URLs to all of the articles since I didn't keep track of them). I can't really re-add the “featured program” flag for now, though, because the interface just sets it to the current date and doesn't let me choose the proper one. I think I'd have to edit the database directly to change that, and I don't yet know how to do that (assuming I have access to do so).

TI Z80 / Re: Eat Nethams
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:19:21 pm »
It was fun seeing it in the queue. When I saw “”, I started laughing even before I looked at the file because I knew something was up when I saw the name. :D

Miscellaneous / Re: IRC Channel List
« on: May 28, 2010, 11:56:15 am »
Is #calcgames still active, btw?

Not really anymore. Whenever there is activity, it's usually just E-J using CalcBot to do calculations. :P

Miscellaneous / Re: Wow look those old Omnimaga pics I found :O
« on: April 30, 2010, 09:25:14 pm »
And I just found this again o.o

This was a newsletter Omnimaga had in June 2005, but the newsletter was discontinued after only one. I was interviewed in it :P

I'm getting a 404 on that link.

Miscellaneous / Re: English language reform
« on: April 30, 2010, 09:24:28 pm »
I always hated the spelling system. There's pretty much no logic to it, so in a way, it's kind of like writing systems like Chinese where you have to directly memorize thousands of combinations of symbols which are different for every word. The difference is that in English at least they can be built from a relatively small set of characters called letters. :P

A few other things I always wished we had:
* Separate words for “we”—one meaning “we including you” and the other for “we but not necessarily you”. (When I was younger I always hated hearing phrases like “we have to do this” or “we're going somewhere” and trying to figure out whether that meant I had to also or if that was just them.)
* A singular third-person pronoun for “he”, “she”, or “it”! Having to choose between something clumsy like  “he or she” or something grammatically incorrect like “they” is really getting tiring.
* Some kind of noun form for singular or plural so computer programs can stop doing stuff like “1 files” or “1 posts” or having to mess with “(s)” or having to add extra code to make the grammar right depending on the number.

But yeah, realistically, none of it is going to happen. :( I'm in the minority of people who don't mind (and even enjoy) learning a new system if we feel it's better. But most people don't want to have to relearn stuff when they already learned an existing system. The fact that English is so widespread nowadays makes it even harder. If the U.S. and Britain can't even agree on how to spell a lot of words already, how are you going to get everyone to agree on the details of a brand new system? ;)

It's still fun to talk about how the language could be improved, though.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: April 30, 2010, 08:17:10 pm »
Oh yeah, I think renaming a file on causes the number of downloads for that current week to be reset for whatever reason. I think that it says that somewhere in the FAQ, but I often forget about that myself.

When someone updates a file and wants it renamed, my usual procedure is to rename it, approve it, merge it with the old file that had the old filename, then manually mark it as an update. That's why it shows up as an update on the front page. (There's no way to automatically update and rename a file at the same time; it has to be done like that.)

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Ads for Internet Explorer users
« on: April 23, 2010, 06:47:56 am »
IE have the, somewhat stupid (although useful to fix its damn bugs) and probably proprietary, "conditional comments".

I think that's at least a lot better and more elegant than having to rely on IE-specific HTML/CSS parsing glitches, which is a hacky, fragile, and easily-broken way of handling the issues, though. If we ever move's HTML over to a more modern CSS/HTML setup we may have to end up using them to get it to work properly in all the IE browsers.

Normally, I feel that it's best to support all browsers equally whenever possible, but it's understandable that sometimes there are compromises that have to be made and it becomes too costly to support everything out there. If Omnimaga were a commercial business or something, it might make sense to support many versions of IE because that would avoid leaving out a significant number of customers, but obviously it isn't and, like, no one gets paid for the time and work they put into the site, let alone for supporting additional browsers. :P

I can sympathize with web developers when it comes to these compatibility issues. A little while after I was hired at, I (as an experiment) did a mock-up of the front page using external CSS and standards-compliant HTML which looked okay in Konqueror and Firefox. When another staff member tested the rendering of various versions of IE for me, it was clear that that will probably be the biggest challenge and possibly where a lot of the work will be spent if we ever tackle this project. And this was just straight HTML/CSS, without yet trying to implement any Javascript or dynamic-type stuff. But at least the conditional comments thing that even older versions of IE have will really help. (It's also unfortunate that the site wouldn't render as well in text-based browsers like Lynx as it does with the current table-based layout, even though they say you shouldn't use tables for laying out pages. However, it would at least be usable.)

Anyway, I think the best approach would be to go ahead and have the ad buttons somewhere on the page like DJ Omnimaga mentioned, maybe with a neutral message sort of like “Some parts of this site may not work properly in Internet Explorer. We recommend using [whatever]”. Having a redirection page or anything that might be considered intrusive would probably just invite complaints, but I don't think anyone being reasonable would have a problem with small ad buttons that don't get in the way.

OmnomIRC Development / Re: OmnomIRC
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:10:46 am »
LOL, OmnomnIRC is in the center of everything.

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