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Messages - TsukasaZX

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Humour and Jokes / Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
« on: May 06, 2011, 08:40:26 pm »
Originally, Chuck Norris was slated to appear in Mortal Kombat. Unfortunately, every time the user pressed any given button, all the Chuck Norris character did was roundhouse kick the opponent, never missing, and winning the entire match, regardless of health, round, or time. As such, the character was removed. Later, when asked about this bizarre bug, Norris replied "What bug?"

Why are we concerned about WMDs in other countries? Chuck Norris lives in America.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Chuck Norris Jokes
« on: May 06, 2011, 08:36:52 pm »
You can't get directions to Chuck Norris from Google Maps or any other map/directions service. You don't find Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris finds you.

Chuck Norris is why Waldo is hiding.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Chuck Norris knows.

When people go to bed, they check for the boogieman. When the boogieman goes to bed, he checks for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris's tears are theorized as being a panacea for all known illness and disease. Sadly, Chuck Norris doesn't cry.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: TIBiC/GO
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:58:19 am »
Due to the nature of TIBiC/GO, you're always able to do that. However, I still want default settings. More or less, I want standards that you abide by for things like GECGEAR or whatnot.

I dunno, I just think having some defaults to easily fall back on makes things easier for newbie programmers and would make it easier if I had TIBiC/GO contests or built GECGEAR.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: TIBiC/GO
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:49:46 am »

Legitimate TIBiC/GO library source code :P
Code: [Select]
void squirrel ( void )
char squirrel[] = "squirrel";
// Squirrel is now set to squirrel

Also, a friend of mine pointed out that window size should be larger because the pixels are somewhat .... smaller... on a computer than on a calc LCD. Should I increase the window size to some larger multiple of the 96x64 ratio or, for kicks, figure a way to use larger pixels? Or leave it alone?

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: TIBiC/GO
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:08:28 am »
Probably, yeah.

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 04:03:07 am »
Designing any sort of sequential logic circuit without use of state diagrams and the like? Madness! Utter madness! ... You'd make a great engineer because you are obviously the world's biggest masochist and/or the world's smartest engineer :P

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 04:01:44 am »
Er, I didn't use any of these

You're a maniac . _ .

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:55:27 am »
I didn't use state machines to design any of the circuits in that diagram, though ;)
Way too much work to draw out the transition table for such a complex device.

Eh wot? <translation: please clarify your post for I am confused>

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:47:52 am »
There's pretty much no practical application for it, except a general understanding of how computers work at their most basic level.

I guess that's a worthy reason but it's not exactly a marketable one unless you're going into microprocessor design for a career. Personally, if you want to just generally understand how computers work at their second-most basic level (most basic would be literally arrays of transistors), I'd suggest playing around with simpler sequential logic machines. Build a simple vending machine facsimile or a simple cruise control analogue. They're much, much less difficult in comparison and they teach the general concept of computers as state machines and how volatile memory works.

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:39:15 am »
I've spent less than five minutes debugging that microcode instruction ROM and it works perfectly...

I *did* spend an hour wiring it up, though.

You're either really good or really lucky or both. Fact of the matter is, it's still a pain in the butt. I've spent more time debugging simpler circuits. Furthermore, what's the practical application of creating a simulated schematic like that, anyway?

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:34:45 am »
For the record, I'd just like to state that I'm not trying to flame or troll or insult anybody. Rather, as an EE Major, I am compelled to ... emphasize certain things. If y'all want to build simple microprocessors at the gate level, be my guest. I warned you twice or thrice about how masochistically insane it can be. As Qwerty's brain-buster image so demonstrates, this stuff gets complex fast. The amount of time you'll spend debugging something like that will grow exponentially to the point you may as well call it outright impossible.

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:27:12 am »
Well, one thing to be gained by me is a grade :P

I also just posted this because multiple people have made posts describing gate level schematics.

Also, the image isn't part of the tutorial. That's much worse than what the actual tutorial CPU will be.

If your school project is to make an Electrical Engineering major have a cerebral infarction or an aneurysm-hemorrhage, then you get full credit plus some! X_x

I'm glad that image isn't part of the tutorial but still. Some things were never meant to be described on the gate level for reasons of sanity, time, space, and understanding.

Other / Re: How to: Design a microprocessor
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:18:38 am »
Seriously, people. Verilog.

What, exactly, is to be gained by having a gate-level schematic of a microprocessor? If that image is part of your tutorial, then you are far from keeping this tutorial simple. You are treading in a territory that electrical engineers have long forsaken and (I assume) have no intent of returning to.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: TIBiC/GO
« on: May 03, 2011, 02:46:16 am »
Err:Data Type
Err: Invalid Dim
Err: Break :P
There's more, but I can't think of any atm

Zero division and data type are something best left to the compiler/debugger I think.
Arrays of any sort don't really have maximum dimensions and always default to 1 element so there's really no such thing as an invalid dimension in C or TIBiC/GO.
Heh, break.

Really, the question would be more or less why bother? TIBiC/GO isn't a compiler. It's a library. You compile it with whatever your preferred compiler is (straight up GCC, minGW, Code::Blocks, MS Visual Studio, etc). Even if the library provided error detection, what exactly would you do once an error is detected?

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: TIBiC/GO
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:56:53 pm »
Well, yeah. This isn't Python. :P
But I think everything other than syntax errors should be recoverable

Define "everything other". I can't think of anything at the moment.

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