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Messages - Vogtinator

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TI-Nspire / Snow
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:29:32 pm »
I've been very busy lately but still wanted to do something calc and programming related, so I made this:

It's a bit hard to see, but it's snow falling down :crazy: (I should have made a .gif...)

Uses the native OS thread functions, so if it crashes, it's the OS :P
Only works on CX CAS 3.6, haven't included the syscall addresses for other versions.
To get rid of it, turn it off and on again, although it will leak memory if you do that. It's not in any way a clean implementation, but who cares..

TI-Nspire / Re: pyWrite - python script editor
« on: December 06, 2014, 02:16:52 pm »
Lepzulnag released "NoteWriter 2.0" (beta for now) which has python-related features :)

I suggested on the announcement topic that he and Vogtinator should combine the most interesting features from both in order to create the perfect editor - so far, both have unique features, it would be great to merge them ! :)
Yeah, although it's probably not easy to decide which codebase to keep, especially since his project is not open source which is a terrible decision.
Anyway, if and when aeTIos draws some nice graphics, pyWrite is definitely equal - if not better, the mouse is one of the most useful features - to NoteWriter.
I'm also working on getting FreeType to render the glyphs, but it probably to slow.

* He says it's buggy for now as MicroPython exists right after launching it, apparently.
Works for me, just the direct way with nl_exec without workarounds..

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:26:14 am »
It was possible to run most 3.1 programs on 3.6, but not to use ndless 3.6 on 3.1 OSs.

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:59:39 pm »
Despite my limited spare time, I had to try it and it was just a bit of copy & you can guess the rest :P
Tested on emulator CX CAS and 3.6.0.something, not on other models so it may even crash on startup which would be annoying.
The ndless_installer from 3.1 still has to be used. Tell me if it works, although some weirdness with lua and similiar things are expected.
You have to rename the file to ndless_resources.tns of course. Then reboot and you're good to go.
It doesn't support ndless 3.1 uninstallation!

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:09:56 am »
Well, the reason I don't use GDB is because it's not supported for the make-prg'd Zehn files (is that still true?)
Only on 3.1, if you use 3.6, you can debug all Zehn executables, even in PRG containers.

and I use 3.1 for testing stuff (because it's faster, especially with file transfers). If Zehn support is backported to 3.1, I'll probably use it.
It's not that hard, the easiest way is probably to make the ndless_resources from 3.6 backwards compatible for 3.1. Just a few lines, I'd imagine.

TI-Nspire / Re: - List of all native Nspire projects
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:28:41 pm »
Oh, so the (in)famous 502 from nginx is actually the same as a 500 from Apache?
The error message is a bit confusing..

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:30:44 am »
Is it better than nspire_emu's?
Depends on whether you like GDB better or the nspire_emu debugger better :)
I meant nspire_emu's GDB stub.

Host or device stack? Host wouldn't be so interesting, as the BSD api is already working. Or does the device side also require enumeration?
It's a device stack.
Then the source code would actually be quite interesting. Is it for CX, Classic or even both?

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: November 27, 2014, 06:34:48 am »
It's definitely possible to debug the calculator through serial. GDB has built in support for attaching to serial.
Yeah, as long as data can be sent and received, GDB supports it.

I actually wrote an implementation of the GDB server protocol for one of my projects with breakpoint support and everything. I'll post it up if I find it.
Is it better than nspire_emu's?

Incidentally, the project I used this in was in writing a minimal USB stack for the TI-Nspire - the lesson learned: it's hard. If anyone wants the full source code of the project (it's pretty much dead now), I'll be glad to post it. The USB stack has enumeration working but no actual transfer of data.
Host or device stack? Host wouldn't be so interesting, as the BSD api is already working. Or does the device side also require enumeration?

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: November 23, 2014, 04:11:58 pm »
That's the wrong side. libusb is for Host (PC) -> Device (nspire). What we're searching for is on the device side.

TI-Nspire / Re: GDB debugging on HW?
« on: November 23, 2014, 12:47:33 pm »
Yeah, a custom USB stack for device mode would be great, but much work. You can read to get an idea on how insanely much work that'd be.
It may be possible to adapt an existing stack though, for example from libraries for microcontrollers.

Try rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
* Sorunome runs
Try "kill -9 -1". Gives you a nice kernel panic! Or SysRq+C.
* Vogtinator runs away really quickly and hides
(Even if you're doing it in a VM, SysRq get executed by the host, so you'll crash your system  >:D )
Why do you ask if it's a VM ? This is something to try even on a dual-boot installation, or better, on a single-boot installation.
* Hayleia runs
Yeah, but don't run it as root. Instead, do
Code: [Select]
sudo chmod u+s `which rm` and you can execute rm -rf --no-preserve-root / safely as your user.  :devil:

Anyway, why not setup Xen inside your VM, install a PV VM in Xen and try LXC.

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:53:39 pm »
It doesn't emulate at all. It's a port of the calc's engine to the pc. That's why for instance ndless_installer_3.6 crashes the PC software as well.

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:48:07 pm »
Oops, of course, operation not emulation.
So if the { key is pressed, it triggers Ctrl and then the ( key on the calc?

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:39:07 pm »
That could work, what do you mean by normal keyboard emulation?

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:30:30 pm »
I've been touching the keymap because I wasn't able to use the calculator at all. I could add the remaining keys to the map if you want me to. What do you suggest for the special keys? F1-F12? Alt? Ctrl? ...
That's the problem. What about "easy", "normal" keys like (?
You can't assign it to "(" on the keyboard as it's Shift-8. (or Shift-9 for qwerty) and that means shift is active.
Maybe distinguish between left and right shift?

Qt::Key_Question among others is working for me...  :)
Of course, shift isn't implemented yet.

It would be very nice to detect mouse over the Lcd widget and send it to the emulator...
That's working already (LMB: touch, RMB: click), if you try pyWrite or crafti. Only the OS doesn't like it.
I'm not sure on how to investigate this... Any clue?
Right click the right edge in the center and the cursor moves.

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